Chapter 105 BBQ Party
  The supernatural beast appeared a few more times, and each time it ran away before the armored warriors arrived. Dongshan and others were okay, but Beimiao, who had a hot temper, ran away several times in vain. For this paragraph, Time comes up empty every time he is dispatched, and his mentality is somewhat unstable.

But Beimiao had no one to blame, and with Bing'er's comfort, it finally didn't break out yet.

During this period of time, Zhongjie had been staring at Bing'er, especially from the time the alarm sounded to when they were dispatched. It could be said that he stared at her without blinking.

But unfortunately, Bing'er's every move was normal, and there was no action that could convey news to the outside world.

But it was not a problem if things continued like this, so Nakajiro decided to take a risk.

Nakajiro found a time when everyone was in the laboratory and made a suggestion: "Everyone has been working very hard during this period. How about organizing a barbecue party and moving the tables, chairs, benches, etc. in the cafe?" Just for a moment, we’ll do it in our coffee shop.”

Meizhen looked around at everyone. Recently, everyone returned without success every time they went out. It was true that morale was not very high. It would be good to hold a group activity to liven up the atmosphere.

Since Meizhen agreed, others naturally would not raise any objections. Nakajiro said again: "Barbecue is only fun when more people eat it. I'll go and call Aunt Hui from Xingfu Dumpling House. .”

Aunt Hui has a unique personality charm, and it is difficult for most people to dislike her. Except for Binger and Aunt Hui, who have relatively little contact with several people in the laboratory, they all have good relations with Aunt Hui.

So when Nakajiro asked Aunt Hui and others to come, everyone agreed.

As he said, Nakajiro first contacted Xiao Li, who was selling barbecue, and asked him where he bought the electric barbecue grill. He first went to buy a set of small barbecue grills.

Then, there is the preparation of ingredients. Nakasaki and others have a lot of training. Now eating barbecue, it is naturally not something that vegetables can fool.

Nakajiro went to buy a bunch of various meats and a lot of seafood. Of course, he still had to prepare some vegetables. If he only ate meat, he would easily get bored.

The ingredients are all prepared, and the next step is to process them. Whether it is pork, beef, mutton, or any other kind of meat, they are cut into small pieces and then skewered on skewers.

Fortunately, Nakajima had good knife skills in his previous life. He could cut the pieces of meat evenly, but it was more difficult to thread them. Nakajima couldn't bear it even after skewering a few skewers. He regretted not buying skewers. .

Naturally, Nakajima couldn't do this alone. Except for Xinnan who was in the virtual battle room, everyone else was called over by Nakajima, and everyone skewered the meat together.

Things get done quickly when there are a lot of people. Nakako didn't even bother to make a few strings, but with so many people chatting together, the strings were ready in a while.

After the things were ready, Nakajiro went to the next door to invite Aunt Hui, Minci and others over.

Also coming together are Xiaolan and Xiangyang.

When Xiaolan saw that there was going to be a barbecue party, she was very excited. She ran over and grabbed Nakajima by the corner of his clothes and said, "I knew you wouldn't forget what you promised me."

When Xiaolan said this, Zhongshan remembered that he had agreed to treat Xiaolan to a barbecue last time, but because of Binger's incident, Zhongshan was so busy that he forgot about it.

Zhongji couldn't help but secretly rejoice. Fortunately, it was a barbecue party this time. Otherwise, it would not be a good idea to leave Xiaolan with the impression that he was lying to a child. Zhong Jian Tian shamelessly slapped his chest and said to Xiaolan: "Then, how could your brother Zhong Jian forget about the cutest Xiao Lan in the world? Are you satisfied with this barbecue party?"

Then he teased Xiaolan a few words, and it happened that Xinnan also came out of the virtual battle room. As soon as he saw Xinnan coming out, brother Zhongqian immediately felt bad, and Xiaolan ran to find her brother Xinnan to play with. went.

However, the game that Nakajima formed was not really for Xiaolan, but for the little boy who came with Xiaolan, Xiangyang.

Nakajima has keenly observed that Bing'er dislikes the characteristics of Xingfu Dumpling House. Now he eats dumplings from Xingfu Dumpling House almost every day, but Bing'er never wants to go to the dumpling house.

If you don’t like the dumplings at the dumpling restaurant, you can bring it up. After all, they don’t have no other options. But Bing’er eats delicious dumplings but doesn’t want to go to the dumpling restaurant, so it can only be because she doesn’t like it. Someone over there at the dumpling restaurant.

Who do I dislike, Aunt Hui, Xiao Lan, Min Ci, or Xiang Yang, the summoner who is afraid of the Emperor's Armor?

Zhongji still couldn't find a way for Bing'er to deliver the news, and he became more and more suspicious that Bing'er was possessed by evil water.

Bing'er didn't go to the dumpling restaurant, so while eating barbecue today, Nakajiro brought Xiang Yang over to see if he could make some flaws in Bing'er.

Sure enough, as soon as Xiang Yang came in, Bing'er's expression became unnatural.

Bad Shui was not sure at first, but now he was sure that the summoner of the Emperor's Armor was hidden among the four people at Happy Dumpling House. Bad Shui never expected that for thousands of years, the Emperor's Armor summoned by one person had always been... It's just a legend. I didn't expect that this reincarnation would actually appear. This is not good news for the dark guardian who is preparing for a decisive battle in this reincarnation.

It's a pity that Bad Shui didn't bring the device for detecting air pressure. Otherwise, he would probably be able to find the person who summoned the Emperor's Armor.

In fact, Nakayama had carefully considered this time when he asked Xiang Yang to come over.

Xiang Yang in the original drama has been growing up in an orphanage and has a non-competitive personality. This has led to Xiang Yang being malnourished and weak since he was a child.

But in this time and space, Xiang Yang was adopted by Nakajima very early. At the dumpling restaurant, not to mention the popular and spicy food, at least he didn't have to worry about eating and drinking, and he was full every time. Aunt Hui even paid attention to giving Xiang Yang Nutritional combination.

After this period of recuperation, Xiangyang is no longer as thin as in the original drama. Not only has he gained weight, he has become a lot stronger, and even his height seems to have grown a lot.

Nakajima speculates that as long as Xiang Yang does not summon the Emperor's Armor multiple times in a row like in the original drama, summoning it only once in a while should not put a big burden on Xiang Yang's body.

That's why Nakajima dared to call Xiangyang over even though he knew Bing'er might be possessed by evil water. Nakajima didn't want Xiangyang to take risks, but he really had no other better way.

Zhongjie held Xiangyang's hand and walked towards Bing'er. As Zhongjie and Xiangyang approached, Badshui's expression gradually changed. He felt that he could no longer pretend, but he was still lucky and pretending. He asked calmly: "What's wrong, Nakajima, do you have anything to do with me?"

(End of this chapter)

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