Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 175 The beauty hidden in the golden house

Chapter 175 The beauty hidden in the golden house
  This little girl was very lively and kept talking while eating.

The celebrities I like, the little sisters I often play with, and the occasional conflicts with my parents.

Even though An Mixiu was just dealing with her casually, she was still chattering excitedly.

After finishing the meal, An Mixiu had a very clear understanding of the little girl's general situation.

It wasn't that An Mixiu was deliberately inquiring about the little girl's situation, it was just that the little girl spoke too quickly. An Mixiu didn't ask anything. The little girl had already come close to telling all the eighteen generations of her ancestors. .

An Mixiu was also quite impatient after hearing this, but after all, An Mixiu was relatively well-behaved and did not forcibly interrupt the little girl's chatter. He just speeded up his meal and planned to leave as soon as possible after finishing.

Soon, An Mixiu finished eating, but the little girl hadn't eaten a few mouthfuls because she had been busy speaking. Originally, according to An Mixiu's character, she would have waited for the little girl named Li Chaoran to finish. Yes, but this little girl couldn't keep her mouth shut while eating, so An Mixiu didn't wait any longer.

An Mixiu stood up and said, "I've finished eating. You eat slowly. I'll leave first."

Seeing An Mixiu was about to leave, the little girl didn't realize that she was too annoyed. She didn't care that she hadn't eaten a few bites of her meal, so she got up and chased after him.

When the little girl ran out after him, An Mixiu hadn't gone too far. It wasn't that An Mixiu didn't want to leave, but that An Mixiu didn't know where to go.

Li Chaoran quickly caught up with him in the car, lowered the window, and said to An Mixiu: "You are in such a hurry, where are you going? I will take you there."

An Mixiu looked at Li Chaoran, shook his head, and had no intention of getting in the car.

But Li Chaoran would not give up so easily, and he did not turn off the engine. He opened the door and got out of the car, just like dragging An Mixiu into the car.

But An Mixiu didn't want to get in the car. A little girl like Li Chaoran could pull her there. The girl had already exerted her strength to suck milk, but An Mixiu still didn't move at all.

Li Chaoran pulled several times but still couldn't move. Suddenly he squatted on the ground, held his head and cried.

Seeing the little girl hugging her head and crying on the ground, An Mixiu sighed, spoke softly, and knelt down to comfort the little girl.

After coaxing for a while, just when An Mixiu's patience was about to be exhausted again, Li Chaoran raised his head and asked in a pear-shaped tone: "Am I very annoying?"

Although An Mixiu wanted to say yes, but considering the current situation, he still said to the little girl against his will: "How is it possible? How can you be so annoying when you are so cute?"

"Then why don't you want to get in the car and let me take you off?" he asked the little girl with a little choked voice.

Why don't you get in the car, An Mixiu thought to himself, of course it's because you are really a little annoyed, but if you say that now, then the coaxing for a long time was not in vain.

An Mixiu thought for a moment and said, "Isn't this the first time we've met today? I'm a little embarrassed to ask you to treat me to dinner and ride in your car."

"What's there to be embarrassed about? Let's go."

After saying that, he dragged An Mixiu into the car.

Looking at An Mixiu in the co-pilot, Li Chaoran asked with some satisfaction: "Go, go, go, where are you going?"

An ordinary question stopped An Mixiu, and An Mixiu didn't know where to go.

After waiting for a while but not getting an answer, Li Chaoran turned to look at An Mixiu again and asked, "An An, you don't know where to go." An An? An Mixiu probably knew that this was how he was called. Although it sounded a little strange to his ears, An Mixiu didn't say anything. However, Li Chaoran was right. He really didn't know where to go. .

If he was alone, it would probably be up to him wherever he went. But when Li Chaoran asked, An Mixiu didn't know how to answer.

Seeing that An Mixiu didn't answer for a long time, Li Chaoran also had a rare emotional intelligence online. He didn't continue to ask questions, but set off directly.

Li Chaoran is a little girl, but the car is driving very crazy. It's so fast all the way, but An Mixiu doesn't feel anything. For no other reason, the car is driven to the limit, and it's not as fast as the running speed after his transformation. Naturally, he was running so fast that he couldn't stimulate An Mixiu's heart.

An Mixiu glanced at Li Chaoran next to him. If there was a car accident, with his strength, he should be able to ensure that neither he nor Li Chaoran would be injured, so let her be happy.

But An Mixiu still asked: "Where are we going?"

"Just leave, the road is at your feet, no matter where it ends."

An Mixiu could tell that this little girl who looked weak really liked this feeling, so she didn't say anything more at the moment, but was always ready to save people.

However, to An Mixiu's expectation, the little girl did not indulge for too long. After a while, the car drove into the garage of a villa.

Then he took An Mixiu into the house.

After entering the house, An Mixiu looked around a lot and asked, "Is this your home?"

Li Chaoran replied: "Of course not, my home is not here, this is my secret base, even my parents don't know it!"

An Mixiu has lived on earth for a long time. Although he doesn't care much about money on earth, he still understands the value of this villa. Not to mention the value of the villa itself, but look at it Some of the jewelry placed inside are valuable.

But a so-called secret base was so luxurious. An Mixiu felt that he still underestimated this little girl's family. No wonder he said that he would help him solve the problem of being banned.

Although An Mixiu didn't think that the wealth on earth could have much influence on him, An Mixiu didn't want to get into any trouble. He sat down for a while and then said goodbye to Li Chaoran: "Since you're home, it's not too late now." It’s getting late, so I’ll leave first.”

After saying that, he stood up to leave.

Of course, Li Chaoran would not let An Mixiu leave so easily, and immediately stood up and stopped An Mixiu.

Then he said to An Mixiu: "An'an, don't you have nowhere to go? How about staying here for a few days?"

An Mixiu actually doesn't really want to stay here, but as Li Chaoran said, he has nowhere to go now.

Looking at Yang Chaoran, who was as pitiful as a puppy abandoned by his owner, An Mixiu still compromised.

An Mixiu sat back down again.

Li Chaoran excitedly helped An Mixiu arrange the room like a little bee, prepared toiletries and a change of clothes, and even prepared his underwear down to the last detail.

 Thanks to Yuzhong Chuxia, Yunqiaogui, and Lao Bookstore for their rewards.

  (End of this chapter)

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