Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 192 Fierce Battle

Chapter 192 Fierce Battle (Please subscribe and reward)

Qiongqi was also stunned for a moment when he saw that Nakajima easily caught his sword with all his strength with his bare hands.

But then he became angry from embarrassment, and his wings were like a series of sharp knives, constantly slashing at Nakajima.

Although Nakaji looked cool when he caught Qiongqi's first wing attack with his bare hands, he actually knew it was hard.

After defeating Lufa last time, although Nakajima paid attention to the four powerful beasts in stock selection, he still looked down upon them.

Qiongqi's first attack with his wings, that instant burst, directly penetrated the thick layer of earth defensive energy that Nakajima secretly covered on his hand.

Then it directly broke through the protection of the palm of Nakashima's Emperor Tiger Armor and acted directly on Nakashima's body.

Nakajiro's left arm, which he used to receive Qiongqi's first attack, was already in unbearable pain, and now he could no longer lift it.

Fortunately, Qiongqi was also frightened and did not continue to use all his strength to explode. Instead, he tried to suppress Nakajima through a series of rapid attacks.

The tiger refused to fall. Although Nakajima was in unbearable pain, he still put his left hand behind his back, which he could not lift. Then he used his right hand in a cool and unrestrained manner to parry Qiongqi's attack.

But he couldn't use his hands to summon weapons. Those who were hit could only parry, but had no power to fight back.

However, Qiongqi could not clearly see the depth of Nakajima. He only saw that Nakajima had caught his strongest blow with only one left hand, and now he could catch it all with one hand under his extremely fast attack. , coupled with the instructions from the Shadow Protector before departure, Qiongqi became more and more frightened, feeling that he could not see through the depth of Nakashima at all.

However, under Qiongqi's violent offensive, Nakajiro also felt a little guilty. A handsome entrance resulted in him now being able to face the enemy with only one hand. However, the Emperor Tiger Armor was on the earth, with an endless supply of energy, but it was innately established. In an invincible position, there is no problem in parrying Qiongqi's attack.

It's just that Zhongji felt that Qiongqi wouldn't be able to last long with such a violent attack with full firepower before he would get tired, and then he could take advantage of the situation to counterattack.

However, Qiongqi is a ferocious beast that has survived from ancient times to this day. Although it cannot break through the defense of the Central Emperor Tiger Armor, an attack of this level can still be sustained for a period of time.

One person and one beast, you attack and I defend, and the situation suddenly became stalemate.

However, the situation in the other three battlefields is not optimistic. Nakajima only considered the location, but did not consider that Taotie was also the strongest among the four ancient ferocious beasts, and even a trace of the ancient dragon clan remained in his body. of blood.

Although Beimiao is much stronger than when he fought against the four ancient supernatural beasts in the original plot, there is no qualitative improvement. In front of Taotie, who is stronger than Yaozhu, Beimiao quickly falls into the trap. Absolutely at a disadvantage, he could only fight with Taotie.

Taotie and Beimiao still use long spears. Fortunately, Beimiao has become proficient in the "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear" marksmanship. Only in this way can he fight without being directly attacked when his strength and speed are inferior to Taotie. beat.

However, Beimiao also discovered the pool not far away and consciously moved towards the pool.

Finally, with the help of Taotie's attack, Beimiao took the opportunity to leap backwards and fell into the pool.

Originally, Bei Miao thought that such a small pool wouldn't be able to provide much help to him. It would be nice if it could help him survive under Taotie's hands.

Unexpectedly, this pool didn't look very big, but it was full of living water. It was connected to a nearby large river, and this large river merged into the sea not far away.

With all corners of the world gathered together, Beimiao suddenly became more confident, and his overall aura was completely different from before.

Seeing Beimiao's energy surge in an instant, Taotie was also shocked and confused. However, the increase that Beimiao can bear is limited after all. Even if it is improved, it is still inferior to the Taotie that has survived from the mythical years to the present.

After Taotie was stunned for a moment to react, he thought that he was frightened by a piece of armor that was not as strong as his own after being amplified. He couldn't help but become a little angry. He jumped down from the high platform and started fighting Beimiao in the water.

Beimiao, who had received a huge increase, finally started a head-on battle with Taotie.

After gaining strength, Bei Miao was finally able to control the Blue Water Trapped Demonic Cord like an arm or a finger. Beimiao waved the meteor gun, and the Blue Water Trapped Demonic Cord interfered with it. He won with direct victory and odd combination, and finally regained the disadvantage. , fought evenly with Taotie, and stabilized the situation.

Beimiao and Taotie fought back and forth for dozens of rounds.

The water is all a boost to Beimiao, but for Taotie, the resistance to dancing the gun in the water is much greater than on land. However, Taotie is extremely powerful, but he doesn't care about this difference.

It was just a slight mistake, a thousand miles away. Taotie's originally flawless marksmanship showed a slight flaw due to the resistance of the water.

Beimiao seized the opportunity, raised his meteor gun, and flew Taotie away. Then, he followed up with the Blue Water Trapped Magic Rope, trying to tie up Taotie.

Beimiao jumped up from the water and wanted to chase Chen Sheng, but he didn't notice that he had come to the ground from the water.

Beimiao, who had lost the increase in strength, suddenly lost a lot of strength, and stabbed Taotie with a spear. Just when Taotie thought he was going to fail today, Taotie parried in a final comforting manner, but directly pushed Beimiao back.

Only then did one person and one beast realize that the huge increase in the Black Rhino Armor was gone.

Beimiao, who had no increase in power, could only dodge hard, and danger suddenly became everywhere again.

Beimiao, who was dodging left and right, finally got a chance. Taotie stabbed him with a spear. Beimiao had no way to avoid it and had no choice but to hit it hard. However, Beimiao, who had no increase in power, how could he receive Taotie's full blow.

At the critical moment, if it weren't for the protector of the Blue Water Trapped Mosuo, who had stirred things up for Beimiao, Beimiao would have been severely beaten.

Beimiao just rolled like a lazy donkey and climbed back into the water. Taotie also discovered the problem at this time. His enemy this time turned out to be more powerful in the water.

Taotie stood on the shore, Beimiao stood in the water, and they looked at each other.

Beimiao couldn't defeat Taotie when he went up, and Taotie couldn't kill Beimiao even when he got into the water. The two looked at each other.

The Shadow Guardians were paying attention to the battles on the four battlefields. Seeing the stalemate between Taotie and Beimiao, Badland issued new orders.

Originally, Taotie wanted to go into the water again and compete with Beimiao, but he received a new order from the Bad Land. If Beimiao didn't come out of the water, leave him alone, destroy the surrounding buildings, and kill all nearby humans. .

Although Taotie felt that the Black Rhinoceros in the water was weaker than him, the existence from the mythical age to the present was definitely not due to recklessness. Taotie obeyed the orders of the Shadow Protector and began to wreak havoc on the surroundings.

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   Thanks to Yun Qiaogui, Buddha jzj, and Heng Bingyan Lan for their tips. It’s the end of the month. I don’t need to drop the remaining tickets and money. I won’t be able to have a baby next month.
  (End of this chapter)

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