Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 167 Writing Summoning Gene

Chapter 167 Writing Summoning Gene
  After all, this was not a real visit from his son-in-law. After buying the things, Nakashima stopped staying and drove quickly to the home where his grandma was welcome.

Yingying had already made an agreement with her grandmother to pick her up and help her out. Therefore, Yingying's grandma had been waiting at home for Nakajima's arrival.

But what the welcoming grandma didn't expect was that the person who came to pick her up actually brought a bunch of things to the door, including large and small bags, and finally a pair of jade bracelets.

After all, the secret cultivator was inherited from the family of the year before last, and his ancestors were once rich. The welcoming grandma still liked it. Although she didn't know the market price of this pair of jade bracelets, she could still be sure that it was worth a lot.

The welcoming grandma couldn't help but suspect Nakashima's purpose when she gave him such a big gift when they first met.

But after careful consideration, the welcoming grandma still accepted the pair of jade bracelets. They were no more than a pair of jade bracelets, and they, the secret cultivators, could still accept them. At worst, they would just take back a piece of jewelry of similar value in the future.

As for business, the grandma who welcomed me didn't bother Nakajiro too much, but she accepted the jade bracelet but not the fruit.

The reason is very simple. The grandma who welcomed me lives alone. If these fruits are left here, they will probably smell bad when she comes back.

Nakaji had no choice but to pick up the large and small bags of fruit he had brought and drove to Huanhuan Teppanyaki with his welcoming grandma.

On the way, Nakaji wanted to say something to get closer to the welcoming grandma, but he was afraid that his words would be inappropriate and leave a bad impression on the welcoming grandma.

In the tangle of Nakajima, he arrived at the welcoming store in silence.

Seeing Nakahiro's car arriving, Wen Wen came to the door early to greet him. The welcoming grandmother gave Wen Wen a big hug as soon as she got off the car.

After entering the house. Zheng Ying told her grandmother in detail what she needed help from.

By the way, they also introduced everyone to grandma. The welcoming grandma looked at Nakashima in surprise. He didn't expect that this shy big boy was actually the captain of the Light and Shadow Armor and the summoner of the Emperor Tiger Armor. Look at him. His behavior along the way was very unlike that of a leader.

After hearing what Weng Weng asked him for help with, Wen Wen's grandmother couldn't help scolding Wen Wen: "I usually ask you to dig more into your subconscious, but you always disobey and are always playful. Now that you have used the book, you will regret it." Alright."

"Grandma." Yingying said coquettishly to her grandmother in a long voice.

"Okay, okay, won't grandma help you?" The grandma who welcomed her obviously had no way to deal with the welcome.

"Thank you so much, grandma." Badou was the first to say thanks.

After everyone had a meal together, the grandma who welcomed her went to the house to retreat with her. No one could help with this matter and could only wait outside.

In the past two days, the welcome was gone. After cooking two meals for themselves, a group of grown men couldn't stand each other's cooking skills anymore and started taking out food.

It's just a bunch of people ordering takeout in a restaurant, which seems weird.

After staying in Hope City for two days, Xinnan also returned to S City.

Welcoming still doesn’t know how long it will take to get out of seclusion. During this period, for some reason, Lufa has been relatively honest and has not sent out the Nether Demon to cause trouble.

Apart from practicing armor combat skills every day, Nakajima and others have nothing to do on weekdays. Croton's summoning of armor has not yet happened, and Nakajima has begun to teach Croton the battle skills of King Kong Armor. However, this gave Xiaogang, who had lost his temper, a sense of urgency. He summoned the Diamond Armor earlier than Croton, and learned the combat skills of Diamond Armor earlier than Croton. What if Croton caught up from behind and surpassed him in strength after summoning the Diamond Armor? Then he would be too embarrassed to see anyone.

Just when Nakajima and the others were arranging the daily duty list of who would get takeout, Yingying and his grandmother finally came out of seclusion.

As expected by Nakasaki, the welcoming grandmother brought good news. In the subconscious inherited by the esoteric practitioners, she found a way to use the Gengdan Vajra to help people purify their genes and summon armor.

There was nothing wrong with Nakajima's original posture, but the posture was not important at all. What was important was that the intention should be able to guide the energy in the Gengdan Vajra into the human body, and then modify the genes.

Yes, genetic modification, Ares Star's gene digitization technology has long been mature, and editing genes is naturally not difficult for Ares Star.

Nakajima's statement about purifying genes is actually wrong. Tibetan cultivators do need to purify genes because their bodies are adulterated with the genes of Lufa and Kula. However, if you want Croton to summon armor, you need to write the summons into Croton's body. Gene.

It’s been so long since I’ve had a serious meal, because everyone outside was ordering takeout, and the welcoming grandma could only follow along and eat takeout.

After leaving customs, Wen Wen couldn't wait to prepare a large table of dishes, and everyone had a big meal together.

After eating, Nakajiro took out the Gengden Vajra again, intending to write the summoning gene for the Vajra Armor into Croton.

Although Ares's genetic modification technology has long been very mature, and Nakajima and others are still sitting on Ares's most precious treasure, the Gendan Vajra Pestle, after all, this is the first time to modify genes, so everyone is still a little nervous.

Genetic modification requires the guidance of the will. Among the people present, the one with the strongest will is none other than Zhong Huan. Naturally, this task must be completed by Zhong Huan.

Nakajima once again assumed the same posture as last time. Although the posture was not important, Nakajima still felt that it would be better to have a sense of ceremony.

Nakajiro carefully guided the energy of the Gengdan Vajra, and wrote the summoning gene of the Vajra Armor into Croton according to the welcome grandma's instructions.

This process is simpler than what the welcoming grandma said. After all, the Gengdan Vajra is the highest treasure of Ares. Gene modification is just a piece of cake for the Gengdan Vajra.

Soon, Croton's genetic modification was completed, and both Nakajima and Croton opened their eyes.

Without speaking, Nakajiro just silently put the summoner of the diamond armor into Croton's hand and nodded toward Croton.

Croton pressed the start button of the game console-like Diamond Armor Summoner.

The summoning belt of Diamond Armor appeared on Croton's waist, and the armor combination card flew out of the summoning card box of the armor belt. Croton caught it with the summoner and inserted the Diamond Armor summoner into the armor belt.

"Diamond armor, combined."

Croton shouted loudly, and then, the diamond armor covered Croton's whole body.

Badou lowered his head and looked at himself, a little unbelievable. Lufa was the last big boss. The summoner of Shura Armor was snatched away by Lufa. He originally thought that he might never be able to summon the armor again, but he didn't expect that he would lose it. Yu, harvested the mulberry elm, and not long after, he obtained another set of armor.

(End of this chapter)

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