Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 130 Doing bad things

Chapter 130 Doing bad things

The method of summoning weapons from Shura Armor is not complicated. After Badou took out the summoner of Shura Armor, he quickly mastered the method of summoning weapons from Shura Armor.

Croton, who had learned how to summon the Shura Armor, was a little eager to try it when he remembered the days when he was suppressed by the Wind Eagle Armor and the Black Rhinoceros Armor because he had no weapons.

Lufa also caught Croton's mentality and said to Croton: "Baton, you have learned from me, why don't you also express your sincerity in cooperation?"

Badou's heart trembled. What Lufa meant by sincerity was nothing more than the few things he just said. Those few things were all illegal and criminal matters. Although he wanted to try his skills with the Wind Eagle Armor or the Black Rhinoceros Armor again. , but I never want to try it in that situation.

But Croton had no choice. Even if he didn't do it, Lufa could still force his body to do it. At that time, all the debt would still be settled on him.

Croton didn't know why Lufa gave up forcibly controlling him and chose to cooperate with him, but Croton didn't think that Lufa couldn't forcibly control him now.

Rather than letting Lufa control his body and do all the bad things, it would be better for him to do it himself, at least leaving some leeway.

Coupled with this feeling of mastering greater power, he was also fascinated.

Croton originally thought that even if he could summon armor now, he would definitely be unbeatable in front of the five armored warriors in S City, but after these few battles, Croton discovered that this was not the case.

He had just learned to summon armor, and he was already on par with the Black Rhinoceros Armor or the Wind Eagle Armor. Now that he had learned to summon weapons, Croton was even more confident that he could win either the Wind Eagle Armor or the Black Rhinoceros Armor.

As a result, the Sword of Damocles hanging above Croton's head lost its effect, and Croton's initial fear began to disappear.

Badou thought for a long time, and finally decided to agree to Lufa's request: "Lufa, tell me what you want me to do."

Lufa Jiejie smiled and said: "Then let's start with the simplest thing. Try a robbery first. I can guarantee that this feeling will fascinate you."

Lufa is actually not that anxious now. Originally, Lufa thought that the strength of the other four armored warriors would be similar to that of the Earth Tiger Armor Summoner.

It was already very difficult for him to deal with the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor. He didn't even need four summoners, but just two summoners, and he might be in trouble.

But now he has seen the strength of Wind Eagle Man and Black Rhino Man, and Croton, who has just learned how to summon Shura Armor, is just between the two, and there is no possibility of threatening him.

If he didn't want to get too involved in the light and shadow war, and if the other two armored warriors were at the same level, he could just use the Gengdan Vajra to condense a temporary body and annihilate the remaining four armored warriors. Difficult matter.

The summoner of Ares Armor has not yet appeared, which means that currently, there is nothing that can threaten him on this planet, so Lufa's mentality has slowed down now.

Now, Lufa's biggest threat is Croton, who can summon the Shura Armor. The Gengdan Vajra has been carried by Croton, and Croton's mental ability level is also rising day by day.

Emperor Yan's Shura Armor back then really left a deep impression on Lufa. If Badou really had complete control over the Shura Armor, there wouldn't be a legion of troops here for him to consume.

This is also the reason why Lufa keeps encouraging Croton to do some illegal and criminal things. Croton thinks that he can rest easy if he can defeat an armored warrior in a duel, but Lufa doesn't think so. In the last battle between Croton and Wind Hawk, Wind Hawk had clearly felt suppressed. In Hope City, as far as Lufa knew, there were already two armored warriors not counting the Earth Tiger Armor.

Although the Wind Eagle did not suffer any losses in the last battle, Lufa would not think that the armored warrior would compromise so easily. Next time, there may be more than one armored warrior dispatched.

If the Armor Warrior can help him get rid of Croton who summoned the Shura Armor, it will definitely relieve him of a big change in his heart.

When Lufa usually did things, the Armor Warrior would just arrive at the scene, and he would just move to another scene and leave, without bothering with the Armor Warrior at all.

In these few battles with the Wind Eagle Armor or the Black Rhinoceros Armor, it was always the Shura Armor summoned by Croton.

Lufa couldn't count on the armored warriors taking action to deal with Croton while he was doing things.

But he couldn't let the armored warriors get rid of Croton's body when he controlled it.

This is also one of the important reasons why Lufa took great pains to guide Ba Dou to do some illegal crimes.

According to Lufa's judgment, although the Wind Eagle Man did not suffer a loss last time, he had clearly felt his own lack of strength. The probability that two armored warriors would appear at the same time next time was more than 70%.

However, during the implementation of the plan, there was a flaw.

When it comes to robbery, Badou can't summon the Shura Armor first and then go for the robbery. However, without summoning the Shura Armor, he is just an Internet addicted boy. It is still difficult to implement such a robbery.

A big man with a strong build, Badou looked at his little arms and legs. If he robbed this man and didn't summon Shura Armor, his legs would probably be broken.

There were swarms of young people. Badou blinked. It was enough to deal with just one of them. If they were to swarm them without summoning Shura Armor, he would probably be beaten and then sent to the public security bureau.

At that time, there will be news that the invincible Shura Armor Summoner in Hope City, Mr. Croton, was taken down by a few college students.

Finally, Croton saw a young woman acting alone, and it was her. Just when Croton was about to take action, the woman, who looked graceful from the back, turned back and smiled at Croton.

This smile was so shocking that it made people cry. This honor scared off Badou on the spot. Badou was really worried that if he failed to rob but was robbed instead, he might as well be turned away to the public security bureau. Woolen cloth.

Croton continued to choose this suitable target, but he still couldn't find the one he liked.

Just when Lufa couldn't hold himself back and asked Croton about it, Croton finally found a suitable candidate.

Badou stopped a child with two tubes of snot hanging from his nose, took out a knife, pointed at the child and said: "Hand over all the money you have, or I will stab you to death."

(End of this chapter)

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