Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 178 The supernatural beast attacks again

Chapter 178 The supernatural beast attacks again

Soon, An Mixiu's performance was finished.

Even the judges who knew some of what had just happened had to admit that An Mixiu's piano skills were truly amazing.

If An Mixiu is the last performer, then today’s champion can be said to be An Mixiu.

Even the non-professional audience in the audience could tell that An Mixiu's piano sound was much stronger than that of the other players before him.

But it is a pity that the championship trophy cannot be awarded to An Mixiu yet, because behind An Mixiu, there is Xinnan who is always slightly better when competing with An Mixiu.

Of course, because An Mixiu came today in the car of Miss Li Chaoran, the final trophy should belong to An Mixiu.

This is the power of capital, and pianists also need to be careful.

After An Mixiu's performance, it was time for Xinnan's performance. Xinnan was also very familiar with An Mixiu, his old rival.

However, Xinnan didn't know that his old rival Zhang Jian was also a Nether Demon and a descendant of the Fire Village like him.

Of course, he cannot be called a descendant simply because he lived in Huoxing Village for a period of time.

Although the Nether Demon is from the evil and chaotic camp, An Mishui has never done any evil. Secondly, in the eyes of the Hokage Stone, no matter the so-called justice or evil, they are part of the bright world universe. Therefore, during the period of living in the Fire Village Over time, An Mixiu's genes were also affected.

Of course, this influence is subtle. Even An Mixiu, who lives on the Ares planet where genetic technology is extremely advanced, did not notice this change and did not know that he was now in the shape of the Flame Dragon Armor.

When An Mixiu went on a mission for the first time, he happened to meet Li Zhongyi and was arranged directly by Zhongyi. This also resulted in the fact that An Mixiu's human identity was not known to the other armor summoners.

One of the two parties came on stage and the other stepped down. As they passed each other, Xinnan took the initiative to nod.

An Mixiu also nodded. After Lufa cooperated with the Shadow Guardian, the Shadow Guardian had already sent the photos of each armored warrior to Lufa. However, Lufa was not very interested in the light and shadow armor. Secondly, Xinnan He had been staying in S City and never went to Hope City to meet Lufa, so Lufa did not show the photos of Xinnan and others to An Mixiu and other subordinates.

So this meeting, the two parties met as old rivals in the piano competition. Neither of them has a bad character. Although they are rivals, they each admire the other's piano skills, so the attitudes of both parties are quite friendly. .

Of course, sometimes An Mixiu would be a little dissatisfied with Xinnan. That is, when An Mixiu and Xinnan were equally matched in the same game, and even when An Mixiu was slightly better, the referee was disappointed because of Xinnan. There are more female fans and the championship is given to Xinnan.

It was fine when they were neck and neck. Sometimes An Mixiu felt that he had performed better, but the champion was won by Xinnan. This made An Mixiu very angry, but Xinnan did not use any dishonorable means. , it is the referees at the game who have problems with their own skills.

It's not easy for An Mixiu to vent his emotions on Xinnan. If he can't vent his anger, he feels aggrieved.

Soon, Xinnan's performance also ended.

This time, both of them performed well. It can be said that they are equally matched. According to the usual practice, the championship of this game should be awarded to Xinnan, accompanied by the screams of Xinnan fans.

But it is a pity that fans are not only judged by quantity, but also by quality. Although the fans of Xinnan accounted for the vast majority at the scene, Li Chaoran's influence alone can overshadow them all.

The person in charge of the scene knew that the eldest lady Li Chaoran also knew how to play piano. If Xinnan was really superior, then giving the championship to Xinnan would also be given to Xinnan.

But now it is obviously difficult for the two to decide the winner. If the championship is given to Xinnan, then if the eldest lady Li Chaoran gets into trouble, the situation will not be easy to clean up.

This was also the only time that An Mixiu won the championship when the two of them performed equally well.

However, when the award ceremony was about to begin, something went wrong.

Xinnan received a call from Meizhen. There was an energy reaction from a supernatural beast near the competition venue. To be honest, it was already very friendly to Xinnan when he received the notification at this time. During the game, he was attacked by supernatural beasts even during the performance.

This is of course intentional by the Shadow Protector. The identity of the summoner of the Xinnan Armor has long been leaked, and his whereabouts are no secret in the eyes of the Shadow Realm. Although being touched in this situation will not cause any substantial trouble to the armor warriors, even if Just to disgust the armored warriors, the shadow guardians are also very happy.

This time, Xinnan only received notification from Meizhen after the game. It could only be said that the supernatural beast was moving slowly.

When Xinnan received the notice, he didn't think much about it. He just entrusted Minci, who had come with him to participate in the competition, to collect the award for him, and then hurriedly got on his motorcycle and set off.

This kind of thing is actually very common, but usually Xinnan wins the championship. The championship is invincible, and whether he can accept the award in person is a matter of course.

But today's championship was awarded to An Mixiu despite the fact that the two performances were almost the same. Xinnan did not attend to accept the award, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little delicate.

Minci thought that Xinnan was in a bad mood after missing the championship, so she did not plan to accept the award herself. She also wanted to comfort Xinnan with a few words, but before she could say anything, Xinnan had disappeared.

Although the host has tried his best to lighten the atmosphere, the atmosphere at the scene is still a bit weird.

Xinnan's fans all shouted that there was something shady, and the reporters from the tabloids were already gearing up.

They even thought of the title, 'A certain well-known pianist was kept by a rich woman', 'A certain young man kept by a rich woman turned out to be the champion of the piano competition'.

Although the well-informed people among them knew something about Li Chaoran, most of these tabloid reporters were interested in reputation rather than life.

If you don't put Li Chaoran's name directly on it, it can be said that you have already given away the Li family's face.

Otherwise, if the title contains the traffic factor of the Li family, the next issue of the newspaper will be sold out.

Unless the Li family spends a large sum of money to keep the news sealed, An Mixiu will be destined to make the headlines in the next issue of the newspaper. At that time, the Li family may have to pay a sum of money to prevent their daughter's identity from being dug out by netizens. Money comes to cool this thing down.

This is another huge amount of income, and these tabloid reporters are making a lot of money.

But just when he was about to award the championship trophy to An Mixiu, the accident happened again.

An Mixiu received a call from Li Chaoran. She was also at the scene of the attack by the Psychic Beast and was about to be accidentally injured.

Li Chaoran is indeed a bit silly and sweet in some places, but Li Chaoran, who grew up in a rich family, still understands some things that he should know.

For example, in today's game, Li Chaoran knew that after her trouble, as long as An Mixiu didn't make too many mistakes, the championship would be guaranteed.

Therefore, after An Mixiu finished playing, Li Chaoran knew that today's champion must be his brother An Mixiu, so Li Chaoran planned to buy a gift for An Mixiu to celebrate his victory in this competition. champion.

But at this time, the supernatural beast happened to have calculated exactly when Xinnan was about to perform on stage and was ready to cause trouble.

 Happy Chinese New Year to everyone. If you don’t even know the day of the week during Chinese New Year, I know.

  I wish my fan Huacheng a happy birthday. Although his birthday is on Monday, today is Wednesday.

  In addition, I would like to thank the boss Yun Qiaogui for the rewards almost every day, as well as the three bosses of Tian Zun Su Wen's Explanation of the Gods, Jiang Lang Without a Boat, and the Wind and Cloud Changed for their rewards.

  It’s been a long time since I’ve written a story about a supernatural beast. You think it’s the supernatural beast’s turn to appear now.

  (End of this chapter)

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