Chapter 722 Preparation
  Therefore, the reason why strong men in different universes fight is not only to control the world owned by the other party and obtain more cultivation resources and population, but also to spread the cultivation system in their own universe to other universes. , because only in this way can the strong men in other universes truly form the same civilization system as them, and finally achieve perfect integration.

The best way to conquer a civilization is to completely destroy it and integrate it into a new civilization. Only then can it be merged. This is the most thorough and smartest way to control it. If it is suppressed only by strong force, then it will be possible to merge it. The biggest contradiction cannot be solved by asking the strong men in other universes to obey their orders.

Because as long as the strong men in other universes do not disappear completely, especially if their civilization systems still exist, it means that they have the belief and will to constantly resist, so once a conflict between civilizations occurs, it will definitely be very fierce. The final battles in the universe are rare and commonplace. Of course, the only people who can access this level are those very powerful Chaotic Source level experts in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space.

As for those source worlds, they are just the cradle for cultivating powerful people at Chaotic Source level. Therefore, all the powerful people living in the source world cannot truly come into contact with the core truth of the universe, especially those at the God King level. Strong people, they feel that they are already at the pinnacle level of the universe.

Therefore, many god kings will basically be satisfied with their current situation and dominate the kingdom of gods they created. If they are a bit ambitious god kings, they will try their best to occupy the nearby kingdom of gods. , to develop the territory under their control.

Especially those strong men who have just broken through and become the realm of God Kings. If they want to create their own Kingdom of Gods, they must eliminate other strong God Kings through fighting in order to control their territory, and thus become the superior God Kings. By.

The reason for this situation is that the powerful God Kings on the Origin Continent have occupied most of the area and established their own Kingdom of Gods during the long years of accumulation. Therefore, those who later broke through and became The strong ones in the realm of God Kings no longer have any extra territory for them to establish the Kingdom of God. If they want to achieve their goals, they must eliminate the existing weak Kingdoms of God.

On the continent of origin, it often happens that the kingdom of gods is destroyed and then a new kingdom of gods is re-established. This can be said to be a normal state and a result of the influence of the rules of survival of the fittest. No matter what the situation is, If the Kingdom of God wants to maintain its territory, power and superior status, it must continue to become stronger. If there is a trend of weakness, it will be targeted by other Kingdoms of God and eventually become dust in history.

For example, the Jin Kingdom originally created by Sishanke had this result. Of course, another very important reason for this is that Sishanke is a master of weapon refining. He himself is not very good at fighting, but after the continent of origin, In the end, what decided everything was his own powerful strength.

Therefore, in the process of cultivation, Luo Yuan did not care much about other auxiliary abilities, because as long as he was strong enough and the power he controlled was strong enough, he could recruit more talents of different types for himself, so When the time comes, Luo Yuan will not be short of various auxiliary talents in terms of weapon refining and magic formations, and they can also save him a lot of time, because he does not want to put his training time on these external objects.

But now, with the overlap between other source worlds and the Origin Continent, the Origin Continent has immediately turned into a three-party battlefield. Therefore, the creatures in the Kingdom of God appearing outside have suffered huge losses. It can be said that the lives of the creatures have been devastated. It is not too much at all, this also makes those weak god kingdoms continue to be wiped out.

At the same time, it is also a wake-up call to all the powerful people on the Origin Continent, letting them understand the truth that they must never be satisfied with the status quo. They must continue to practice and improve their strength, so that they can have the ability to fight when facing world crises, and Not facing the siege of strong men, without any resistance, they can only disappear in the long river of time.

Fortunately, the Kingdom of Gods established by Luo Yuan is in the core area of ​​the Origin Continent, so the God-Kings in the surrounding kingdoms are basically very powerful beings. The strong men in other Origin Worlds cannot be so quick. After reaching this point, Luo Yuan will have the opportunity and time to accumulate strength.

But this time is indeed needed now, because he cannot predict what will happen in the future, especially the strength of the strong men in the other two source worlds is far greater than that of the strong men on the origin continent, which makes Luo Yuan feel a little pressure. .

