Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 155 The supernatural beast attacks

Chapter 155 The supernatural beast attacks

The Summoner of the Shura Armor was okay. After all, it was just a technological product, and it was shaped like a mobile phone, so it didn't cause any disturbance.

But the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor caused a commotion. Although the Earth Tiger cannot be summoned for the time being, the lingering power of the tiger's death is still there. There is still a trace of the Earth Tiger Armor's aura on the Summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor.

Most creatures, let alone ordinary people, cannot feel this breath, but this time the police dogs happened to be among those who can feel it.

But the remaining power was not enough to deter the two police dogs with their owners at their side. So the dogs took advantage of the human power. The moment the Dihu armor summoner was found, the two police dogs instantly became manic and headed towards the ground. The Tiger Armor Summoner barked.

When Nakaji saw the police dog barking like this, he knew something was going to go wrong again.

Sure enough, seeing the police dog's reaction, all the police officers present became nervous instantly, and except for the two police officers holding the police dogs, they all gathered around.

One of the police officers pointed to the summoner of the Dihu armor and asked, "What is this?"

Nakajima could only bite the bullet and said: "Well, this is just a mobile phone."

Nakajima couldn't think of any other explanation for a while, so he could only rely on the remaining functions of this summoner. After all, this summoner can indeed be used as a mobile phone.

After saying that, Nakajiro turned the summoner over, revealing the buttons on the other side, which now looked more like a mobile phone.

When they saw the buttons on the other side, although they looked a little strange, they did look like a mobile phone. Several police officers also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, the reaction of the police dog was indeed strange. In a serious and responsible manner, a police officer said to Nakashima: "Sir, we need to take apart your mobile phone for inspection. Please forgive me."

As soon as he heard that he was going to dismantle the Dihu armor summoner, how could that be done? Nakajiro was no longer calm and said to the police in a hurry: "No, this can't be dismantled. If you dismantle it, it will break."

The police officer who said he wanted to dismantle the Summoner of the Dihu Armor comforted Nakashima and said, "Don't worry, we won't dismantle it violently. We will ask professional mobile phone repair people to dismantle it, and we won't break it for you."

Seeing that it was necessary to dismantle it, Nakajiro had no choice but to reach out to the Summoner of the Shura Armor. The Summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor could not be dismantled under any circumstances. He could only resist the law violently once. He would be merciful. Try not to hurt these police officers.

Nakajiro stretched his hand towards the summoner of Shura Armor and said, "Comrade police, can I make a call?"

Nakajima is not a criminal suspect now. Of course he has the right to make phone calls. Several police officers did not stop Nakajima. They just called professionals to dismantle the summoner of the Dihu armor and check it.

Nakajima didn't expect that he had just made up his mind to never summon Shura Armor easily in the future. He didn't expect that he would have to summon it again soon, and it wasn't to deal with supernatural beasts or ghost demons, but to deal with the police. This time it was really embarrassing. Big.

Just when Nakajima was about to summon Shura Armor, a sudden change occurred, and there was a commotion in the vehicles waiting for inspection behind them.

The police dog in the car started barking again. Except for the two police comrades who were calming the police dog and watching Nakashima, the other police officers rushed towards the place where the commotion occurred. When Nakashima saw what happened, he also There was no rush to summon Shura Armor.

Soon, the people gathered there all ran away, and Nakajima saw clearly what was happening. A Nether Demon fused with the Demon Spirit Stone was chasing a descendant of the Light and Shadow Village.

Pursuing the descendants of the Light and Shadow Village can not only accomplish the goal of the Shadow Guardian, but also cause destruction and collect evil energy. It can also help Lufa collect energy for resurrection. It kills two birds with one stone, so the Shadow Guardian quickly reached a cooperation with Lufa. Intention, today is the first time they take action.

Seeing the supernatural beast causing trouble, Nakajima immediately wanted to summon the armor, but when he picked up the summoner of Shura Armor, Nakajima hesitated.

He had just made up his mind not to summon the Shura Armor easily, but to try to repair the Earth Tiger Armor. If he summoned the Shura Armor whenever he encountered a supernatural beast like this, the repair of the Earth Tiger Armor would probably be far away. .

Nakajiro picked up the Summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor on the table, put the summoning chip on the necklace into the Summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor, and shouted loudly: "Earth Tiger Armor, merge."

The feeling of having a heavy burden on your shoulders, of a thousand people hanging on your every word.

Everyone around looked at Nakashima, but unfortunately, the armored warrior whom everyone was looking forward to did not appear. Everyone just thought he was a middle-aged boy who was frightened by a supernatural beast. They just glanced at Nakashima and ran away for their lives.

