Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 136 Welcome: "Brother Nakashima, come sleep in my room tonight."

Chapter 136 Welcome: "Brother Nakashima, come sleep in my room tonight."

"You came."

"Yes, I'm coming."

"You should have come a long time ago!"

"It's not too late."

Nakajiro suddenly had a whim and came up with a classic Gulong-style dialogue. Unexpectedly, Croton unexpectedly connected it. There is no golden and ancient yellow beam in this world, and Croton connected it all. This made Nakajiro a little doubtful. Croton was Isn't he also a member of the time-traveling army?

If you think about it carefully, the Croton of this world was born with extraordinary blood, carrying the blood of the Dark Emperor. He was often bullied since he was a child, but he also had hidden top hacking skills. After becoming an adult, with the help of Lufa, he obtained Shura armor.

After obtaining the Shura Armor, his strength improved by leaps and bounds, and he could defeat Beimiao and Dongshan. In the end, he somehow got rid of Lufa's control and successfully cleared the shore.

Seeing Croton coming, Meizhen Qingzizi and others also came over. After listening to the conversation between Nakajima and Croton, Meizhen had a black line on her forehead. It was all a mess. Meizhen stepped forward and said to Croton: "Badu, welcome to join our team of armored warriors."

Everyone came up to greet him, originally wanting to express their welcome and their respect for Croton, but Croton looked at the people approaching and felt a slight sense of oppression, feeling that everyone was putting pressure on him.

Badou thought for a while, retreated in order to advance, handed the Shura Armor to Nakajima, and then said to Nakajima: "I will leave the Summoner of the Shura Armor to you for safekeeping."

Although Nakajima also coveted the summoning device of Shura Armor, Nakajima still knew himself. He really didn't have the strongest energy.

Furthermore, in this case, how could Nakajima put away Badou’s Shura Armor Summoner? Nakajima pushed Badou’s hand that held out the Shura Armor Summoner back: “What do you think our armored warriors’ team is? , since you are willing to join us, then we are comrades fighting side by side, why should I use your summoner?"

Nakajima Masayoshi finished these words calmly, as if he was not the one who asked Meizhen to send someone to inform Batou of Lufa's escape.

However, then Nakashima changed his expression instantly like a Sichuan opera actor, and said with a sly smile: "Of course, it's okay to lend it to me so I can experience it, but not now, let's talk about it later."

Let me introduce you first: "This is the person in charge of the ERP laboratory. Our Armored Warriors team is based on the ERP laboratory. She handled all the lifting of your wanted order." Jin pointed at Mizhen and introduced.

"Thank you so much." Badou walked over, held Meizhen's hand with both hands, and said excitedly.

Then Nakaji pointed at Dongshan and Beimiao and said: "These two are the summoners of the Wind Eagle Armor and the Black Rhino Armor, Dongshan and Beimiao."

"Hello." The three of them greeted each other casually. These three were old friends and had fought several times, each time with no outcome.

Nakajiro pointed at Qing Zizai again and said: "At this time, the magic cultivators of Ares Armor's lineage are mainly responsible for teaching Ares Armor's summoning combat skills. You can ask him for more advice."

Qing Zizai still performed a fist-cup salute as usual, saying he didn't dare.

Then Nakajiro introduced Xiao Fei. After hearing that Xiao Fei was the summoner of the Hii Shadow Armor, Croton was very surprised: "But it was you who defeated me with the Hii Shadow Armor that day."

Nakajiro said embarrassedly: "I am actually the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor. My Earth Tiger Armor was severely damaged in a battle and cannot be summoned now."

"Let's not talk about this for now. Let me introduce you to the last person, welcome. He is a secret cultivator of the Ares armor lineage. He is mainly responsible for providing some help to Ares' armor summoners in addition to teaching combat skills. In addition, , she is still my wife."

When he heard that it was Nakajima's wife, Croton didn't dare to neglect her, and he didn't dare to shake hands. He could only learn to be calm and calm, and said: "Sister-in-law will take more care of her in the future."

"Ah, sister-in-law." Welcoming didn't expect Nakajima to introduce him like this, and when Badou called him sister-in-law, he immediately blushed with embarrassment.

However, Welcoming did not deny the title of sister-in-law.

After the introduction, he asked and found out that Croton hadn't eaten yet, so he went to help Croton prepare dinner, and Meizhen also went over to help.

Except for Xiao Fei who continued to practice armor combat skills, the other four people sat down.