Therefore, Luo Yuan wants to increase his strength as much as possible during this period of time, and at the same time, continue to grow the forces he has established, so that they have the ability to protect themselves. If he fully considers resisting alone, then he will not be able to do so. It is necessary to waste time here, because if Luo Yuan wants to leave here and hide alone, he believes that no strong person can find him. Even strong people from other source worlds cannot really cause harm to him.

Because Luo Yuan has not only reached the peak level of the source world in terms of realm and strength, but also has a supreme temple at the Hunyuan Lord level, so Luo Yuan can be said to have been invincible for a long time, but This does not mean that he can in turn eliminate all the powerful people in the other two source worlds. He does not yet have such ability, he is just in passive defense.

And if the Origin Continent is really occupied by the other two Origin Worlds, it will be very disadvantageous for Luo Yuan, because he does not want to be besieged by two strong men from different civilization systems, and Luo Yuan cannot change his own Training system.

Luo Yuan has now obtained the inheritance of the Hunyuan Lord level, so he can guarantee that there will be no severance problems in his subsequent cultivation, so he does not want to fall short at this time, because the final result of converting the civilization system is equivalent to Giving up the results of his long-term cultivation is something that no strong person can accept. Naturally, Luo Yuan doesn't want to do this, so he still hopes that the strong people on the Origin Continent can finally win.

Since the strong men in the other two source worlds can reach all the way to the Origin Continent, this means that the controllers of these three source worlds, who are the Hunyuan-level strongmen who control the behind-the-scenes, cannot interfere with them inside the source worlds. The struggle between them, maybe now they are observing the behavior of all the strong men on their side from a third-person perspective, as if they are watching a big drama.

Therefore, if the strong men on the Origin Continent want to solve this crisis, they can only rely on themselves. So now, whether it is the strong men in the hidden secret world or the invincible strong men living in the small world of Chaotic Source Secret Realm, , they all came out one after another to go to the front line to resist the strong men in other source worlds.

They know very well that if they don't take action, they will not get any benefits in the end, and once the war spreads to the secret world where they are, the damage to them will be unimaginable, but this does not mean that all strong people are willing Take action, especially those strong men who want to preserve their strength. They actually choose to wait and see at this moment.

Because for these strong men, they know very well that if they want to fight with the strong men in other source worlds, they will definitely lose a large number of warriors. This is very detrimental to their forces, and it also allows those powerful forces to take action against those Strong foreign powers, and finally those forces that have preserved their strength, can also take the opportunity to occupy a large amount of territory and resources and rise. But the problem is that these strong men did not think that if the powerful forces charging at the front failed in the end, then how could these weak forces withstand the attacks of strong outsiders, and they would all be wiped out in the end? It is completely exhausted, and even civilization cannot continue.

However, Luo Yuan is different from them, because he is only powerful individually, but the force he created now has not existed for a relatively short time, so it has not yet been able to form a strong force, nor can it give more to other forces on the Origin Continent. s help.

So he simply sent the talented and powerful people with good strength among the forces under his control to go out to fight with the powerful people in other source worlds. The purpose of this was just to give them the opportunity to train themselves, but if they once If he finds that he cannot resist, he will directly choose to escape and return to the secret world. Therefore, Luo Yuan is equivalent to using the strong men in other source worlds as tools to train the strong ones in his power.

Luo Yuan would not be willing to let the force he finally created be exhausted in the battle with the strong men from the outside world. This would mean nothing to him, and what Luo Yuan needs most now are those with extremely high talents and Potential experts can take advantage of this opportunity to truly grow up while standing out, and those talented experts with the best performance will become the team that Luo Yuan brings to the infinite space to establish power.

As Luo Yuan started taking action, the talented and powerful people among the forces under his control gradually realized the purpose of Luo Yuan's orders. They knew very well that Luo Yuan, as the highest controller, could not issue some orders without any reason. And there are a lot of very good cultivation resources provided to allow them to improve their realm and strength.

