Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 172 Tiger Congfeng

Chapter 172 Tiger Congfeng

Nakajima also knew that his request was a bit excessive, but the safety of the earth could not be used by Nakajima to gamble on Lufa's character. Now that Lufa had said this, the hostile stance between the two sides was once again confirmed.

The words were not speculative, and both parties stopped talking and prepared to show off.

Lufa transformed into his Nether Demon state, holding the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword.

Nakajiro did not dare to be as confident as he was when fighting ordinary supernatural beasts or Nether Demons, so he skipped the Earth Tiger Armor stage and directly summoned the Emperor Tiger Armor.

There was no sign of any fight between the two sides, but the Emperor's Fengzui Knife collided with the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword.

The two of them instantly fought together, both sides fighting fast. Not to mention ordinary passers-by, even An Mixiu could only see two groups of light and shadow, one red and one yellow, constantly colliding.

Before the Earth Tiger Armor was upgraded, Nakajima's strength was already slightly inferior to that of Lufa. Now that the Earth Tiger Armor has been upgraded to the Emperor Tiger Armor, Nakajima's combat effectiveness has been greatly improved again, so here In this kind of high-intensity confrontation, there is no way to improve the strength, and it soon becomes too much to cope with.

At the moment when the Emperor's Feng Zui Dao and the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword were about to intersect, just when Lufa thought it was just an ordinary collision, Nakajiro's speed suddenly increased a few points.

The Emperor's Phoenix Mouth Saber did not collide with the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword. Instead, it passed over the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword and struck Lu Fa's body with one strike.

Lufa was worthy of being a hero who had fought for thousands of years. Seeing that he had no time to resist Nakajima's exquisite sword, he did not panic and choose to dodge, but resolutely chose to live towards death. The tip of the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword was on the sword. Pick, intending to trade injuries with Nakajima.

Nakajima's body was frantically alarming Nakajima at this moment. With this knife blow, Lufa might be seriously injured by him, but he would also be seriously injured.

After all, Nakajima is just a small citizen. The last time he ventured to evolve the armor, he had almost exhausted his courage. Now he naturally does not have the courage to exchange injuries with Lufa.

Although the Emperor's Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber still struck Lufa's body, Nakajiro's last-minute retraction prevented Lufa from being seriously injured.

After Nakaji opened the distance, Nakajima was only touched by the Thunderbolt Jueling Sword, and even the defense of the Emperor Tiger Armor was not broken through.

After Lufa retreated from Nakajima, he also quickly retreated. After standing still, he transformed into a human form again.

Looking at Lufa becoming the Black Emperor, Nakajiro frowned. The actor who played the role of the Black Emperor was probably a special type of actor. It can be said that he perfectly performed what it means to not look like a good person at first glance. .

Lufa still suffered a big loss. After transforming back into the Black Emperor, there was still some blood stains on the corners of his mouth.

Seeing that his father was injured, An Mishui quickly held the doomsday split-tooth ax in front of Lufa to prevent Nakashima from pursuing the victory.

But Nakajima obviously had no intention of doing this. Lufa took out the summoner of the Shura Armor and summoned the Shura Armor.

After summoning the Shura Armor, Lufa seemed to have regained his confidence. He pushed An Mixiu away and said, "Don't interfere in my battle."

Looking at Lufa who seemed to be disgusted but actually protective, Nakajima couldn't help but sigh, pity the hearts of parents in the world, Lufa was a great hero, and An Mixiu could be said to be his biggest weakness.

However, Nakajima had no plans to plot against An Mixiu today. Even if An Mixiu hadn't come back by himself, this battle would not have happened today.

Lufa didn't have a high degree of control over the Shura Armor. Before Emperor Yan pointed out his strongest energy, he didn't even summon the Shura Purgatory Halberd. He relied entirely on his powerful energy accumulated over thousands of years to forcefully push the Shura Armor.

Although it was not the first time he summoned it, Lufa was still deeply fascinated by the powerful power that emerged from his body after summoning Shura Armor. However, although Lufa felt that his strength had improved a lot, he still did not underestimate the enemy as he did against Xiaotian and the others in the original drama, and did not ask Daichi to fight with his bare hands against Nakajima who was holding the Emperor's Tiger Phoenix Mouth Sword.

Lufa opened the flap of the Shura Summoner, pressed the wind button three times, and then pressed the seal button to summon the Shura Wind Splitting Claw.

Faced with the Shura Armor Summoner who could defeat the God of War Xingtian, Explosive King Kong and Lightning Hidden with just one Shura Demon Dagger, Nakajima naturally did not dare to take it lightly.

Since Lufa chose the Shura Splitting Wind Claw, Nakajima also planned to compete with him in claw skills. Since the Earth Tiger Armor was upgraded to the Emperor Tiger Armor, all weapons and equipment have also received an upgrade, and Nakajima has not tried the upgraded Earth Claw.

Tigers roared in the mountains and forests, swallowing up the whole world. A powerful tiger roar sounded from far to near, but it seemed to be right next to his ears. For a moment, Lufa's mind could not help but be captured by it.

At this time, Nakajima could actually take the opportunity to attack, but it was also the first time for Nakajima to summon the Emperor Tiger Shock Claw upgraded from the Earth Splitting Claw, and he had little experience, but he missed the opportunity in vain.

Nakajima, who summoned the Emperor Tiger's Shock Claw, felt a power different from the power of earth that was the source of the Earth Tiger Armor.

The clouds follow the dragon, the tiger follows the wind, and the emperor tiger's frightening claws use not the power of earth that the earth tiger armor is based on, but the power of wind from the king of beasts.

Nakajima could clearly feel the wanton and unfettered wind blowing around him.

At this moment, Nakajima felt that he had turned into the wind. Nakajima, who was quietly feeling the power of the wind, suddenly slashed a claw forward in the air.

Nakajiro, who experienced the power of wind for the first time, actually forgot that he was still in the middle of a battle.

As Nakajiro's claws were slashed out, three volleying claw winds were struck, which not only offset the power of Lufa's air-distance claws slashed by Shura's Wind-Splitting Claws, but also offset the power of Lufa's claws. You had enough energy to strike at Lufa's body.

However, the defense of the Shura Armor is not complete, and with this little remaining power, it can only shoot a small spark on the Shura Armor.

After this tentative exchange, Lufa Shura's face looked a little solemn under his armor.

But Nakajima didn't care about this. Following the direction of the wind, Nakajima rushed towards Lufa.

Nakajiro changed his true intention of fighting with the earth, which was motionless before, and launched a violent attack on Lufa.

The Emperor Tiger's Frightening Wind Claw kept falling on the Shura Armor, and Nakajiro's speed became faster and faster, as if he had really turned into the wind.

In the eyes of An Mixiu who was watching the battle, it was the Emperor Tiger Armor surrounding Lufa that was constantly attacking. Gradually, he could no longer see the figure of the Earth Tiger Armor clearly. He could only see a whirlwind surrounding his father. Later, it turned into a tornado.

Lufa struggled to hold on in the eye of the tornado.

But it looks like a tornado, but like a real tornado, the eye of the wind is calm. Lufa is enduring the continuous attacks of the Emperor Tiger's Frightening Claw every moment.

 Thanks to the five big guys, Long Yi, Lan Xu, Arajiu Si, Jinyu Xinghen, and the passing Kamen Rider Spirit Rider, for their rewards.

  (End of this chapter)

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