Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 121 Shura Armor Fusion

Chapter 121 Shura Armor Fusion
  After the police finished taking notes on several of Croton's roommates and the four reporters, they left the school and returned to the police station.

This case is really strange. No body was found. There must be no surveillance in the men's restroom. The surveillance in the corridor only captured six people, including the victim Li Chengguang and the suspect Badou, entering the men's restroom.

Less than twenty minutes later, first four people who reported the crime ran out in a hurry, as if they had seen something very terrifying, and then after another forty-seven seconds, the suspect Badou also walked out.

There have been some incidents in this school before, so the surveillance installation was in place. The surveillance completely captured the entire process of Badou returning from the toilet to the dormitory, picking up his personal belongings, and then leaving.

The police were puzzled as to where Li Chengguang's body had gone. According to the comparison of the several transcripts they obtained, this was probably a murder of passion. The suspect named Badou had no criminal record and could not have been a murderer. What a veteran murderer? So, where was the body hidden in just forty-seven seconds?

The police even tested the school's sewers and septic tanks, but found nothing.

The police have filed a homicide case, but now, no body has been found. Although a little blood was found at the scene, after DNA comparison, it was found that it all belonged to the suspect named Croton.

The person in charge of this case this time was a police officer named Han, who was also an experienced detective. However, this was the first time he encountered such a bizarre case.

Regardless, the police officer stood up and ordered: "Catch the criminal suspect named Badou first. The suspect named Badou is just an ordinary college student. He committed a crime of passion. He has no preparations and nothing to do. Counter-reconnaissance awareness, Group 1 and Group 2, you two teams will work together to handle the case and bring back the suspect named Badou within three days."

"Yes, Team Han."

Since the captain gave the order, it was natural to do it. What's more, the criminal policemen in the first and second groups didn't think it would be difficult to arrest a fledgling college student.

On the Croton side, they were heading towards a river on the outskirts.

After Croton killed a person, Lufa absorbed some resurrection energy and temporarily recovered a little, and was able to have some simple communication with Croton.

Lufa knew that he must keep the big boy named Badou now. Otherwise, if Badou is arrested by the police, although he will not be sentenced to death in this case, the Gengdan Vajra Pestle will definitely be taken away. At that time, it is very likely that it will fall into the hands of the summoner of the light and shadow armor. At that time, he will be in trouble if he wants to get it back.

Fortunately, Badou brought the Gengdan Vajra with him when he ran away. Lufa pointed at Badou, preparing to let Badou find the Shura armor.

The power of Shura Armor should be enough for Croton to protect himself on this planet.

Soon, Badou arrived at a river on the outskirts of Hope City. Following Lu Fa's instructions, Badou placed the Gengdan Vajra Pestle in the corresponding position, and then summoned the summoner of Shura Armor.

Badou excitedly took the Shura armor summoner that looked like a flip phone in his hand and asked Lufa: "Can I summon armor with this thing?"

"Of course not. Earthlings with inferior genes like you simply cannot meet the conditions to summon Shura Armor. You still need to use the Gengdan Vajra to genetically optimize you so that you can summon Shura Armor." Lufa said. The Earthlings' genes were very disdainful. Fortunately, Croton was now filled with the excitement of becoming an armored warrior and didn't pay much attention to Lufa's tone.

"Now, pick up the Gengdan Vajra and prepare to optimize your genes."

Croton quickly picked up the Gengdan Vajra, and then followed Lufa's instructions to prepare for genetic optimization of himself. Speaking of which, Croton in the original drama has always worked for Lufa, just to optimize his genes and achieve longevity. The effect, but until Lufa was sealed, he didn't get the chance. Unexpectedly, this time, he got the opportunity to optimize the gene without helping Lufa do anything.

After going through a very complicated procedure, Croton completed the genetic optimization and met the conditions, barely able to summon Shura Armor.

In fact, using the Gengdan Vajra for genetic optimization was not so complicated, but Croton has the bloodline of the Dark Emperor in his body. At this time, Lufa can possess Croton's body. Lufa cannot change the bloodline of the Dark Emperor. In addition, he is now possessing Croton's body. If he is accidentally purified, it will be embarrassing.

The most important thing is that Lufa doesn't want Croton's genetic optimization to be very good. As long as he can summon Shura Armor and protect himself, that's why the genetic optimization program is so troublesome.

However, before the procedure was completed, something unexpected happened to Lufa and Badou. The police actually tracked it here.

Badou had no sense of counter-reconnaissance at all, so he took the main road, and finally took a taxi to get here. The police easily found Badou's whereabouts through surveillance, and then contacted the taxi company through the taxi's license plate number. Finally, the police found Badou's whereabouts through surveillance. I contacted the driver and easily found out the drop-off location in Croton.

At that time, less than ten minutes had passed since Croton got off the taxi. In this deserted place, there was naturally no monitoring equipment. The police simply dispatched officers and prepared to continue tracking Croton, but they did not expect Croton to be there. This place hasn't left at all.

"Put the things in your hands on the ground, hold your head with both hands, and squat down." After all, Badou was a murder suspect, and he killed people in a very weird way, so the police were a little worried and took out their guns. , pointing at Croton and shouting.

When Badou saw the police pointing a gun at him, he panicked. He waved his hands and shouted loudly: "I didn't kill anyone. He was the one who beat me. I was just careless."

Seeing that Badou was agitated, the police continued to shout: "Put down the things in your hands and put your head in your hands. The law will not frame a good person, nor will it let a bad person go. Your situation requires the court to pronounce a verdict. Now, put it down." Hold the object in your hand and squat down with your head in your hands."

Seeing that Badou was about to give up resistance and hand over the Shura Armor Summoner and Gengdan Vajra Pestle, Lufa became anxious and sent a telepathic message to Badou: "Don't be stupid. After all, you killed someone and were caught. He's about to go to jail, hurry up, summon Shura Armor and fight out."

Badou looked at the Gengden Vajra and the Shura Summoner in his hand, and then thought about the time when he was bullied every day. With a sudden heart, he opened the cover of the Shura Armor Summoner. After pressing it a few times, he opened the Shura Armor Summoner. The armor's summoner is installed into the slot that appears on the right hand.

"Asura armor, combined."

Accompanied by dazzling light and dancing electric snakes, Shura Armor reappeared in the world again.

(End of this chapter)

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