Chapter 719 Battle
  Soon Luo Yuan came out of the Hunyuan Secret World, and he found that most of the outsiders who came to adventure in this secret world had already left. This also let Luo Yuan know how long he had been practicing in this secret world. It is indeed very long, and has even exceeded the maximum time limit that outsiders can venture there.

If it weren't for Luo Yuan going to the Supreme Temple to accept the test and passing through various levels in a row, then Luo Yuan wouldn't have been able to practice in it for such a long time. Maybe he would have been defeated by the power of rules in this secret world. It was moved outside.

After all, all outsiders who come to adventure in the world of Hunyuan Secret Realm have time limits, but this time Luo Yuan can be said to have become the biggest gainer, especially since he also got a piece of Hunyuan in this Hunyuan Secret Realm. The Supreme Temple, a powerful lord-level treasure, even received a complete Chaotic Lord-level inheritance, and also received a large amount of training resources from high-level officials in the small world.

Luo Yuan dared to say that no outside adventurer could have such rich experiences as him, and Luo Yuan had only entered once and obtained the most valuable treasure, which meant that he did not need to enter it again in the future. , but Luo Yuan immediately took out his Star Tower and quickly rushed to the secret realm of flames he controlled.

Luo Yuan can guess that something must have happened in the entire Origin Continent that surprised them all. For example, those strong people on the entire Origin Continent may have fought with strong people in other Origin Worlds, so now the entire Origin Continent has The mainland has become very dangerous, so Luo Yuan needs to go back quickly to control all the forces he has established.

However, in order to strengthen the connection between the secret world under his control and the Kingdom of God, Luo Yuan established a transmission channel between them, so Luo Yuan only needed to return to the secret world of flames to immediately know what was going on now. News about specific things happening on the Origin Continent.

There was no need for him to pay attention and inquire about the source of these things now. After all, he did not have such time, and he did not want to put himself in danger. A month passed quickly, and Luo Yuan finally returned to the Secret Realm of Fire as quickly as possible. world, and then he met all the powerful people from the human race that he had transferred to before, including relatives and friends he knew, such as the Lord of Chaos City, or his confidante.

In order to ensure that Luo Yuan can practice outside with more peace of mind, Luo Yuan will place an incarnation of divine power in places that he considers to be very important. The advantage of this is that no matter how far away he is, he can contact the deity immediately and then send the news back. , so Luo Yuan's experience in the Hunyuan Secret Realm, whether it is the strong man in the secret realm he controls or the mountain guest in the Kingdom of God, they all know Luo Yuan's specific situation.

However, what Luo Yuan did not expect was that it took him such a long time to venture into the Hunyuan Secret Realm this time, because several reincarnation eras had passed in the blink of an eye, and Luo Yuan discovered that in this secret realm world, already Earth-shaking changes have taken place, generally for the better, that is, the human race here has become a lot stronger, and has established a very prosperous and powerful civilization system.

Moreover, Luo Yuan found that the number of strong human beings was also constantly increasing. This was because Luo Yuan had already left a large amount of cultivation resources, and in addition, this played a great role in understanding the law from space, so the increase Its realm will also be much easier.

If you want to break through and become a true god level powerhouse in the cosmic sea, it is more difficult, but in this secret realm of fire, it is very easy to become a true god. At least the human race powerhouses that Luo Yuan is familiar with have already Reaching a realm above the God of the Void, especially the Lord of Chaos City, has actually become an eternal true god.

Although no one at the level of God King has been born among these powerful humans, Luo Yuan believes that it is only a matter of time, because he also knows very well that it is very difficult to become a God King. , after all, the number of God Kings on the Origin Continent is not large.

Now the human race from the earth has a super powerful god-king like Luo Yuan. It can be said that it can be regarded as a very powerful force on the entire continent of origin, but Luo Yuan does not intend to let the human race Now appear directly in front of other forces.

Because now there is only one real strong person in the Hunyuan World, Luo Yuan. As for the other strong human beings who have not grown up yet, if other forces find out, then Luo Yuan will probably use various methods to send these people. If strong human beings go out to fight those dangerous outside strongmen, they will eventually lose a lot, but Luo Yuan is absolutely unwilling for such a thing to happen.

