Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 142 Shuttle Boat

Chapter 142 Shuttle Boat (More on this later)

A few days later, Meizhen called him.

It is impossible to launch another ERP satellite. The cost is too huge, but several monitoring radars can be built in Hope City to cover the entire Hope City. In this way, abnormal energy fluctuations can also be detected.

After learning the news, Nakajima was still a little disappointed. Nakajima wanted another ERP satellite, not only for the abnormal energy detection function of the ERP satellite, but he also needed another function of the ERP satellite, that is, the ERP satellite. transmission capability.

Now, every time they get news about a supernatural beast doing something evil, by the time they arrive at the scene, the supernatural beast has often finished its work and called it a day. If there is an ERP satellite transmission system, then they can ignore the need to rush on the road. time, by then, it should be able to effectively prevent Lufa from sending out supernatural beasts to collect resurrection energy.

Now only a few radar stations have been built so that Nakajima and the others can locate the location of the supernatural beast the moment it appears, but it still takes a long time to get to the scene. If they are far away from Huanhuan Teppanyaki It's okay if the distance is not far, but if it's far away, it won't be able to stop the supernatural beast from doing evil at all.

Nakashima has a headache. Some people are so short-sighted that they don't know how to prepare for a rainy day without suffering the pain.

However, Nakajima suddenly thought of a problem, that is, the light and shadow horse of the light and shadow armor should have been destroyed in a certain battle with the shadow world, so the ERP laboratory needed to create another one before he could use the light and shadow horse.

But that doesn't seem to be the case for the Ares series armored shuttle boats.

Xingtian's Fire Horse, Feiying's Jueying Horse, and King Kong's Thunder Horse were all hidden on the back of the moon, waiting for the armor summoner's call.

But it may be because the summoner of the Xingtian Armor of the Ares patrol team who came to the earth forgot to explain, so Xiaotian and others did not know about the shuttle boat.

In the end, in order to save Yuzi who was thrown downstairs by the Nether Demon, Xiaotian's emotions fluctuated violently, and he summoned the Fire Horse.

Without further ado, Nakajiro asked Xiao Fei to borrow the Summoner of the Hiying Armor and summoned the Hiying Armor.

Nakajima silently thought about Jueyingju in his heart, then touched the card box with his right hand and took out a summoning card from the card box, which was Jueyingju.

Nakajiro inserted the summoning card into the Hiikage Armor Summoner in front of his belt and summoned the Shadow Horse.

Perhaps because of the first call, it took some time for the shuttle boat to arrive from the moon to the earth, so Nakajima waited for a while before the shuttle boat arrived belatedly.

Nakajiro jumped onto the Jueying Pony with a slight leap.

An electronically synthesized voice came out: "Identification system activated."

Nakajiro sat on the Jueyingju, and then pointed the light on the chest of the Hiying Armor at the identification device of the shuttle boat.

The invisible current linked the light on the chest of the Feiying Armor to the identification device for identification.

"The driver's identity is confirmed, Flying Shadow, and the mind switch is successful."

Nakajiro finally officially took control of Jueyingju.

Nakaji couldn't wait to drive Jueyingju and flew into the blue sky.

By the time the welcome and others heard the sound of the shuttle boat breaking through the air and came out to check, they could only see a small black dot.

Nakajiro controlled the direction, and the Jueyingju's aircraft was pointed upwards, flying vertically upwards.

Soon, Jueyingju broke through the atmosphere, broke away from the earth's gravity, and came into space.

Only then did Nakajiro stop the shuttle boat.

Turning around, Nakajiro looked down at the Earth from space.

It's true that distance creates beauty. When Nakashima was on Earth, he really didn't feel that there was much beautiful scenery around him, but when he looked down at the Earth from space, it looked really beautiful.

The blue ocean, the intersecting green and yellow land, and the white clouds add a dreamy atmosphere to the earth.

All the modifications humans have made on the earth can hardly be seen in space.

Everything is like a dream
  Nakajiro admired it for a while and then flew back to Earth again.

The shuttle boat that comes with the armor is different from the ordinary shuttle boat. The attributes of the shuttle boat and the armor are the same. Jueyingju also follows a light and fast path, with extremely high speed.

Radar and other detection technologies on the earth can't detect any trace of the Jueyingju, so Zhongbo can drive unscrupulously.

Nakajima even drove a shuttle boat to the side of a large passenger plane.

Through the window of the passenger plane, Nakajima saw the passengers inside the plane.

Next to the window that Nakajiro was close to, there was a young mother taking her child, who was about seven or eight years old, and she didn't know where she was going to fly.

