Chapter 725 System Integration
  As the small worlds in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm continued to send powerful god-king level warriors to form legions, and then began the process of counterattacking those powerful warriors from the outside world, originally the powerful warriors from the other two source worlds had already attacked within a distance of The source is located very close to the Flame Secret Realm.

Luo Yuan is currently fighting with these outside powerhouses. Although for Luo Yuan, he knows very well that he only needs to resist for a period of time before he can evacuate safely when the God King's army from the Chaotic Source Secret Realm arrives, but this does not mean that he can safely evacuate. It doesn't mean that he doesn't pose any threat, because the strength of the outside powerhouses sent here has basically reached the peak god-king level, and there are still a lot of them.

No matter how powerful Luo Yuan is, there are too many God King warriors who come to besiege him. In addition, these warriors are relatively united, and now they have formed a very powerful fighting force, especially when they can sometimes jointly perform some The powerful secret method is also quite threatening to Luo Yuan.

If it were another powerful God King, he probably wouldn't be able to hold on for long, and would be directly besieged by so many powerful people. After consuming all the original energy he possesses, he would fall directly on the spot, but whether Luo Yuan was The energy reserves, powerful treasures and strength he possesses have all reached the peak level of the source world.

So once he really started fighting, he displayed very powerful strength, which shocked the two strong men from the source world, because they had never encountered a warrior as powerful as Luo Yuan all the way. After all, Now basically Luo Yuan alone can rival a large number of main legions, and they are basically legions formed by God King level powerhouses.

Although the local strong men who were resisting there were thousands of God King strong men who were still alive in addition to Luo Yuan, none of them seemed to be able to fight with ease like Luo Yuan. The other strong men were now fighting with them. It is better to say that it is a confrontation than an attempt to delay time.

Because they also sensed that a very powerful aura was approaching from the Chaotic Source Secret Realm, they were able to resist until now, because they knew that as long as they persisted until those powerful legions came here, they would be able to survive. hope.

You must know that there are so many lives on the Origin Continent, including those powerful experts, but most of them have been lost in a short period of time. Now only the most powerful Lost God King can survive. From here you can see how cruel the previous battle was.

Moreover, the two strong men in the source world have already made plans to wipe out all the local strong men. Therefore, under this situation, it is not easy for these strong men to persist until now. If they are not strong, If the support force helps them solve the current crisis, then they may not even have the confidence to continue to resist.

Moreover, Luo Yuan knew very well that on the Origin Continent, although the real core of power was in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm, there were also many powerful people in the secret realm worlds that were closer to the Chaotic Source Secret Realm, especially there were many A God-King strongman with less peak level and dominance level.

If they gather together, the number will definitely reach tens of thousands, which can be a very powerful force, but so far they have not been seen, indicating that they have fallen in the process of resistance before, so from now on It can be seen that the other two strong men from the source world have paid an unknown price in order to reach their current position, and how many powerful warriors have fallen.

So when Luo Yuan appeared, the pressure on the thousands of powerful God Kings who originally felt a little difficult to hold on was greatly reduced, because Luo Yuan's combat effectiveness after joining the battle was comparable to that of a powerful God King. Legion, especially Luo Yuan, who has always been able to maintain the peak combat effectiveness, and sometimes summons the Supreme Temple to form various types of treasure attacks.

The other two powerful people in the source world were also extremely shocked. Many of their powerful god-king level experts fell into Luo Yuan's hands. Even those god-king level experts were incompetent in front of Luo Yuan. It is difficult to withstand one and a half moves, and only those who have reached the peak god king level can barely resist, and will not be immediately wiped out by Luo Yuan in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, Luo Yuan's combat experience was also improving rapidly during the battle, especially after he had obtained the complete Hunyuan Territory Level inheritance. After a period of understanding, he had mastered many of the powerful secret techniques. He has learned them all, but he has no chance of actual combat. He can use them while fighting against these powerful outsiders to observe the flaws in certain aspects of these secret techniques or to improve their level.