Soon Luo Yuan received the news from the Kingdom of Gods, which was about the current specific situation on the entire Origin Continent. As expected, during the process of his cultivation, the overlap between other Origin Worlds and the Origin Continent, then This means that the strong men in the two worlds will fight fiercely to compete for status and resources. However, what makes Luo Yuan feel a little speechless is that the strength of the strong men on the Origin Continent is actually stronger than the strong men in the other Origin World. Much weaker.

So so far, the entire Origin Continent is at a disadvantage. After all, the places where the real strong people gather on the Origin Continent are still in the secret realms, among which the Hunyuan Secret Realm is the strongest. As for the kingdoms of gods outside the secret realms, Among the strong, their strength is generally weak.

This is because they spend most of their time suppressing the forces they control, so they obtain cultivation resources through various methods to improve their realm and strength. There are also many powerful God Kings who have reached the level of God. After entering the King Realm, they began to enjoy themselves and did not have the belief to continue to improve their strength, so this resulted in their strength always being at a relatively low level, and the gap between them and the strong men in the secret world became wider and wider.

As for the strong men in the Origin World that overlap with the Origin Continent, they are generally very strong, and each of them has a very strong sense of combat and experience, especially in cultivation, which means that they are very hardworking. After starting to choose to explore the situation on the Origin Continent, he directly chose to attack the weak kingdoms of God outside.

This allowed the strong men from other source worlds to quickly occupy a very vast territory on the Origin Continent, and they used this as a springboard to continuously increase their strength, and eventually began to sweep the entire Origin Continent. In this case, those secret worlds The strong ones among them will definitely not be able to sit still.

Because they know very well that if the Origin Continent is really occupied by them, their secret world will definitely be cleared out by the powerful outsiders. Because they are a threat to the powerful outsiders, they were still waiting and watching. The strong men in the secret world took action immediately.

And they joined forces with each other to fight against the attacks of the powerful outsiders, so that they could temporarily form a strong defense force, and the confrontation with the powerful outsiders prevented the powerful outsiders from occupying the entire Origin Continent so quickly. However, Luo Yuan noticed that even if the strong men in the secret world joined forces, they would still be at a disadvantage in the end.

They only delayed the process of the powerful outsiders occupying the Origin Continent, but did not completely resist them, or even defeat them in turn. Therefore, Luo Yuan believed that the rules in the Hunyuan Secret Realm would definitely continue to weaken and eventually disappear. That's when the superpowers in the small world appear.

They will definitely continue to attack in order to resist the strong outsiders, but if they finally drive away the strong outsiders, they will re-establish the pattern of the entire Origin Continent and establish a new hierarchy. Under this situation, those powerful people in the small world can occupy huge territories and resources. Luo Yuan feels that he has a chance to take action. After all, he also wants to take this opportunity to expand what he has now. The power of the powerful people in the secret world and the Kingdom of God that Luo Yuan currently controls is still too weak to participate in this situation involving a war between the two source worlds.

However, this time Luo Yuan obtained a lot of cultivation resources in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm, which can speed up the cultivation speed of the strong ones among the forces under his control. Moreover, he knew that the war between the two source worlds would last longer. Basically, The world uses the era of reincarnation as a unit of measurement, so it is impossible for them to end so soon.

Moreover, the battle between the two forces has just begun and has not reached its peak level. If he rushes out to fight, it will only consume a lot of his strength, so there is no need to do so. It just so happens that Luo Yuan still controls the forces. They haven't grown up, so he can wait for a while and wait until they are completely ready before taking action.

So there are only two things Luo Yuan has to do next. One is to continue to collect the battle situation on the Origin Continent, and the other is to concentrate training resources and cultivate more powerful subordinates. He cannot do everything by himself. , otherwise it would be meaningless for him to establish such a powerful force.