The mother had fallen asleep, but her seven or eight-year-old son, who was most energetic at the time, did not fall asleep.

The little boy, who was restrained in his seat by a seat belt, was looking around.

When you stare at the naughty kid, the naughty kid will also stare at you. Nakajima glanced at him lightly, and the little boy seemed to sense it and turned to look at him.

Seeing Nakashima's Juekingju, the little boy's eyes widened in surprise.

Seeing that the little boy had discovered him, Nakajima quickly activated the optical stealth mode.

The little boy woke up his mother and shouted: "Mom, Mom, there is a fighter jet outside." This child may be a military fan and mistook Jueyingju for a fighter jet.

The little boy's mother was shaken awake by the little boy. After hearing what the little boy said, she looked out the window.
  Nakajima has activated the optical stealth mode, so how can the little boy's mother be able to see it with the naked eye.

The boy's mother didn't see anything and asked her son: "Huang Xing, where are the other planes outside?"

The little boy named Huang Xing looked out the window again. There was Jueyingju there.

The little boy lowered his head in grievance, but I had clearly seen a small plane outside the window just now.

Being woken up from a sweet dream, the little boy's mother was originally not in a good mood. When she heard that her son was still quibbling, she became even more angry. She raised her eyebrows and was about to have an attack, but thinking that she was still on the plane, Many of the passengers next to him were sleeping. They just lowered their voices and said to the little boy, "I'll take care of you after we get off the plane."

The little boy remembered the fear of being dominated by his mother and stopped making a sound.

The little boy's mother was woken up and couldn't fall asleep for a while, so she planned to enjoy the scenery outside the window.

Just as the plane passed through a cloud, the little boy's mother discovered something unusual. The plane passed through the clouds, and there was a trace behind it. Next to the big trace of the big plane, there was a small trace. This showed that there was indeed a trace next to the plane. There is something.

The mother suddenly thought of something scary and screamed on the spot.

The sound was harsh and quickly attracted the flight attendants on the plane.

Seeing that something was going to happen, Nakashima quickly drove away in the shuttle boat. As the mother had to undergo some kind of psychological test or something, there was nothing he could do. He could only say sorry silently in his heart.

Nakajiro realized that he had caused a minor disaster, so he no longer rode the Jueyingju outside, but returned to Huanhuan Teppanyaki. Although Nakajima walked around for a long time, at Jueyingju's speed, it didn't actually take long.

Nakajima received a call from Meizhen when he was still lying in bed in the morning, borrowed the Feiying Armor Summoner from Xiaofei while eating breakfast, and then tried to summon Jueyingju. It still took some time, but now it was wasted. After returning from a lap, the welcome was preparing lunch.

Nakajiro called out the welcome and others.

Seeing Nakajiro's Jueyingju, everyone's mouths opened in surprise.

Welcome asked: "Is this the shuttle boat of the Feiying Armor?" There is a record of the shuttle boat in the secret cultivator's inheritance, but there is no method to summon the shuttle boat.

"Yes." Hearing Nakajima's affirmative answer, Xiao Fei was excited: "Is this the one that comes with the Feiying Armor? Then I can also drive it?"

"Of course, but you can only summon it yourself after you merge with the armor."

Zhongjie thought for a moment, disarmed the armor, and returned the summoner of the Feiying Armor to Xiao Fei: "Xiao Fei, come and give it a try."

This time, he wanted to verify an operation.

After Xiao Fei summoned the armor, he also tried to summon the Shadow Horse. Summoning the shuttle boat was not difficult. As long as you mastered the method, you could easily summon it.

Without much effort, Xiao Fei summoned the Shadow Horse.

However, at this time, Zhongjie's experiment had just begun. Zhongjie said to Xiaofei: "Don't remove the armor yet, and don't remove the summons to the Shadow Pony."

Although he didn't know what Nakashima was going to do, Xiao Fei nodded cooperatively.

Nakajiro used elemental control to simulate the fluctuations when summoning armor, touched the Hiying Armor Summoner, and summoned another set of Hiying Armor.

Then I tried to summon the Shadow Horse.

The shuttle boat is different from the Shadow Blade and other weapons summoned by the armor. Although the shuttle boat is a supporting existence of the armor, it is relatively independent. It will not even disappear when the armor is lifted, but will just stop on a nearby satellite.

So Nakajiro wanted to try to see if he could summon another Jueyingju.

Nakajima was overjoyed at first, because he felt that the summoning was successful, and the shuttle boat equipped with this set of armor was already on its way.

Then he became confused again, because he felt that the shuttle boat was currently far away from him. Although the summoning was successful and a connection was established between the shuttle boat and him, even if the shuttle boat was equipped with space Due to the migration technology, it would probably take at least several years for the shuttle boat to reach here.

