Chapter 732 The Truth
  In fact, it still took a lot of time to rebuild civilization, but for a strong man like Luo Yuan, it was just a period of retreat. When he saw that the Origin Continent, which was originally desolate, had now returned to its previous prosperity. At this moment, Luo Yuan felt the brevity of life even more, and for the super strong, those weak lives were indeed of little value.

Because as long as there is enough time, these beings can develop without any limit. No matter how much they have lost before, for them, they can recover in the blink of an eye. Therefore, Luo Yuan also understands why those powerful super strong people are so important to them. Life is very indifferent. Maybe they were not like this at first, but after experiencing many things, they gradually started to look away.

Luo Yuan has such a mentality now. This is an objective phenomenon and it is difficult for him to change. Moreover, he also knows very well that as long as he keeps the people and things he cares about, his purpose of doing this is just to It makes you feel less lonely mentally.

After all, all superpowers are immortal beings, which means there is no life limit, so they have enough time to practice to improve their realm and strength, and thus become more powerful beings. However, if they are in the process of practice, If there is nothing they care about in their lives, it means that they will become more and more lonely, but this will easily make themselves fall into a state of boredom and loneliness.

Therefore, many strong people may leave behind some people and things that are related to them, which can stabilize their mood. However, this is also equivalent to making them have shortcomings, because once these people and things they care about are affected by If there are threats from other powerful people, then they need to consider more when making decisions.

But one thing is certain, that is, for these super strong people, nothing in this world is more important than their lives, so when faced with a life or death decision, they will definitely choose to protect themselves.

After all, for the super strong, even if all the people and things they care about disappear, they can still re-establish the bond. As long as they have strong strength, countless other people will come close to them and give them Provides more warmth.

On the other hand, if you are weak, it is indeed very unwise and ridiculous to get the care of others, because the relationship between people is essentially interests. If you cannot bring benefits to others, then even if you No matter how much you give, you can never get the care of others.

Therefore, Luo Yuan does not think so important about the so-called interpersonal relationships, because he knows very well that these are just superficial. As long as he can ensure that he is strong and has a high status, then he has no such worries, but he wants to make these It is completely impossible for the so-called relationship to become an obstacle to oneself. Luo Yuan must put his own interests as the first consideration when making decisions.

Maybe Luo Yuan was not like this before, but after he experienced many things, he gradually gained such a consciousness, especially when he had a clearer understanding of the pattern of the entire universe. Of course, there is another important situation Luo Yuan knows exactly what he needs. Only by gradually improving his strength can he gain more freedom and the opportunity to choose his destiny.

Now the Origin Continent has been completely recovered, and the strength of those strong men now is even stronger than before. This is because the strong men in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm are even stronger when they invest in other areas, so they also Bringing all the scientific and technological civilization that we have developed over a long period of time, we can naturally establish a very developed civilized society very quickly.

In particular, these super strong people also brought with them a very complete and advanced training system, so they could cultivate more strong people in a short period of time.

However, to the forces in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm, these strong men are just eliminated existences. These strong men have no more room for development in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm, but after coming to the outside world, they can establish a powerful The power has a lofty status, so naturally he is unwilling to go back.

This also allowed them to fully feel the benefits of being a high-level powerhouse. Therefore, Luo Yuan could really see the complete operating model of the Origin Continent. He also understood that the God Kings who established the Kingdom of God before were actually some Weak people who don't want to make progress, of course, have very limited talent potential and have difficulty breaking through to a higher level, so they choose this method.

This is also the reason why most strong people choose to enter the secret world to practice, because only such an environment can allow them to improve further, and all the strong people living in the source world have a The common goal is to improve their strength as soon as possible and become a Chaotic Source powerhouse, so that they can break through the constraints of the Source World.

If you don’t know what the world you are in is like, you will think you are so powerful. However, once you have a clearer understanding of the outside world, you will realize that you are just a frog in the well. In this case, all The strong must want to become stronger so as to escape the constraints of such a cage.

Therefore, for a person, his knowledge and world view are very important, because the broader his knowledge and the more things he knows, the higher his goals will naturally be, but the premise is that he can achieve what he wants to achieve. goal, otherwise you will fall into a helpless mood.

Only those who have seen the vast sea can understand the vastness of the entire world. However, if they want to leave their environment and go to more distant locations, they must have the ability to sail. Otherwise, no matter how unwilling they are, they will not be able to sail. It is possible to complete the thoughts in your mind.

Therefore, when a person's talent and strength are unable to achieve the goals he has, it is not a good thing for them to know too much. Of course, another point is that if there is no opportunity to become a strong person, no matter how talented he is, No matter how powerful you are, it will all be in vain in the end, because your talent and potential are not fully utilized, and it is difficult to change your destiny.

Luo Yuan was very fortunate that when he first came to this world, he had a period of peaceful development, and the environment he was in was not too strong, but it gave him the opportunity to come into contact with the world's cultivation system. In addition, he had Only with his powerful golden finger can he have smooth sailing on the road to growth.

It can be said that in the entire development process, once any changes occur, it will be difficult for Luo Yuan to change the current environment. It is impossible for him to achieve his current achievements, but fortunately, the entire Origin Continent is now again It has entered a period of peaceful development. After all, after just experiencing a crisis, it is unlikely that another crisis will occur in the next short period of time.

So now the entire Origin Continent is developing very fast, and strong people are emerging in endlessly, especially those talented people. Luo Yuan found that some very talented human strong people were born in the secret world under his control, but Luo Yuan selected the strong ones. The method is very strict.

