Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 133: Divorce plan

Chapter 133: Divorce plan

Seeing that Croton's heart was moved, Lufa became anxious. He could see Nakajima's plan to divorce him at a glance, but Lufa also knew what kind of life Croton had been having during the time he followed him.

However, Lufa was already in a dilemma at this time. He could only control one of the temporary body made by Gengdan Vajra and Croton's body.

If he controls Croton's body, even if he uses Croton's body to control the Shura Armor, his consciousness and body will not match. When the time comes, the power exerted by the Shura Armor may not be high enough that Croton himself can control it. As an opponent of Hiei, Black Rhino and Feng Ying, he had to use his own body to be evenly matched with Nakashima.

However, Croton no longer agrees with him at this time. If he uses his own body, even if Croton doesn't attack him, it will be difficult for Lufa to withstand the siege of three pairs of armors by himself. What's more, Lufa can only protect himself and others, he He believed in his heart that Croton would definitely take action against him to show his sincerity.

However, Lufa still wanted to struggle a little longer. After all, Lufa was cunning and cunning, and he still had something. Through careful observation, Lufa discovered a flaw.

Lufa turned to Badou and said, "Baton, I know your life was not very good during the time you were with me, but do you think you will have a good life if you join them?"

Lufa pointed at Nakajima, who was watching the development of the situation, and said to Batou: "The girl you just kidnapped obviously has a special relationship with this kid. If you seek refuge with them, they will definitely not trust you with the Shura Armor." Come on, I will probably take it back. When the time comes, you will no longer have the Shura Armor. What will you do if this kid takes revenge on you?"

When Lufa said this, Badou also felt it. When the three armored warriors arrived, Dongshan was the most angry. Even though he knew he was not his opponent, he still refused to retreat and even made some attempts. The act of exchanging injury for injury.

Hearing Lufa's words, neither Dongshan nor Meizhen objected to Lufa's words. Meizhen blushed with embarrassment. Seeing Meizhen's expression, Badou also felt uncomfortable. The goddess he had just met was already here. The famous flower has an owner.

But after all, Dongshan still had the overall situation in mind. Seeing that Nakajima's plan would be ruined because of him, Dongshan said to Batou: "Don't worry, as long as you abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, I won't retaliate against you."

It's just that Dongshan's guarantee seems a bit feeble in this situation. After all, Croton, without his armor, will be unable to fight back under the revenge of an armored warrior. One day, Dongshan will even be unable to fight back. Even if he were to be killed, no one would stand up and speak for him. They would only praise Dong Shan for having done all his evil deeds.

Seeing that the plan was about to fail, Nakajiro had no choice but to throw out his last resort.

Zhongjie said to Badou: "Badu, in this case, it is normal for you to have concerns. However, I can give you another chance now. Now, you leave the Gengdan Vajra and leave with the Shura armor. As long as you leave If you don't help Lufa today, I can help you cancel the wanted warrant you are carrying."

"When the time comes, you can choose to be an ordinary person and live a normal life. You have Shura armor to protect you. Even if someone is looking for trouble, you have the ability to resist. If you are willing to work with us to deal with the supernatural beasts, no matter what Whether you want to join us or be an enthusiastic non-staff member, we welcome both. When we have a comradeship, you won’t have to worry about anything. That’s it, you can decide for yourself, Croton.”

As soon as Nakajiro said these words, Lufa knew that something was not good. Croton, who had received the promise, no longer hesitated and threw the Gengdan Vajra to Dongshan, activated the Appearance Change, and left here.

Badou is also a little clever. He knows that among the three armored warriors, Dongshan is most likely to be dissatisfied with him. Now that he has blocked Dongshan's mouth with the Gengdan Vajra, Dongshan will not be able to do it again. Take revenge on him.

As soon as the Gengdan Vajra was released, everyone's attention on the field was transferred to the Gengdan Vajra. The reason Lufa has fallen to this point is ultimately because he failed to withstand the temptation of the Gengdan Vajra. Only then did he provoke Nakajima and the others, otherwise, he might still be sleeping in the Demon Suppression Tower.

And Beimiao also knows that this Gengdan Vajra is the key to rescuing Bing'er. In order to rescue Bing'er, the three of them are now taking turns on duty. They can't sleep well every day. Even the Earth Tiger Armor is damaged because of this. The thing was destroyed. If it weren't for his feelings, Bing'er would have been sacrificed long ago.

Although no one said anything, Zhongji and the others often comforted Beimiao, but Beimiao himself felt uncomfortable. Now that he had hope, how could Beimiao give up.

As soon as the Gengdan Vajra Pestle left Croton's hand, Lufa and Beimiao rushed forward at the same time, trying to snatch the Gengdan Vajra Pestle.

