Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 186 Seal of the Demonic Cicada Beast

Chapter 186 Seal of the Demonic Cicada Beast (Please subscribe, please reward())

Although Xinnan was anxious to return to the laboratory to guard against attacks from the shadow world, it was really impossible for Xinnan to turn a blind eye to the supernatural beast attacking people.

Now Xinnan can only see if he can solve the problem quickly.

Xinnan did not have too much entanglement with the demonic cicada beast and directly summoned the flaming knife.

The Demonic Cicada Beast is not a powerful supernatural beast. With three moves and two moves, the Demonic Cicada Beast was defeated continuously.

However, although the Demon Cicada Beast is not a powerful supernatural beast, it does have its own unique feature, that is, it can fly.

The Demonic Cicada Beast flapped its wings and flew up.

The flying of Demonic Cicada is actually the most commonly used method of Demonic Cicada to defend against enemies. However, during this special period, when Xinnan saw Demonic Cicada flying in the air, he neither left nor launched an attack (actually, he was a little afraid of Xinnan's hands). (flaming sword), I thought the demonic cicada beast was just stalling for time.

Now he was even more convinced that Shadow Realm wanted to attack the ERP laboratory, and at the same time he became anxious and wanted to resolve the battle faster.

The Demonic Cicada Beast is now flying in the air, and the flaming knife is naturally out of reach.

Originally, Xinnan planned to switch the flaming knife to the blazing sun bow and try to see if he could shoot the demonic cicada beast down from the air.

But he suddenly remembered that Dr. Garu said that the shuttle boat had been repaired. Although Xinnan was relatively mature mentally among the five armor summoners, a shuttle boat that could travel in space was something that boy could refuse. ?
  And if the demonic cicada is very flexible, it may not be easy for the flaming bow to hit the demonic cicada.

Xinnan took back the flaming knife, put his hand on the right wheel, closed his eyes and felt it for a while, then suddenly opened his eyes and turned the right wheel at the same time.

However, the summons of the light and shadow horse is not like summoning a weapon or launching a special attack. The Tai Chi in front of the belt emits an energy light curtain, and then turns into reality from the void, but flies from the sky.

At first, when Demonic Cicada saw Yan Longxia twisting the wheel on the right side, he thought that Yan Longxia was going to do something, but when he saw that there was nothing after twisting, he thought that Yan Longxia was at the end of his skills, and couldn't help but feel a little jealous towards the armored warrior. contempt.

But then Demonic Cicada felt that there seemed to be some danger behind it. Just as he was about to dodge, two energy bombs were shot directly into his back. Sparks flew from the back of Demonic Cicada.

After all, Demonic Cicadamon's wings are much stronger than Mothmon's. In addition, Cicadamon has two pairs of wings, so after eating two energy bombs, Demonic Cicadamon can still stabilize its figure in the air, and it doesn't look like it. Like Mothmon, it lost its ability to fly directly after its wings were attacked.

Xin Nan lightly jumped onto the back of Yan Longju.

The moment he drove the Yanlong Colt, Xinnan suddenly felt that there was a lot of knowledge about Yanlong Colt driving in his mind.

Xinnan controlled the Yanlong colt as if he was walking on his own feet, like arms and fingers.

The Demonic Cicada relies entirely on its two pairs of wings to fly, just two pairs of wings, and now the larger pair on the outside has received serious damage.

This pair of flesh wings is the opponent of Yanlongju's engine that can exceed the speed of light.

What's more, the Demon Cicada Beast has no long-range attack methods. If you want to attack Xinnan, you have to get close.

But how could Xinnan, who was driving the Flame Dragon Colt, give the Demonic Cicada a chance to get close?

Xinnan was driving the Yanlong Colt. From the dragon's eye in front of the Yanlong Colt, he kept firing energy light bombs to attack the Demonic Cicada Beast. The speed of energy light bullets is very fast. Even though Demonic Cicada tried its best to dodge, it still couldn't dodge a few shots and almost all of them were eaten by force.

After only a few energy bombs, the Demonic Cicada Beast couldn't hold on any longer and was directly knocked out of the air by Yan Longju's energy bomb.

The Demonic Cicada fell to the ground from the air, and was unable to avoid the continuous energy bombs of Yanlongju. The energy bombs directly connected into a line and fell continuously on the Demonic Cicada.

At this time, Demonic Cicada Beast really had no way to save it, and soon Demonic Cicada Beast fell into a weak state that could not move.

At this time, it was actually time for Xinnan to get off the Flame Dragon Colt and launch a sure kill, but Xinnan wanted to try the new function of the Flame Dragon Colt.

Xinnan directly transmitted the killing energy to the Yanlongju, and saw the energy gathering in the mouth of the dragon head in front of the Yanlongju. After brewing for two seconds, a laser as thick as a bowl was shot directly into the body of the Demonic Cicada.

When the smoke cleared, the Demonic Cicada Beast had disappeared. In the open space where the Demonic Cicada Beast had been, there was only a light and shadow sticker that sealed the Demonic Cicada Beast.

Then the light and shadow horse passed by, and the light and shadow sticker disappeared, and was transported back to the ERP energy observation room, turning into the original magic spirit stone state.

It sounds long, but in fact it only lasted a few minutes from the time the Demonic Cicada appeared to when Xinnan successfully sealed the Demonic Cicada.

The people around them were just about to escape when they discovered that the supernatural beast had been sealed by the Flame Dragon Man.

However, the Demonic Cicada finally muddied the waters and successfully caused commotion around the school. Even the teaching order in the study was affected, although the teachers tried their best to maintain order.

But there were still many brave children who sneaked out of the classroom and wanted to see how Yan Longxia dealt with the little monsters.

After Xinnan controlled the Flame Dragon Horse and successfully turned the Demonic Cicada directly into a small card, he also successfully caused a burst of cheers from the children.

However, in the hands of the children who escaped to watch the battle, Xinnan actually saw Xiangyang and Xiaolan. Xiangyang should not have done such a thing as running away from the classroom. It must have been the naughty Xiaolan who pulled Xiangyang out.

It's a pity. If only Xiaolan wasn't around, he could just take Xiangyang away, then call the teacher to say that the supernatural beast attacked the school, and pick up the child himself.

But now that Xiaolan is by his side, Xinnan doesn't want Xiaolan to know the identity of the summoner of his Flame Dragon Armor.

Xinnan had no choice but to find a deserted place in the school, remove the armor, and then go find Xiang Yang and Xiaolan.

At this time, Xiaolan and Xiangyang's teachers came out and planned to take these children back to their respective classes. Of course, a scolding was indispensable.

Xinnan quickly stopped Xiaolan and Xiangyang's teacher, and expressed that he wanted to take Xiangyang home.

If you have to take students back during class time, the teacher must ask for the reason. Originally, Xinnan wanted to say that he was worried about the safety of the school because the supernatural beast had just attacked, but now Xiaolan is also there. If he is worried about safety, In this case, wouldn't it mean that Xiaolan should be taken back as well?

But he didn't take Xiang Yang back for fun. Xiang Yang had the Emperor's Armor, which was a big help to them. If he took Xiao Lan back, Xiao Lan wouldn't have the slightest ability to protect herself. If you rub it and scratch it, Xiaolan’s little arms and legs will still be alive.
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 Thanks to Yun Qiaogui and Xingwei for their rewards.

  (End of this chapter)

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