Nakajiro disarmed Hiei's armor glumly, and signaled to Xiao Fei that he could also disarm the armor.

It’s really a slap in the face. Although the conflict between Xiao Fei and Xiao Gang in the original book is mostly due to Xiao Fei’s bad personality, Xiao Gang’s lack of eyesight is also one of the reasons for the conflict.

Nakajima's face was clouded, and anyone with a discerning eye knew that Nakajima was now in a bad mood. Only Xiaogang didn't notice it at all, and asked Nakajima excitedly: "Brother Nakajima, my Vajra Armor should also have a shuttle boat."

Xiaofei and Xiaogang, the two little brats are now competing fiercely. One has improved his strength, and the other has to catch up immediately.

Now that Xiao Fei has a shuttle boat, Xiao Gang naturally wants it too, not to mention that the shuttle boat is so cool, even without Xiao Fei, Xiao Gang also wants it.

Although Nakajima was a little disappointed because he didn't summon his own shuttle boat, he didn't want to vent his anger on others. He calmed down and said to Xiaogang: "Of course we have the King Kong Armor. The King Kong Armor's shuttle boat is called Thunderbolt Ju, you can try to summon it yourself."

Xiaogang was very happy when he heard that Zhongjie said that there was also a diamond armor. He took the summoner of the diamond armor and ran away, completely ignoring that lunch time was already here.

After working all morning, everyone was hungry, and then they all went back to enjoy lunch, except Xiaogang.

After everyone finished their lunch, Xiaogang also came back. However, there was no excitement on Xiaogang's face, only disappointment.

Zhongji held a toothpick in his mouth and asked Xiaogang, "What's wrong, Xiaogang? Didn't you summon the Thunder Horse?"

Although Xiaogang had already written the answer to the question on his face, Zhongjie still asked.

Xiaogang nodded aggrievedly and said yes.

Having had enough wine and food, and just finished enjoying the welcome craftsmanship, Nakajiro was now in a good mood, so he said to Xiaogang: "Give me the Summoner of the Diamond Armor, and I will try it."

Hope rekindled in Xiaogang's eyes, and he handed the Summoner of the Diamond Armor to Nakajima.

Although Xiaogang didn't say a word, the fire in Xiaogang's eyes almost burned Zhongshan away.

Nakajiro quickly spit out the toothpick in his mouth, took the Summoner of the Diamond Armor, and walked from the back door of the welcome shop to a more remote and open place.

Except for Xiao Gang, others were actually quite curious about the Diamond Armor shuttle boat. They were even curious about how Nakajima summoned the shuttle boat. Therefore, a group of people who had just finished lunch also came out and wanted to take a look. What does the Diamond Armor shuttle boat look like?

By the way, let’s also observe how Nakayama summons the shuttle boat.

"Diamond armor, combined."

Nakajima first summoned the Diamond Armor.

Seeing so many people looking at him made Nakashima a little nervous. Nakashima has never been a person who likes to be in the limelight, but since everyone came out and they were all acquaintances, it was hard for Nakashima to ask them to go back first. .

Nakajiro took a deep breath, even disrupting the operation of "Yi Jin Bone Forging Chapter" in order to calm down.

Nakajiro shouted: "Explosive Thunder Horse."

His right hand took out a summoning card from the card box, which was the summoning card of Thunder Horse.

Nakajiro inserted the summoning card of the Thunder Horse into the diamond armor summoner in front of his belt, and the Thunder Horse also rushed over at full speed from the back of the moon.

After a while, the Explosive Thunder Horse arrived. Looking at the Explosive Thunder Horse, Xiao Gang couldn't help but jump up with excitement.

Instead of experiencing the Explosive Thunder Horse again, Nakajiro disarmed the Diamond Armor, and then handed the Summoner of the Diamond Armor to Xiaogang.

Then he encouraged Xiaogang and said: "Xiaogang, try again. The first time is always more difficult. I have already summoned it once, and it should be easier to summon it this time."

Xiaogang took the summoner and summoned the diamond armor again, preparing to try summoning the shuttle boat again.

Having already been summoned once, it was much easier to summon it again. Not long after, Xiaogang also successfully summoned the Thunder Horse.

Seeing that Xiaogang's summon was successful, Nakajiro thought for a moment and did what he had just done to the Feiying Armor to the King Kong Armor and summoned another Explosive Horse.

Of course, at this time, the armory director of Ares went to King Louis to report the armor that was lost some time ago, and the corresponding shuttle boat also flew away, so it was none of Nakashima's business.

(End of this chapter)

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