But ordinary people can run for their lives in all directions, but the police comrades present cannot, although they cannot effectively stop the supernatural beasts.

But even if they sacrificed their own lives to gain just a few seconds for the people, they did not take a step back. They used their own flesh and blood to block the footsteps of the supernatural beast and buy time for the people to retreat.

When Nakajima saw another police comrade bravely blocking the front of the supernatural beast, and then about to die under the claws of the supernatural beast, he finally couldn't help it anymore.

Nakajiro put the Summoner of the Shura Armor on the table, picked up the Summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor and rushed forward using the Earth Thunder in the "Diyan Sword Technique".

In the process of rushing forward, Nakajima kept silently calling for the Earth Tiger Armor in his heart.

Because of his ambition to make sacrifices and dare to make the sun and the moon change the sky, Nakajima couldn't help but watch every police comrade sacrifice in front of him, but he did nothing, especially when he had the ability.

But unfortunately, until Nakajiro rushed in front of the supernatural beast, the earth tiger armor did not appear.

Nakajiro used his elemental control ability to block the claw of the supernatural beast and saved the police comrade who was blocking the supernatural beast.

This comrade policeman was already ready to generously go to charity, but unexpectedly the pain did not come for a long time. The policeman opened his eyes and saw the yellow light curtain flowing on his arm, blocking the supernatural power. Nakajiro, who was attacked by the beast, had a look of curiosity and envy in his eyes.

Nakajima took a look at this police comrade. He was only in his twenties. He didn't know whose son, husband or father he was. Just because he was wearing these clothes, he looked... The consciousness of dying generously.

Nakajiro yelled at the policeman: "Quickly leave, don't get in the way here."

Originally, this police comrade planned to draw his gun and deal with the supernatural beast together, but seeing that Zhongzhi blocked the supernatural beast, he told him to stay out of the way. Seeing that Zhongzhi looked like he could deal with the supernatural beast, he walked away for a while. In the distance, there was a guard with a gun not far away.

This is already the territory of Hope City. What we encountered this time was not an ordinary supernatural beast, but the Nether Demon fused with the Demon Spirit Stone under Lufa.

The strength of these Nether Demons was not weak to begin with. After being fused with the Demon Spirit Stone, their strength increased greatly. When Nakajiro summoned the Diamond Armor, he was only slightly better.

Now without armor, only relying on the ability to control elements, there is the opponent of this supernatural beast. After a few moves, the supernatural beast felt that it could not easily defeat Nakashima, so it summoned its own weapon, the Judgment Axe.

With just the first ax blow, Nakajima was knocked back a step, and then the supernatural beast gained the upper hand and struck with another axe. The earth elemental protective light curtain flowing on Nakajima's arm was immediately scattered. Although Nakajima immediately condensed another layer, it was much dimmer than the original one, and the light became dim and unclear as it circulated.

But immediately afterwards, the third ax of the supernatural beast struck down. With this ax, the protective light curtain that Nakajiro had condensed again was broken apart again. Nakajiro could not withstand the power of this axe. He stumbled and fell directly to the ground.

The police comrade was shocked. He didn't expect that the man and the beast, who had been evenly matched just now, would decide the winner so quickly after the supernatural beast took out an axe, and he quickly opened fire to help.

But the Nether Demon, which is between the two realms of light and shadow and is fused with the Demon Spirit Stone, will not be harmed by ordinary means in the light realm. The police's small pistol did not cause any harm to the supernatural beast at all.

The Nether Demon fused with the Demon Spirit Stone still retains most of the Nether Demon's wisdom and memory. Naturally, he also knows who poses the greatest threat. He immediately wants to kill Nakashima and ignores the policeman's small pistol.

Nakajima's ability to control elements has reached its limit in a short period of time and cannot be used again.

At this critical moment of life and death, Nakajima once again took out the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor. He had already placed the summoner of the Shura Armor on the table over there. If the Earth Tiger Armor could not be repaired this time, then Let him die here too.

PS: Because the definition of a supernatural beast is a creature from the bright world that has been fused with a demon stone. Although the Nether Demon is a villain, he is also a member of the bright world, so I will also call those Nether Demons that are fused with the demon stone. A supernatural beast.

 Comprehensive poverty alleviation will be completed in October. The recent poverty alleviation task is indeed a bit heavy. The update cannot guarantee anything. I hope everyone can understand, but don’t worry, it is impossible for eunuchs to be eunuchs.

  (End of this chapter)

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