In particular, the requirements are very high, so the difficulty of his test in every aspect has increased a lot, because he needs to prepare himself to go to the Infinite Chaotic Source Space to establish a powerful team in the future. Luo Yuan now finds that he As his strength improves, he is getting closer and closer to breaking through to the Hunyuan level.

This is because he has very good talent, and along the way he has raised his cultivation level to the extreme at any stage. In addition, he has the blessing of cultivation resources that others can hardly imagine, which makes his background very good. Deep, so he has no scruples. There are not many strong men who can fight with him on the Origin Continent. Only the older generation of master-level god-king strongmen in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm can have the strength to fight Luo Yuan. But the problem is that after so many years, Development, there is still no real Hunyuan level powerhouse born in the Hunyuan Secret Realm, which means that the talents and potential of those God King powerhouses have been basically exhausted.

But this may be a good thing for them, because if they really break through and become Hunyuan powerhouses and go to the infinite Hunyuan space, they will face more dangerous outside powerhouses, so they may eventually fall. In this case, it would be very good if they could always stay on the Origin Continent. At least they would not worry about the possibility of falling. In addition, their status is high, so their daily life is still very comfortable.

Moreover, they have reached the level of eternal immortality and endless lifespan. If it were a smart person, they would not choose to break through and become a Hunyuan-level powerhouse. Of course, the premise is that he can understand the truth of the entire universe. Luo Yuan would not Do you know whether the super powerful people living in Chaotic Source know the essential truth of the entire universe, especially the reasons for the establishment of the infinite Chaotic Source space, and the attacks of the powerful outside universe on this big universe.

Luo Yuan dared to say that if many strong people knew the true situation of the universe, they would definitely not work hard to become Hunyuan level strong people. They had higher ideas and obsessions. The reason why many strong people felt that they If they can become a Hunyuan-level powerhouse through cultivation, it is because they think that if they do it, they can transcend the control of the Source World and gain true freedom, but in fact this is completely impossible.

Because even after the breakthrough, the challenges and dangers faced will be greater, so once many powerful God Kings know such news, they will definitely be willing to enjoy life in the source world rather than take risks, but the problem is those chaotic ones in the infinite chaotic source space. The powerful ones use their lives to protect the safety of the universe.

Then they spent most of their time on the road to resist the attacks of powerful outsiders. They also felt extremely pressured. Without them carrying the burden forward, how could it be possible for these powerful people living in the source world? There is such a peaceful and peaceful life.

But the problem is that for any intelligent race, they are very selfish. How can they have such fearless dedication? It is impossible to throw away their own lives for the safety of the entire universe. , after all, the purpose of everyone's serious cultivation is for themselves. If the end of cultivation is just to become a victim to protect the universe, it is impossible for them to do such a thing.

It is precisely for this reason that those powerful ones at the Hunyuan level have completely blocked the information about the truth of the entire universe. This makes those powerful people in the source world unaware of the situation of the entire universe, and those powerful ones at the Hunyuan level have left behind The inheritance left behind in the secret world only mentions the benefits gained after becoming a Hunyuan-level powerhouse, and there is no information at all about the responsibilities and risks to be assumed.

Because anyone who is smart knows that once these powerful people in the source world know the risks they will face if they break through and become Chaotic Source powerful people in the future, many of them will choose to retreat, so they would rather not break through. I don’t want to just go to the Infinite Chaotic Source Space in a daze.

However, those who truly break through and become Hunyuan-level powerhouses will know the true situation of the entire universe once they go to the infinite Hunyuan space. But the problem is that by then they have no chance to regret it, and they can only do it in those At the request of the powerful Lord Hunyuan, he went to fight against the powerful people in the outside universe.

But the problem is that after such a long time, it is not realistic to completely block such news. After all, for those strong people in the higher world, after they have accepted some powerful inheritance, they must also have this information records.

According to what Luo Yuan learned, he knew very well that the powerful people in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm were actually very powerful. They could directly send out a large number of legions formed by the powerful God Kings to sweep across the other two sources. Attack by all the strong men in the world.

From here we can see how powerful the power accumulated in the Hunyuan Secret Realm is, so Luo Yuan feels that it is actually possible for those super strong people in a world with such a superior cultivation environment and resources to break through and become a Hunyuan powerhouse. is very high.

However, after so many years, no real Hunyuan strongman has appeared. Luo Yuan has doubts. These God King strongmen may have some understanding of the external situation, so they directly chose to give up becoming Hunyuan strongmen. opportunity, but such information can only be circulated among the top executives, and it is impossible to tell other powerful people such information.

After all, there are Hunyuan-level powerhouses controlling many of the source worlds behind the scenes. If they realize that there are powerful people transmitting information from the top of the entire universe, then they will definitely take action and eliminate all those who transmit the information. , so these advanced information cannot be understood by those strong people who have not reached the level of strength and status.

However, the Hunyuan Secret Realm should indeed be a special existence, because it can directly circumvent the restrictions of the supreme rules, especially since Luo Yuan discovered that even the powerful Hunyuan Realm cannot directly interfere with the power of rules in the Hunyuan Secret Realm.

In other words, the strong men in the Hunyuan Secret Realm have a very large chance of self-protection. It can be said that as long as they do not come out, they can be safe without any risk. Even the strong men in Hunyuan will not be able to protect themselves. They are wiped out.

Even if there is overlap with other source worlds outside and is attacked by strong men from other worlds, the strong men in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm will still have enough strength to change it, or even drive away all foreign enemies.

But so far, according to the information Luo Yuan knows, the Origin Continent has not actively launched attacks on any of the Origin Worlds, and has not occupied them. This shows that the strong men in the Chaotic Source Secret Realm deliberately avoid and other The battle between the strong men in the source world,

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(End of this chapter)

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