But how could Lufa alone snatch three people? Although the Gengdan Vajra was thrown at Dongshan, Dongshan did not snatch it at all.

After fighting side by side for so many times, the three of them had a tacit understanding. Beimiao just lost his mind when he saw the Geng's Vajra Pestle, so he rushed forward. Dongshan directly used the Wind Eagle Crossbow to snatch Geng from Lufa. The vajra pestle fired several energy bombs.

In order to snatch the Gengden Vajra, Lufa had to carry these rounds of energy bombs, but unfortunately Nakajima was able to barely launch the Shrink without the help of the Earth Tiger Armor. Lufa's speed was already inferior to Tosugi's. The Wind Eagle Crossbow blocked it, and now Nakajiro was almost teleporting, so how could Lufa defeat him.

Although it was Lu Fa and Bei Miao who made the first move, the Gengdan Vajra Pestle fell into Nakajima's hands.

Since the Gengden Vajra Pestle has fallen into the hands of Zhongshan, Lufa naturally has no intention of snatching the Gengden Vajra Pestle back.

However, Beimiao lost his mind when he saw the Gengden Vajra at the beginning. Now that the Gengden Vajra fell into Zhongjie's hands, Beimiao also regained his sense. The three people had surrounded Lufa. in the middle.

Nakajima was so good at using alienation tactics, Lu Fa didn't think that Nakajima would come up and fight him alone.

Lufa traveled across the stars. For thousands of years, no matter what happened, even when Lufa was sentenced by King Pier to the three unforgivable sins of greed, anger, and ignorance, Lufa didn't take it seriously at all, but planned to With his own imperial guards, he would one day return to Ares in glory.

But now, Lufa is really at his wits' end. Conspiracies are easy to detect, but evil plots are hard to break. Now Nakajiro is crushing him with an absolute advantage in strength. He is majestic and overwhelming, using his power to overwhelm others. How can he break the situation?

However, after all, Lufa was the general who dominated the entire galaxy back then. It was impossible for him to be captured and killed at the first glance. Lufa shouted: "Lufa, the commander-in-chief of the Armor Corps, is here. Who will die? Today I Even if you die here, you will have to be dragged along with someone to support you."

Lufa planned to survive in death, to see if he could survive the desperate situation and find a glimmer of hope.

It's a pity that Zhongjie had the information not to be dragged down by Lufa, and Beimiao, after going through so many things, has long understood that success does not depend on me, success must have my spirit of sacrifice.

Now that he has seen the hope of Bing'er being cured, how can Beimiao, who has let go of the last trace of concern in his heart, be afraid of sacrifice.

Zhong Yan and Bei Miao walked up to Lu Fa with their Swift Shadow Knife and Meteor Gun respectively, while Dong Shan supported them with the Wind Eagle Crossbow, ready to attack Lu Fa at any time or to prevent Lu Fa from escaping. The trapped beast is still fighting. Zhongshan and Beimiao have not pushed too hard. Now they have a chance to win. What they need to do is to avoid losses as much as possible.

Lufa summoned the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword. For a time, knives, swords, and guns collided continuously. Whenever Lufa found an opportunity and wanted to escape, an energy bomb would be fired from Dongshan's Wind Eagle Crossbow. Shot out of the target, dashing Lufa's hope.

Lufa began to use some methods of exchanging injuries for injuries. He wanted to seriously injure Beimiao first, and then take advantage of it. Unexpectedly, Beimiao was more ruthless than him. Because of his incident, Zhongqian's Earth Tiger Armor was destroyed, and Beimiao was destroyed. Miao has always felt guilty. There are so many armor summoners who meet the requirements. Lufa exchanges injuries for injuries, but Bei Miao exchanges lives for lives.

All Beimiao's energy and energy were devoted to the battle, and he gradually entered a wonderful state. The meteor gun in his hand was as natural as an antelope hanging its horns, a set of "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear" , it can be said that it has reached the level of almost Taoism.

The water element automatically followed the dance of Beimiao's meteor gun and began to restrict Lufa's movements. Lufa began to become condensed when changing his moves. Several people present knew that after this battle, Beimiao's strength , I’m afraid it will also usher in a very big improvement.

However, although Beimiao was using a life-for-life stance, Beimiao and Zhongji would naturally help him resist fatal injuries. Lufa, let alone exchanging lives with Beimiao, even if he risked his life, he would still be able to survive. It would be good if Beimiao was seriously injured.

Gradually, both Nakajima and Dongshan withdrew from the battle and just stood aside to support Beimiao.

