Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 169 Chance Encounter

Chapter 169 Chance Encounter
  No matter what, although the three of them are nostalgic for their lives on Earth, they have not yet thought of betraying Lufa.

Since Lufa arranged for the three of them to find Kula, the three of them also planned to do their best to find him.

But it is a pity that An Mixiu is the only decent person among the three people on earth. Although the Tibetan cultivator is most likely to be in Hope City, the three of them are still looking for a needle in a haystack.

It can only be said that these three people have been feeding dogs for thousands of years on the earth.

The three of them started to take action.

On this day, Nakajiro finally solved the problem of Croton's summoning armor. Although Croton's combat effectiveness has dropped a lot because the Shura armor has turned into a diamond armor, at least he no longer has to worry about the issue of the strongest energy.

Nakajiro felt a big problem in his heart, and was planning to find a restaurant outside for a good meal.

Nakajiro walked slowly on the street, turned an intersection, and met the three Nether Demon captains who were looking for hidden cultivators in Hope City.

Zhong Jian recognized the three of them at a glance, but because these three captains had just been recalled, except for An Mixiu who recognized Zhong Jian, Qiao Shefei and Kusi did not recognize Zhong Jian, the Emperor Tiger Armor The summoner.

However, the four of them all stopped in unison. Zhongshan and An Mixiu did so because they recognized each other, and Kusi and Qiao Shefei did so because they sensed the power of Zhongshan's body. Zhongshan's current intention Energy is like the sea surface with no breeze, with rough waves hidden under the calmness, and from the surface, it is also boundless. Of course, the three captains have accumulated thousands of years of experience, and their willpower is no worse than Nakashima.

Affected by the plot of his previous life, Nakajiro actually doesn't have a strong dislike for these three captains, and even thinks that these three are forces that can be fought for.

But the time has not come yet to win over these three people. At least we have to wait until Xiao Fei, Xiao Tian and Xiao Gang establish friendship with them, which is the legendary bond, before we can try.

Now the plot has been mixed up into a mess. Originally at this point in time, these three people should still be carrying out their own lives on earth, but now these three people have actually come together.

Anyway, they will not die even if they are sealed. No matter what these three people are doing today, Nakajima is not going to let these three people go easily.

An Mixiu, Qiao Shefei, and Ku Yisi just stopped and glanced at Zhongshan, and then planned to bypass Zhongshan and leave. Although the three knew that the person in front of them might be their own biggest enemy, they People have no interest in fighting for the time being.

But Nakajima didn't think so. Nakajima took a step to the left, just in front of An Mishu and the other three who planned to bypass Nakajima.

Because Qiao Shefei was the first person to take a step to bypass Zhong Huan, Qiao Shefei walked at the front among the three. Qiao Shefei's temper had been worn out on earth, so even though he was stopped again, Qiao Shefei didn't say anything, but planned to go around the right side of the center.

But Nakajima took another step to the right and blocked the three of them again.

At this time, Kusi, who was still a bit hot-tempered, couldn't help but said: "Boy, what do you mean? Are you looking for trouble? Then you stretched out your hand to push Nakashima."

Nakaji directly grabbed Kusi's hand and said, "Let's go over and have a chat."

After saying that, he walked towards a deserted alley.

Now that what Nakashima has said has come to this point, Kusi and Qiao Shefei are not shy people, and they immediately plan to follow Nakashima to see what tricks he is doing. While walking, An Mixiu quietly told Qiao Shefei and Ku Yisi the identity of the person who summoned the Emperor Tiger Armor.

Sensing the strength of Nakajima's willpower, the three of them naturally would not underestimate Nakajima, the summoner of the Emperor Tiger Armor. However, Couse still said: "I want to see how the Earth's armor summoner can be." What a skill."

Standing at the end of an uninhabited alley, Nakajiro turned around and waited for An Mixiu, Qiao Shefei and Ku Yisi to all enter the alley and stop. Then he said to the three of them: "Three of you, I will take it from the hands of the three of you." , I haven’t seen the blood of Earthlings, but there is a saying in my hometown, ‘Those who are not of my race will have different hearts.’ You three, let me see what you are capable of.”

As soon as Nakajiro said this, the three of them knew that they would inevitably have to fight today. The three of them were not facing the three Ares armor summoners who were bound to them. They did not waste any time and immediately recovered themselves. 's true body.

Nakajiro looked at the three people in front of him, and without making any movement, he shouted loudly: "Earth Tiger Armor, merge into one."

Nakajima, who has the ability to transmit secondary dimensional energy, is equivalent to having the earth crystal around him all the time, and the earth tiger armor directly covers Nakajima's body.

I don’t know who made the move first, but the four of them were fighting together in an instant.

After all, An Mixiu and the other three people had not fought for a whole thousand years. Nakajima turned his palm into a sword and wielded the "Mountain Training Sword", supplemented by the half-baked "King Kong Mountain and Sea Fist". Don't fall behind in the siege.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a while, but as time passed, the memories of the three people's battles thousands of years ago were constantly awakened, and Nakajiro's half-baked fist and kick skills finally became a little unbearable.

However, with the blessing of Nakajima's mind power, the Earth Tiger Armor's defense was astonishing. Even though it took a few punches and kicks, it remained unscathed.

The three of them exchanged glances, with An Mixiu and Qiao Shefei blocking Zhongshan, while Kusi took a step back and summoned his own weapon, the Raging Dragon Axe.

Nakajima didn't want to use his body to catch Kugas' axe, so he saw the opportunity and fought with An Mixiu. Their fists and palms intersected. Nakajima also took the opportunity to take two steps back, turned the wheel on the right side of his belt, and jumped over the cracked ground. Claw, directly summoned the Earth-shattering knife.

Seeing Zhongjie summoning weapons, An Mixiu and Qiao Shefei were no longer polite and summoned their own weapons, the Doomsday Fierce Tooth Ax and the Doomsday Double Blade.

Nakajima saw that none of the three people had armor on them, and knew that the three of them were just in the same state as when they were weak in the first one. But just like this, after everyone held weapons and under the siege of the three people, Nakajima was still in a state of Downwind.

The way of fighting is that if you defend for a long time, you will lose. After nearly a hundred rounds of fighting, Nakajima was finally hit in the back by Couse with an ax due to an oversight.

Nakajima was directly thrown away. Nakajima sighed: "Look at this form. If I want to use this form to subdue the three of you, I'm still not ready."

After saying that, Nakajiro looked up at the sun. The joint between Nakajima's earth tiger armor radiated golden light. As the light became stronger and stronger, it finally suddenly disappeared after reaching a critical point, but after the light disappeared , the Earth Tiger Armor on Nakajiro has been upgraded to the Emperor Tiger Armor.

The earth-shattering knife in his hand also turned into the Emperor's Tiger-Phoenix Mouth Knife.

(End of this chapter)

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