Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 144 The Demonic Cord Trapped in Blue Water

Chapter 144 The Demonic Cord Trapped in Blue Water

Seeing that they could not gain an advantage, the three of them became a little anxious.

This operation was a bit miscalculated, because the twelve supernatural beasts that were sealed were not very strong. With Nakajima's current strength, even if the twelve supernatural beasts were sent out together, Nakajima could seal them one by one. .

Although Nakajima has never fought against the Netherworld Demon, Lufa's strength is only slightly stronger than him. By analogy, Nakajima does not think that the Netherworld Demon is that powerful.

But the Nether Demon was fused with the Demon Spirit Stone, and the combination of the two was actually so terrifying, and was only slightly weaker than the three of them.

What worries Nakashima even more is that there are as many as twelve such Nether Demons fused with Demonic Spirit Stones. If Lufa sends out other Nether Demons, how will he deal with them.

Even if Badshui gets involved now, he can still hold on, but if Badshui goes to deal with Beimiao or Croton, it will be difficult for Nakajima to help now.

Seeing that Lufa wanted to continue summoning the Nether Demon, Nakajiro suddenly became wise and shouted to Lufa: "Lufa, do you know whose body you are occupying now?"

"Oh?" Lufa was really curious. He originally thought that this was just a qualified body that the shadow world helped him find. From what Nakajiro meant, could there be any hidden secrets?

Seeing Lufa's curiosity, Badui, who had just entered the spectator mode, became anxious. She took out her spear, attacked Nakajima, and shouted loudly: "Brother Lufa, don't fall into their alienation plan."

Back then, Croton was lured over by Nakajima using a similar method. Of course Lufa was wary of Nakajima, but now Bad Shui's violent reaction made Lufa suspicious.

Seeing that Bad Shui was so anxious, not to mention Lufa, even Nakajima was a little confused. He originally just wanted to say that Lufa occupied the body of the nominal supreme leader of the shadow world, to cause Lufa to Suspicion, but unexpectedly Bad Shui's reaction was so great.

Nakajiro also began to think divergently, thinking about what the shadow world was planning to do.

One against two, Nakajiro got distracted and was struck in the back by Bayobi without paying attention.

This ax made Nakajiro wake up. That's right, Shadow Realm doesn't want anything from Lufa. What Shadow Realm wants is Lufa.

The combination of five light and shadow armors can summon the emperor's armor, and the five shadow guardians can also be combined to revive the black monster.

But the key to the combination of five pairs of light and shadow armors is unity. But the combination of five shadow guardians still needs a carrier. After the ordinary magic stone is combined with the Nether Demon, the strength has been improved so obviously. If it is already powerful If the black magic beast is combined with the already powerful Lufa.

Using an ordinary earth as a carrier, the Black World of Warcraft is so powerful. If the carrier is one of the strongest in the galaxy, then there is no telling how high the strength of the Black World of Warcraft will be.

Although the Emperor's Armor is invincible from a rule level, it would take a lot more effort than dealing with such a black monster.

But Nakajima did not rashly tell his guess. Even if he told it, Lufa believed it. For a hero like Lufa who was blinded by greed, he would not immediately fall out with the Shadow World, but would think about it. Use the Shadow Realm.

Now the performance of Bad Water has confirmed that the cooperation between the Shadow Realm and Lufa does have some conspiracy. Lufa will definitely be more suspicious of the Shadow Realm. Regarding the impact of the cooperation between Lufa and the Shadow Realm, under this suspicion, it is said that The uncertain impact is even greater.

Nakajiro stopped talking and began to concentrate on dealing with Bayoubi and Bad Water.

As soon as Nakajima focused on fending off the enemy, it was Badsui and Bayoubi's turn to feel uncomfortable.

Soon Nakajima moved back into the situation and began to beat Bayoubi and Bad Water again.

Lufa on the side, after hearing Nakajima's words, did not continue to summon the Nether Demon, but entered a state of watching the battle. With the news about Bad Water, how could he not know that Nakajima would be guarding the Demon Suppression Tower today? Although the genetic code in the Demon Suppression Tower is the key to the resurrection of his remaining men, there is no need to be in such a hurry to get it. Lufa is not You would think that Lin Huamei could bring back the genetic code without disturbing Zhongshan.

The only variable in this plan is whether Nakajiro will choose to capture Lin Huamei and force him to reveal the address here, or secretly follow Lin Huamei and find this place.

Sure enough, Nakajima really followed here and brought Croton and Beimiao with him.

Lufa has long been familiar with this little trick of luring snakes out of their holes.

Originally, Lufa was not in such a hurry to deal with the armored warriors, but Bad Water kept urging him. After all, the two sides were allies. The Shadow Realm had already expressed its sincerity and provided him with a body. It was not good for him to do nothing.

Lufa just made this tool, but now, listening to Nakajima's words and the performance of Bad Water, is there any problem with this body?

Seeing that the battle situation was at a stalemate, Lufa said: "Brother Nakajima, how about we stop here today?"

Although Nakajima was afraid that Lufa would continue to summon the Nether Demon, at this time, he was determined to lose the battle. He laughed loudly and said: "General Lufa, don't be anxious. Let's have a good talk after I clean up the bad water first."

After saying that, Nakajiro shifted the focus of his attack to Bad Shui.

Bayobi saw that his General Lufa was showing signs of peace talks, and his men's movements slowed down.

In this way, the pressure of the diamond armor was exerted on Bad Shui. Fortunately, the diamond armor was a technological creation after all. Although it was also combined with mental energy, the damage to Bad Shui, who was a creature in the shadow world, was still much lower.

Bad Shui had no choice but to take out the means she used to hold it down from the bottom of the box.

A black translucent rope appeared in Badui's hand. Badui used the rope as a whip, and then barely managed to withstand Nakashima's attack.

However, this rope looks a bit familiar to Nakajima.

At this time, Beimiao, who was fighting with Cupixiu, suddenly raised his head and shouted loudly: "This is my blue water trapped magic rope."

It turned out that this rope was the same rope that was used to tie up Lufa when Beimiao fought with Lufa.

This is the weapon of the Black Rhinoceros armor made by Beimiao himself. Nakajima has always wanted to make one, but has never succeeded. Unexpectedly, Beimiao will be the best.

However, after the battle that day, Beimiao passed out and Lufa was rescued by Bad Shui. This fresh rope also fell into Bad Shui's hands.

After Bad Water got the rope, he used the power of the shadow world to corrode the blue water trapped magic rope and took control of the weapon.

I just felt sorry for Beimiao. After that battle, there should have been a period of explosive growth in strength.

However, because the original energy was consumed to create this blue water trapped magic rope, and then this rope was lost, as a result, although Beimiao's strength had improved a lot after the last battle, it did not produce anything. qualitative change.

(End of this chapter)

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