Nakajiro asked casually: "Aqing, do you have the combat skills of Shura Armor in the inheritance of your magic cultivators?"

"There is really no such thing. We have only inherited the combat skills of Xingtian, Feiying and King Kong armors." Qing Zizai replied with some embarrassment, as if it was his fault that he did not have the combat skills of Shura armor.

"That's it. Then I'll give Croton the method of improving mental energy that is common to our light and shadow armor."

"Dongshan, where's your brochure? Take it out quickly and lend it to Croton."

Dongshan looked embarrassed, Feng Wuchang, Yun Wuxiang, the five armor summoners, and the other four people all integrated the breathing method of "Yi Jin Gu Forging Chapter" into their own breathing instincts, so that they could maintain the " The breathing rhythm of "Easy Muscles and Forged Bones".

He was the only one who was usually fine, but whenever something happened, his breathing rhythm would be messed up. Therefore, he compiled the key points of "Yi Jin Tong Gu Pian" and wrote a booklet so that he could adjust it at any time.

Dongshan reluctantly took out his pamphlet and handed it to Croton. ,

Regarding how to improve his own strength, Ba Dou, like Monk Zhang Er, had always been puzzled. Now that he saw the technique, he was naturally very excited. He got the booklet from Dongshan and started reading it on the spot.

Of course, after reading it, I will definitely be disappointed. I originally thought it was a high-level secret book, but it is just a tool for adjusting the breathing rate. This is why everyone has heard "Yi Jin Tong Bone" and then read it to the end. The cheats all had the same reaction.

Nakajima naturally saw Croton's flash of disappointment, and he had the same reaction at the beginning.

However, this did not prevent him from preaching to Croton. After Croton showed a disappointed look, Nakajima said to Croton: "Don't underestimate this "Easing Muscles and Forging Bones". It is indeed just a breathing method, but As long as you maintain this breathing frequency all the time, it means that your strength is improving all the time, gathering armpits into fur and sand into towers, the improvement in strength is still considerable."

After listening to Nakajima's words, Badou nodded repeatedly and said: "Brother Nakajima is right, I am irritable."

At this time, Meizhen came over. After hearing what Badou said, Meizhen intervened: "Don't listen to Nakajima's nonsense. He is an old liar. The meal is ready. You are hungry even if you haven't eaten at this late hour. Go first." Let's eat."

Badou glanced at Zhongjie, who waved his hand and said: "You go to eat first, just remember to practice when you have time." Badou then went to eat. Badou went to eat, and it was not too early. Beimiao and Dong Shan also went back to his room.

However, Nakajima followed Croton and walked to the restaurant together. Seeing that Nakajima also went there, Mei Zhen stopped Nakajima angrily and said, "I'm going to eat, why are you going?" Nakajima turned back as he walked He smiled at Meizhen and said, "I can't go for a late-night snack. After all, I'm not afraid of gaining weight."

Meizhen, who heard Nakasuki's intention, wanted to explode on the spot and shouted: "Nakasuki, what do you mean, are you calling me fat?"

Nakajima had already rushed to the restaurant in a hurry. It was obvious that Croton was the one who went to Zhengerbajing for dinner, but Nakajima ran in front of Croton and entered the restaurant before Croton.

Only Mizhen, who was extremely angry, and Comrade Tosugi who was comforting Mizhen were left. Mizhen's anger that Nakajima provoked could only be borne by Tosugi.

In the restaurant, Nakajima heard Meizhen asking Dongshan whether she was fat or not.

Poor Dongshan also wanted to play a little trick and asked Meizhen to go out for a run in the morning, but Meizhen became even more angry and asked Dongshan if he also thought she was fat and needed to lose weight.

Dongshan didn't know what to say, but in the end, Meizhen agreed to go for a morning jog with Dongshan every morning from now on.

In the restaurant, Yingying had already prepared all the food, and placed the food and tableware on the dining table. There was not only Croton's dinner, but also Nakajiro's midnight snack.

Zhongshan's temperament has been figured out for a long time. If no one eats at night, Zhongshan will not ask for food. But if someone eats, then Zhongshan will have to eat some. Therefore, every time If anyone misses their meal and needs to have dinner a little later, Welcoming will prepare an extra midnight snack for Nakashima.

When Meizhen was helping in the restaurant, she specially prepared a late-night snack for Nakashima when she saw the welcome. Therefore, before Nakashima came to the restaurant, she deliberately wanted to embarrass Nakashima and complain about the welcome. However, she was the one who got offended in the end. , but still beautiful and true.