If many secret techniques of combat cannot be applied to actual combat, then it is absolutely impossible to practice them behind closed doors, because such practice is very slow and does not have much practical significance. Only after a real life-and-death battle can you gain more knowledge. Fighting insights.

This is also a very important reason why Luo Yuan chose to appear here alone to fight with the strong men from the outside world. Of course, as a strong man on the Origin Continent, he could not just look at these extremely powerful people in front of him. The few local strong men who survived eventually all fell, because this was a huge loss to the Origin Continent.

Even though these strong men have nothing to do with him, Luo Yuan also observed during the battle that these strong men did not have much selfishness when fighting. They were really just transferring the weak creatures from other forces in the Origin Continent. resistance.

That's why Luo Yuan chose to take action for various reasons, and during the battle, he gradually felt that the strong men in the two different origin worlds had completely different fighting systems from the continent of origin where he was now. Differently, if you look at the fighting methods of various civilization systems that Luo Yuan knows, Luo Yuan can find that one of the two different worlds is the civilization of immortality, and the other is the so-called fantasy civilization.

They all have their own unique fighting styles and methods, but their power is no weaker than the warrior power system on the Origin Continent.

Moreover, the fighting method of the fantasy system is somewhat similar to the martial arts system that Luo Yuan is currently practicing, but there are great differences in the specific realm divisions and various abilities, so Luo Yuan can also feel it during the battle. What kind of powerful power can these two different civilization systems have.

For Luo Yuan, he never felt that the so-called different combat civilization systems would affect his future path forward, because as long as the powerful body penetrates the Hunyuan level, these combat systems will basically not limit their development. Obstacles, on the contrary, allow them to understand different cultivation methods and finally climb to a higher realm.

Therefore, Luo Yuan is also very interested in the cultivation methods of other civilizations, because he feels that he can integrate other cultivation methods into his own secret method, so that he can make up for many shortcomings and make himself stronger.

But he also knows very well that if the continent of origin where he is located is occupied by other civilization systems, then all the local strong men will probably be required to transfer to other civilization systems, which will lead to many irreversible phenomena. Appear.

Even when the time comes, the world he is in may be transformed than the powerful ones in other source worlds, turning it into a power system suitable for their cultivation. This is definitely a situation that Luo Yuan cannot accept. In different origin worlds, if they want to solve problems through occupation and fighting, they must make changes in the original system of cultivation, because only in this way when everyone practices the same power system, they will slowly The formation of a feeling that comes from the same source will subtly affect their minds and ultimately achieve the goal of unity.

In Luo Yuan's view, different civilization systems are actually fighting each other. The ultimate goal is to occupy and control the world owned by the other party. Then all the cultivation resources and lives in it will be under their control. , and in these controlled worlds, all life living in them can only become a bound party.

This will cause the strong people in the controlled source world to become weaker and weaker. Although there is no change for those ordinary strong people, once they rise to a high level, they will strictly control other source worlds. Strong men join them.

Therefore, under this situation, those powerful super strong men on the Origin Continent will eventually be ruthlessly eliminated by the strong men of the other two source worlds, because only in this way can they truly control the entire source world.

For all the powerful people on the Origin Continent, the attack of the powerful outsiders is a huge crisis for them. However, under this situation, there is still intrigue among the forces in the Origin Continent. , and they even looked on coldly when powerful outsiders took action.

They want to use the power of the outside world to eliminate the forces that are in conflict with themselves, so that their own strength can obtain greater benefits in the future, but the premise is that many of their forces seriously underestimated the strength of the other party, so in the end they were directly defeated by the other party. Eliminated, this behavior is very ridiculous in Luo Yuan's opinion.

Therefore, when Luo Yuan was practicing in the Fire Secret Realm, he did not help after obtaining relevant information. In his opinion, all strong people with such wise ideas of self-protection should be eliminated, because only in this way can Let the whole world achieve sublimation and progress.

