Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 190 7-Star Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 190 Seven Star Tribulation
  Although Nakajima's original intention was that Beimiao would be busy training and not return to S city after knowing that the attack by the supernatural beast in the ERP laboratory was just a misunderstanding.

But there was a group of people here having fun, and when he saw Beimiao arriving after a long journey, Nakajiro still felt a little embarrassed.

Zhongji stood up quickly, walked to Beimiao, took Beimiao's bag and put it aside, and then explained to Beimiao: "Beimiao, please listen to me fooling you."

"Ah, no, listen to me explain to you. I'm telling you, haven't you listened to the teachings of the old man from Shenshan for a long time? I'm telling you, you can't make great progress by working behind closed doors. You are really It’s time to ask the old man from Shenshan to teach you.”

"Here, let's eat skewers of barbecue first." He said, taking a skewer of barbecue and stuffing it into Beimiao's hand.

Nakajiro's series of operations were like flowing water, which directly stunned Dongshan and others who were still eating barbecue.

Meizhen thought for a moment and understood what happened. She asked Zhongshan, "Zhongshan, didn't you say that you had explained the matter clearly to Beimiao? Have you informed Beimiao?"

"Ah, this." Nakajima was a little speechless, feeling that this wave was a bit difficult to explain.

Fortunately, Beimiao is more tolerant of people who are stronger than him. He respects the captain Nakajima. After taking a bite of barbecue to suppress the anger in his stomach, Beimiao waved his hand and said, "Forget it. It just so happens that everyone hasn’t been together for a long time, so don’t ruin the atmosphere today.”

Since Beimiao no longer pursues these matters, others will naturally stop criticizing Nakashima. Everyone is used to Nakashima's unreliability in daily life, except Meizhen who glared at Nakashima at the end. Besides, this matter can be regarded as a turning point. .

Food can always make people easily forget some unhappy things, and with the presence of the pistachio Xiaolan, the physics atmosphere quickly became lively again.

But what no one noticed was that after eating a few skewers of barbecue, Beimiao quietly entered the laboratory at the back and started the virtual battle room system.

Although Beimiao knew that Zhongjie's suggestion that he ask Old Man Shenshan for advice was probably just an excuse to change the subject at that time, Beimiao was still prepared to go to Old Man Shenshan for advice. His desire to improve his strength had now reached its extreme. Beimiao was not going to let go of even a shred of hope.

After a while of spinning, Beimiao also saw the kind old man of the sacred mountain on the top of the familiar sacred mountain.

After all, Beimiao was not familiar with the old man from Shenshan. Seeing that the old man from Shenshan was not wearing the emperor's armor, he didn't think there was any problem.

After meeting the old man from Shenshan, Bei Miao went straight to the topic: "Sir, is there any way to make my strength increase faster?"

It can be said that Old Man Shenshan knew Beimiao's character very well. Regarding Beimiao's eagerness for quick success, Old Man Shenshan did not rush to preach, but said in a calm tone: "Beimiao, last time we said goodbye, we haven't seen each other for a long time. We met, you have been training hard all the time, how will you gain?"

Beimiao said to the old man with a sad face: "I have been working hard to practice the "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear" you taught me. At the beginning, the progress was indeed very obvious. I also summoned a new weapon. The clear water traps the magic rope.”

After saying this, Bei Miao's face also became a little bright, but then it dimmed again.

Because after the Blue Water Trapped Magic Cord was condensed, the Blue Water Trapped Magic Cord was lost. Although it was snatched back later, it was already contaminated.

Adding a few drops of ink to a glass of clear water will turn the water completely black. However, if you do not pour the glass of water away, even if you add several times the amount of clear water, it will be difficult to make the water clear again.

The same is true for the polluted Blue Water Trapped Magic Cord. Beimiao can only use the power of water grinding to slowly purify the Blue Water Trapped Magic Cord, hoping to greatly improve his strength.

Beimiao confided all his troubles during this period to the old man of Shenshan. Old Man Shenshan has been patiently listening to Beimiao talk about all the bad experiences he had during this period.

After talking, Beimiao felt much better.

During this period of time, he has been burdened with too much. Regarding what happened to Bing'er now, Beimiao thinks it is all his fault. If it were not for his lack of strength, Bing'er's body would not have been taken away. If it were not for his cowardice, Bing'er would He wouldn't have been taken away by the King of Kai back then.

After the excited Beimiao calmed down, he suddenly knelt down and begged the old man of Shenshan: "Sir, please help me. I really need strength now."

The old man from Shenshan quickly helped Bei Miao up: "You and I are one, why should we be so polite."

However, the improvement of strength is gradual. There is no shortcut. But Beimiao begged so much, how could the old man from Shenshan bear to refuse.

At that moment, the old man from Shenshan said to Bei Miao: "Water Armor Summoner, you have more social experience than the other armor summoners. You should know that there is no shortcut to improve your strength."

Beimiao looked anxious: "But."

The old man from Shenshan knew what Bei Miao wanted to say, so he interrupted Bei Miao; "You are the summoner of the Water Armor. You should better understand the principle of perseverance and water droplets piercing the stone."

However, the old man couldn't bear Beimiao's pleading after all, and decided to teach Beimiao something so that Beimiao wouldn't get nothing.

It is difficult to improve hard power in a short period of time, so we can only see if we can improve soft power. The old man is going to teach Beimiao a set of combat skills so that Beimiao can exert more power of the armor when fighting.

Holding his breath and concentrating, the old man from Shenshan began his teaching.

"In the vast ocean, no matter how calm the sea level is, there are still rough waves hidden underneath, and the same is true for the blood in the human body."

"What I'm going to teach you today is actually a technique for exerting force, called the Seven-Star Tribulation. The Seven-Star Tribulation emphasizes training the heart and using the heart to exert force. Qi and blood are suddenly pushed from the powerful heart to the limbs along with the will. As a result, huge power can burst out without any warning."

"The heart can burst out up to seven times in a short period of time. Seven instantaneous bursts of power can release huge energy. However, this force-generating technique has extremely high requirements on the heart, blood vessels, and body control. If the training is not adequate, it will be forced. If used, blood vessels may rupture, or cardiac arrest may occur. It can be said to be a disaster for both oneself and the enemy."

"This kind of power puts a huge load on the body, which cannot be offset by armor. The heart is like gunpowder, ready to explode at a moment's notice. Use the most fragile heart to emit the most powerful force."

The old man explained and demonstrated the movements, and Beimiao was also learning.

Looking at Beimiao who was concentrating on his studies, the old man sighed. He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to teach Beimiao about the seven-star calamity. But in the final analysis, the old man was just Beimiao's subconscious. Although it could help the armor summon people, the armor's strong vision of summoning people would He will be affected too.
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(End of this chapter)

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