Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 113 Borrowing the Gengnu Vajra

Chapter 113 Borrowing the Gengnu Vajra
  Welcoming walked out of the Teppanyaki shop and asked Nakajima: "Brother Nakajima, why don't you come in."

"Oh, it's nothing. I had a few words with these two policemen." Nakajiro didn't want to embarrass the two policemen, so he just explained lightly.

In the play, although these two policemen are usually funny characters, in fact, they are two policemen who dare to draw their guns and face the ghost demon head-on in order to protect people's lives and property. I still respect this kind of person very much.

However, the two police uncles were obviously not very appreciative. They turned to welcome and said, "Welcome, you have to be careful about him. This guy is driving a luxury car and holding a rose in his hand. He looks like a prodigal in love. Recently, he has appeared in our area. There have been several cases where little girls were defrauded of money and sex, so be careful, welcome."

"Oh, Uncle Li, Uncle Zhao, where are you thinking? Brother Nakajima is a friend of mine, not what you think." As he said this, he pushed the two police uncles, not wanting them to be here anymore. Interfering with his and his Nakashima brother's good deeds.

"Ninety-nine red roses from ordinary friends? Welcome, you..." Uncle Zhao wanted to say something else, but Welcome didn't want her two uncles to disturb her and Nakashima's "good things" anymore, so she continued Her two uncles were pushed away.

After seeing off the two police uncles, Welfare and Nakashima walked into the store. However, because of the words of the two police uncles just now, the atmosphere between the two was somewhat awkward. Nakashima didn't know what to say for a while. .

Zhongji turned his head to take a look at Wen Ying's current situation, but he didn't expect that Wen Wen also turned to peek at him, and the two people's eyes suddenly met.

The two of them turned their heads at the same time like frightened little animals, and then laughed at the same time. The awkward atmosphere between the two suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Nakajiro took out his ninety-nine roses and handed them to welcome,
  Yingying looked at the red rose in his hand, then glanced at Nakashima again, blushing with embarrassment.

When Nakajiro saw the welcome, his face turned red to the root of his neck. He quickly danced and explained in a nonchalant manner: "Welcome, I didn't mean it that way. You know, I..."

After hearing Nakajima's explanation, Yingying's expression changed. Yingying threw the words in his hand back to Nakajima and ran behind without saying a word.

Nakajiro knew that he had said the wrong thing and wanted to give himself a slap, but after all, it was his own face, so Nakajima just slapped himself lightly, and then ran behind to welcome him.

I spent a lot of words, although it was of no use, but after such a long time of greeting, I kept telling myself in my heart, ‘I chose it myself, I’m not angry’, and finally calmed down and started normal communication with Nakashima.

Welcome to ask Nakajima: "Brother Nakajima, you told me that you came to me and asked me to help you with something. What was it?"

Only then did Nakahiro remember the real thing. It was really a beautiful woman with a body as soft as 28, with a sword at her waist to kill the foolish man. Before the relationship was officially confirmed, he had already forgotten all the important things.

If he gets married, he will have to be king from now on.

Nakajiro secretly warned himself that he came to this world with a mission, and he must put the mission of saving the world first.

Zhongjie said to the welcome: "Welcome, last time we met, you should also know that I have another identity, the Earth Tiger Man. This time I come to you, it is actually about this aspect."          Ah, this I'm afraid I can't help you with this matter," Weng Xing didn't know what she could do about Nakajima's light and shadow armor.

Although Weng Weng likes Nakajima very much, he has not been dazzled by love after all. The main reason is that the war between the three armors of Xingtian, Feiyingjingjing and light and shadow are different.

The war between light and shadow will be staged every few hundred years, so some people with status will know more or less, but Lufa's team has been sealed for thousands of years and has never been unsealed. After thousands of years of baptism, the incident of Lufa's team has long been forgotten by people.

Now, except for the descendants of the three branches of Secret, Technique, and Hidden, no one on the earth has long remembered that there were three armored warriors, Xing Tian, ​​Fei Ying, and King Kong, who sacrificed their lives to protect this planet.

So Yingying doesn't think that Nakashima will know her identity as a secret practitioner.

What's more, the spells practiced by the secret practitioners only have some auxiliary effects on the Nether Demon and the three armors, but have no effect on the light and shadow armor.

But Zhongjie's next words shocked Wenli. Zhongjie said directly and bluntly: "Welcome, I would like to borrow the Gennu Vajra."

The Gennu Vajra is the most important thing in the tantric cultivator's inheritance. Even the tantric cultivator's inheritance has extremely obscure records. It is the top secret of their tantric cultivator. She doesn't know how Nakasaki knows about it.

As soon as Nakajiro saw the welcoming reaction, he knew that he was a little abrupt. It was the last time he approached Mima like this. That was because he had nothing at that time and the only thing he had was some information, so he had to reveal some information in order to obtain Meizhen and even the ERP laboratory's help, but now he is no longer the young boy with nothing, and he should pay attention to some methods in doing things.

It can only be said that in front of the welcome, Nakashima really couldn't use any skills to communicate with others, so he could only say what he said.

Welcome asked Nakajima: "Brother Nakajima, how do you know the Gennu Vajra Pestle? What do you want to use the Gennu Vajra Pestle for?"

Nakajima naturally answered honestly: "A friend of mine is possessed by a supernatural beast. I want to use the purifying power of the Gennu Vajra to drive the supernatural beast out of my friend's body. As for The news about the Gennu Vajra is mentioned in our inheritance of light and shadow armor."

Fortunately, Nakajiro probably had a little bit of his brain left and did not reveal his identity as a time traveler. However, the Gennu Vajra can help Bing'er get rid of the evil water. It was indeed Nakajima who learned from the virtual battle room. The function of the virtual battle room is to embody the genetic memory of the descendants of Guangying Village. Therefore, it is said that from The Gennu Vajra known in the tradition is not wrong either.

It turns out that is the case. There are records about the light and shadow armor in the secret cultivator's inheritance, and it is normal that there are records about the Xingtian Armor and the others in the inheritance of the light and shadow armor.

At this time, Wen Zheng had a troubled expression on his face. He said to Nakajima in embarrassment: "Brother Nakajima, it's not that I don't want to lend you the Gengnu Vajra Pestle. It's actually that I don't have the Gengnu Vajra Pestle in my hand either, and my There is no detailed record of the hiding place of the Gennu Vajra in the inheritance."

"Brother Nakajima, why don't we go hiking tomorrow? After climbing the mountain, I will take you to find the Gennu Vajra."

(End of this chapter)

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