After Meizhen calmed down, she could only lament that Nakasaki was so virtuous that he could find a girlfriend who welcomed such a virtuous woman. If this was Dongshan, haha.

After this short period of living together, Zhongying has already figured out Nakashima's taste. The food he prepared for Nakashima was all Nakashima's favorite food. Nakashima's mouth was full of oil after eating it.

Croton compared the food of both parties and once suspected that helping him prepare dinner was incidental. In fact, the fundamental purpose of welcoming his sister-in-law was to help Nakashima prepare a loving late-night snack.

Looking at Nakajima and Yingying who were mixing the oil with honey, Croton speeded up his meal. It was very fast, but he was full before he had even eaten much dinner.

Croton thanked the welcome for the dinner specially prepared for him and planned to leave.

Welcoming stopped Croton and asked, "Aren't you going to live here?"

"Can I still live here?" Badou was a little moved. He originally lived in the school dormitory, and then slept in the open air with Lufa. Now that he has left, he has nowhere to go and can only find a hotel to stay temporarily.

"Of course, don't they all live here? Do you want to live here?"

"It's my wish, but I dare not invite you."

Since Badou also wanted to live here, Welcoming helped Badou arrange a room. However, during the arrangement, Huanying discovered an embarrassing problem. Although she had many rooms here, the last room was vacant. Yesterday, It has already been arranged for Meizhen.

However, it was she who took the initiative to ask Badou to stay. Now it would be too embarrassing to tell him that there was no room.

Welcome pulled Nakajima aside, bit his ear and said to Nakajima: "Brother Nakajima, how about you give your room to Croton, and you can sleep in my room tonight."

Hearing the welcome words, Nakajiro became excited on the spot: "Okay, okay."

Before the welcome words were finished, Nakajima agreed. Hengying also realized her gorgeous ambiguity just now. Hengying blushed and punched Nakajima angrily. He gritted his teeth, but still whispered to Nakajima: "What are you thinking about? I haven't finished talking yet. I'm going to sleep with Sister Meizhen tonight. You go to sleep in my room, and your room will be given to Croton."

Nakajiro knew that he had been hasty just now, so he had no choice but to be shameless and said shamelessly: "This is what I mean, and this is what I promised you, otherwise what do you think it is."

"Hey, you're not thinking about anything inexplicable, little pervert." At the end of his words, Nakajiro even hit him backwards.

Welcome and shy, small pink fists fell like raindrops on Nakashima's chest.

"Okay, okay." Nakajiro grabbed Welcoming's little pink fist and said to Welcoming, "We will make out again later, Croton is still waiting there."

Badou didn't expect that he would just arrange a room for him and welcome him to spend some time with Nakajima. He suddenly felt that he had eaten a little too much for dinner tonight and was feeling overwhelmed.

Welcome looked at Croton who was waiting aside, and felt even more embarrassed. He hurriedly broke away from Nakashima, and then took Croton to Nakashima's original room.

I packed up Nakajiro's things, and then helped Croton change into new sheets, quilts and other bedding. After a lot of work, it was done.

After finishing their work, Nakajima and Welcoming left the room, leaving Croton alone in the room.

It was already getting late, and the welcome was non-stop and Nakashima was brought to her room again.

Zhong Weng wanted to help Nakashima change the sheets and quilt, but Nakashima stopped him: "Stop being busy, I'll feel bad. I don't dislike you, and you won't dislike me."

Of course, Wen Ying wouldn't dislike Zhong Huan, but he was a little shy to let Zhong Huan sleep under the sheets and quilt that he usually slept on.

Zheng Ying suddenly smelled a dangerous aura, and when he looked up, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that there was a green light in Nakajima's eyes.

Yingying hurriedly said to Nakajima: "Brother Nakajima, since you don't need to change, then I will go to Sister Meizhen first." After saying that, he wanted to leave.

Before Welcoming could even take a step forward, he was grabbed by Nakajima and held in his arms. Nakajima put his mouth to Welcoming's ear and said softly: "It's so late, so don't disturb your beauty." She’s a real sister, how about sleeping in this room tonight.”

When Nakajima whispered in her ear, she felt her body stiffen. She was about to graduate from college. She knew exactly what would happen if she stayed here tonight.

 If I keep writing this, I feel like I will be blocked. Everyone thinks, do you want to stay if you are welcome?

  (End of this chapter)

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