Although the strong men Luo Yuan currently controls are not very strong, their growth talents are also very good. Coupled with the large amount of training resources he brought back this time, they can also increase their strength to a very high level. level, and the Hunyuan Lord level inheritance that Luo Yuan obtained this time also needs time to digest and integrate it into his own cultivation system. He also needs to refer to and learn from it before refining and supplementing his own secret cultivation method.

If it were all this, Luo Yuan might have some worries when encountering a battle between two source worlds, but now he not only has strong strength, but also has the Supreme Temple at the Chaotic Source Lord level, so he doesn't need to worry at all. For his own safety, even if the entire Origin Continent is defeated by other Origin Worlds in the end, he can still collect all the powerful people he cares about and care about into the Supreme Temple and take them with him. Leave this source world.

Although Luo Yuan has not yet broken through to the Chaotic Source level, the Supreme Temple he owns has the power to break the constraints of the rules of the Source World and thus have the ability to travel through the multiverse. Especially Luo Yuan, who has mastered Chaos. The original power and raising it to perfection gave him the energy to drive the Supreme Temple.

Therefore, Luo Yuan has more initiative than other powerful God Kings and is very free. However, he will not be able to enter the infinite Chaotic Source space until he breaks through and becomes a Chaotic Source level strongman. However, Luo Yuan believes that as long as he is given enough It's only a matter of time before he breaks through and becomes a Hunyuan-level powerhouse.

In addition, the Supreme Temple is very powerful as the supreme treasure of the Hunyuan Lord level, especially since he has now become the inheritor of a Yuan. Then the Hunyuan level managers in other source worlds will also treat him With all the perks.

Luo Yuan knew that basically every source world had Hunyuan-level powerhouses managing them behind the scenes, and observing them would not interfere in the battle between the two sides, because they only needed to cultivate new Hunyuan-level powerhouses. That's okay, so under certain circumstances they will not allow a strong God King whose strength has not broken through to the Hunyuan level to leave the source world where he is located without authorization.

Moreover, God King level powerhouses do not have the ability to leave the source world. After all, there are multiple universes outside the universe, and the environment in them can only be survived by Hunyuan level powerhouses.

Therefore, those Hunyuan level powerhouses are not worried about God King level powerhouses being able to escape their control, but Luo Yuan is an exception, because although he has not truly broken through to become a Hunyuan level powerhouse, Luo Yuan has The level of the Supreme Temple is so high that it can completely get rid of such restrictions.

Moreover, these Hunyuan-level managers did not dare to underestimate Luo Yuan. If Luo Yuan wanted to leave the Origin Continent, the managers who controlled the Origin Continent could only watch Luo Yuan leave without intervening.

Just when Luo Yuan was vigorously cultivating his powerful subordinates, something that surprised Luo Yuan was that there was a third origin world that overlapped with the current origin continent. In other words, there were already two origin worlds so far. There is a conflict between the world and the continent of origin.

The original battle between the two sides was already very cruel. Now that a third party has joined in, the entire battle field has been further enlarged. Luo Yuan feels very chaotic. Finally, the strong men in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm of the Supreme Temple, They had to appear in the end because the power of rules in their place had completely disappeared, so the powerful people in the small world knew that they could not continue to watch indifferently, and could only actively participate in the resistance, otherwise the end of their fall would be waiting for them.

In any world, those who have a large amount of cultivation resources and status are the most powerful beings. Once they are attacked by the outside world, they will definitely be the targets to be dealt with. After all, they have the most resources, and the only strong ones outside are Only by destroying them can we obtain the treasures they possess, and in this way can we master the world they live in as soon as possible.

This is a very obvious thing, but for those weak and weak beings, they will inevitably be spared in such a battle. However, now no force is paying attention to these weak and powerful beings and ethnic groups. This can only be said to be A catastrophe involving three source worlds. ,

If you can't fight, you can only wait for the strong men from other source worlds to come. This will extend the war to the source world where they are, so the result is that all three source worlds will participate. In the end, the battlefield was chosen on the Origin Continent. This was also because the powerful people on the Origin Continent were the weakest. They had no choice but to resist.

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(End of this chapter)

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