In particular, Luo Yuan emphasized one point very much, that is, if these geniuses do not choose to resist when they encounter danger, they must evacuate quickly. The purpose of their going to the front line to fight is not to help other forces resist the attacks of powerful outsiders, but just to improve themselves. own actual combat strength, then these geniuses will guess Luo Yuan's intention of doing this. The only explanation is that Luo Yuan is probably to create a more powerful team, that is, the future management.

Of course, they can only make such a judgment, because they have no way of knowing that Luo Yuan is now very close to breaking through and becoming a Hunyuan level powerhouse, and as long as Luo Yuan can break through, if he brings these selected The talented man goes to the infinite Chaotic Source space.

Then it will be easier for these geniuses to improve their realm. It is very difficult to break through and become a Hunyuan level powerhouse in the source world, but it can be done in the infinite Hunyuan space, at least with a probability Far more than the source world.

But the question is why those Hunyuan-level experts in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space still let the strong ones in the Source World continue to practice there, and have no intention of letting them go to the Infinite Chaotic Source Space. After all, practicing in that way will increase the speed faster. Be faster.

This is because although the infinite Chaotic Source space is very wide, the space territory it possesses is still limited and cannot accommodate all the strong men from the source world. Therefore, in the end, it can only allow these strong men from the source world to continue to fight and practice. In the process, more powerful talents and potentials are revealed. After finally breaking through and reaching the Chaotic Source realm, they are qualified to go to the infinite Chaotic Source space to further improve their strength.

Moreover, the resources in the infinite Hunyuan space cannot provide so many powerful people for training, so in this case, there will be no Hunyuan level powerhouses who are willing to pay the price to train these people who don’t know what will happen in the future. A strong person, according to the rules in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space, after breaking through to become a Chaotic Source level strong person, is not qualified to lead other strong people to practice there, but Luo Yuan is not within the restricted scope.

This is because Luo Yuan has now become the direct disciple of Hunyuan Lord Yuan and the only successor. Therefore, Luo Yuan's status is actually equivalent to the world-class Hunyuan level powerhouse.

Therefore, Luo Yuan has the authority to lead the talented and powerful people in his own force to practice in the Infinite Chaotic Source Space and form his own force, but the problem is that there is a limit to the number of powerful people he can bring, so he must pass The test is to select the best geniuses and strong men from the forces under their control.

Moreover, Luo Yuan's final target must have the talent and potential to become a Chaotic Source level powerhouse. Otherwise, taking them to the Infinite Chaotic Source Space would be a complete waste of quota, and it would not be a good thing for them. , because when a group of sheep lives in an area full of tigers, they cannot really survive in the end.

Luo Yuan doesn't want to waste his time protecting these talented people he brought here, because in the final analysis, the choices Luo Yuan makes are for his own future interests, so anything that has no effect on him will also There is no value in being cultivated by him.

However, Luo Yuan does not want to practice for such a long time and end up making wedding clothes for others, so all the secret techniques he practices now are created by himself through the inheritance of other powerful people, at least in terms of core origin. It is definitely something he can control, so he doesn't have to worry about other strong people being able to control him. As long as he has enough strength, he can resist any risk.

Luo Yuan's cultivation process has now begun to become simpler than before. This is because he has reached the peak level of the source world, and is now only one step away from breaking through to become a Hunyuan level powerhouse. The only drawback is that he has to Only when the power of the source of chaos reaches its limit can one consider directly breaking through to become a Chaotic Source level powerhouse. Only in this way can one have a stronger foundation.

If Luo Yuan can do it, then once he breaks through and becomes a Hunyuan level powerhouse, he will directly have the strength of a high Hunyuan level powerhouse. When Luo Yuan goes to the infinite Hunyuan space, he will also be able to gain With the attention and key training of other high-level forces, he can also achieve the corresponding status, which will also give him time to continue to improve his strength.

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(End of this chapter)

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