Zhongji also replaced the flying shadow sword in his hand with the shadow gun, just to interrupt Lufa's attack rhythm when Beimiao might be seriously injured.

Lufa looked at a meteor gun, swung it freely, and displayed his marksmanship to the fullest. Bei Miao, who was completely immersed in the battle, couldn't help but sigh. He was also like this back then, stepping on countless senior masters. After countless battles, Step by step, he reached the top and sat in the position of commander-in-chief of the Galaxy Armor Corps.

Unexpectedly, he would also be used as a stepping stone one day.

Lufa clenched the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword in his hand. If you want to use me as a stepping stone, it depends on how much you weigh. Lufa no longer thinks about escaping. Lufa absorbed the swordsmanship of countless planets and finally merged with it. A set of swordsmanship that was most suitable for him and the strongest came out, and he began to use it.

The "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear" is a supreme set of marksmanship that is integrated with the way of heaven, while Lufa's "Thunderbolt Jueling Sword Technique" can be said to be a collection of wisdom from creatures in most of the galaxy. At this time, the two of them When they fight, it's like thunder from the sky and fire from the earth. Both of them give full play to what they have learned throughout their lives.

Not to mention Tosugi, who has not yet learned the final sword technique of the Wind Eagle Armor, even Nakashima, who has already learned the "Mountain Forming Sword", was dazzled by it for a while and felt that he had gained a lot.

It's just that it's so difficult for man to conquer nature, not to mention that Lu Fa's set of swordsmanship cannot represent all human beings after all. With Beimiao's "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear" being used, more and more water elements gathered. Lu Fa felt like he was in a quagmire. Every time he swung his sword, he expended several times his strength.

Finally, the water element turned into a transparent rope composed of water elements, which tightly tied Lufa. After Lufa was tied up, Beimiao also fainted, and the black rhinoceros armor was automatically released.

Even Nakajima didn't expect that Lufa would be captured alive today. Originally, Lufa's death with minor injuries was the ending arranged by Nakajima for today.

After Beimiao fainted, the water element rope that tied Lufa did not disappear. Nakajima knew that this rope would probably always exist, just like the meteor gun and water armor shield, and would accompany Beimiao in battles in the future. , their current weapons should also be formed under this situation.
  Zhongji stepped forward to take a look at Beimiao's condition, and found that Beimiao had just lost strength and was in a coma. Zhongji was familiar with this situation and knew that Beimiao would be fine.

Although Lufa was captured alive by Beimiao, Lufa was cunning and cunning, and if he was left alive, Lufa might do something bad at some point.

However, Nether Demons cannot be killed indiscriminately. Nether Demons killed by ordinary methods will have a chance to be resurrected as long as their genetic code is obtained. Nakajiro plans to use the Summoner of the Hiying Armor to seal the Lufa and obtain the Lufa first. ’s genetic code, and then delete Lufa’s genetic code. In this way, Lufa will completely disappear from this world.

"As fast as the wind, as slow as the forest, as fleeting as fire, and as unpredictable as the shadows, the flying shadow of Fenglin Volcano is a sure-kill technique."

Nakajima activated the flying shadow armor's special killing technique, the killing space, and enveloped Lufa and Nakajima.

Now that the killing has begun, the process is about to be completed. Nakajima pointed at Lufa and said: "You have committed a crime that is not tolerated by heaven and earth. In the name of armor, I officially declare that you will be arrested and everything will be deprived of you." Right, plead guilty.”

"Tornado Demon Kick." Nakajima kicked Lufa, who was tied up and unable to move, into the air, intending to use a small combo.

"Phantom Knife Technique"

The Hiying Shadow Sword appeared in Nakajima's hand, and Nakajima slashed Lufa several times, causing Lufa to fly higher.

"Flying Shadow and Swift Shadow Arrow"

The Shadow Blade turned into a Shadow Gun, and an energy bullet was fired from the Shadow Gun.

However, at this time, a change suddenly occurred. The evil water trapped in the imaginary door suddenly started to make a fuss. Nakajiro just wanted to suppress it, but found that there were very few free earth elements in this space, and more It was a special element that he had never seen before.

For a moment, the suppression failed, and the evil water broke through the door of the imaginary room and rushed out.

The evil water that rushed out rushed forward and helped Lufa block the flying shadow arrows. Then he dragged Lufa who was tied up and escaped at the moment when the killing space was completed and the killing space disappeared.

Nakajima fired several shots with the Swift Shadow Gun, but none of them hit him. However, Dongshan saw Nakajima attacking and also attacked with the Wind Eagle Crossbow. However, although he hit one shot, Abominable Water still carried Lufa. Ran away.

(End of this chapter)

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