Therefore, the strong people who can survive in the end must not only be strong in strength, but also have strong mental state and beliefs. It is precisely because Luo Yuan feels that these strong people who survived have met his requirements that he will help them. Resist, after all, for Luo Yuan, no matter which side wins in the end, there is no fatal threat to himself, and he can even get rid of the shackles of the source world directly.

With Luo Yuan's current status and strength, if he finally passes through the Supreme Temple and leaves the Continent of Origin with all the powerful human beings he cares about, then he believes that those powerful Hunyuan people who are controlling behind the scenes will not be able to take action. To stop them, Luo Yuan was actually very dissatisfied with the powerful ones among these forces on the Origin Continent.

In his opinion, these strong men had been comfortable for too long, which caused them to lose their enterprising spirit and began to turn to internal struggles. Under such circumstances, it is unknown how many lives were lost for this, and it was completely unnecessary. Among the fallen ones, the one with the fiercest struggle is the so-called Human Alliance.

After Luo Yuan learned more about this force, he has always looked down upon the senior leaders of this force. Therefore, during this world crisis, Luo Yuan did not help at all. Now, under the attack of powerful people from other worlds, Luo Yuan , this force was completely wiped out, and the most ridiculous thing is that this force basically died in the process of their own internal battles.

After all, the enemies have come over, and they are still fighting each other for a little benefit. Under this situation, Luo Yuan feels that they are all a group of short-sighted people, so Luo Yuan chooses to cultivate those under his own influence. When the strong human race was around, they would use the destruction of the Human Race Alliance when it existed as negative teaching material to encourage these strong human race men not to be so short-sighted.

In the process of Luo Yuan fighting against the other two civilization systems, he still had time to observe the advantages and disadvantages of the two fighting systems, and even be able to master their cultivation methods and integrate them into his own cultivation system. Moreover, Luo Yuan also discovered that the energy used by the strong men in the other two civilizations was actually almost the same as that of the strong men on the Origin Continent. Basically, they all used the original power after reaching the realm of the God King.

It's just that the names of the realms in different civilization systems are different, but as long as the energy system is the same, the only difference is the difference in application and combat, so Luo Yuan can perfectly integrate them into the secret method of his own cultivation, and Luo Yuan It was discovered that among different civilizations, their fighting methods were derived over a long period of time.

The powerful secret methods they possess in different civilization systems can also be learned from each other, so that they can achieve greater improvement, and they must be strong outsiders who can fight Luo Yuan. They must also reach a very high level in this realm. Only then are qualified.

This gave Luo Yuan more opportunities to come into contact with their combat system and various powerful methods. When Luo Yuan was fighting, he had completely forgotten the purpose of coming here, but now through continuous integration The civilized combat systems of these three different origin worlds have made their combat power stronger and stronger, reaching an unimaginable degree.

Moreover, Luo Yuan also used the fighting method he had learned during the battle. At this moment, the high-level experts in the other two origin worlds were also extremely shocked. They did not expect that there was such an unparalleled talent in the Origin Continent. characters exist.

It can be said that the pressure Luo Yuan brought to them also brought threats, so others and the senior officials of the source world immediately ordered the legions under their control and sent a large number of strong men to besiege Luo Yuan because they felt that people like Luo Yuan were His existence cannot allow him to continue to develop, and Luo Yuan must be eliminated immediately.

Because Luo Yuan's current realm has been raised to the level of the Ultimate God King, and the strength he displays is no different from those of Chaotic Source level powerhouses. The only difference is that his realm has not been truly broken through.

But the talent and potential that Luo Yuan has shown now means that he has the qualifications to break through and become a powerful person at the Hunyuan level, so as long as Luo Yuan is given some time, he will be able to break such restrictions sooner or later, so that for other powerful people in the source world It is a very big threat to the readers.

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(End of this chapter)

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