Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 194 Qiongqi’s death

Chapter 194 Qiongqi’s death

The intense light and heat emitted by Xinnan can be seen throughout S City, and the other three battlefields are no exception.

Squinting his eyes slightly and looking at Xinnan, which was like a scorching sun in the sky, Nakashima was greatly relieved and felt that his cultivation was not in vain.

This move of Xinnan's was originally developed by him for Xinnan. Nakajima combined it with a move called Death Moon Tribulation from a cartoon in his previous life, and a move called Air Blade Crazy Kill from a stand-alone game he played. tricks, mixed together to provide Xinnan with creativity.

But at that time, both he and Xinnan were relatively weak, and this move was still at the stage of fantasy. Xinnan was a more pragmatic person. When he and Xinnan talked about these things, which were completely fantasy, Xinnan always looks very impatient.

Xinnan felt that thinking about these things, he might as well practice the piano. Even if he ran "Yi Jin Tong Bone" once, Xinnan felt that it was better than such random thoughts.

Later, before Shinan was strong enough to develop this move, Nakashima went to Hope City.

When they were in Hope City, whether it was Xiao Fei, Xiao Gang, or Croton, they all listened to Nakajima's words in terms of training, and they all listened to some of the moves that Nakajima proposed based on some fantasy moves in their memory. Listen to Nakayama honestly and train seriously.

Fortunately, the armor is also a product of idealism. When the energy is strong enough, it will naturally be whatever it wants. In addition, Xiao Fei, Xiao Gang and Croton all believe in Nakajima's words, so they have really learned a lot. .

This made Nakasuke very addicted. Because he had finished his addiction, after arriving in S city, Nakasuke did not mention the development of moves to Xinnan.

What Nakajima didn't expect was that Xinnan not only mastered this move, but also perfected it. But he had to hurry up. Originally, Nakajima thought that he was the only one who could defeat the ancient supernatural beast one-on-one, but now it seems Come, Xinnan should also be able to achieve the final victory.

Zhong Yan also planned to help others after getting rid of Qiong Qi, but he couldn't let Xin Nan get there first.

Qiongqi, who was fighting against Zhongjie, was even more panicked. According to the Shadow Guardian, the five armored warriors, who evolved from the Earth Tiger Armor into the Earth Tiger Armor, were relatively powerful. They only needed to persist against the beasts in the God Tiger Armor. Just wait for support.

But he could sense the move in the distance just now. A move of this level was enough to break through his defense. The strength of the four brothers was almost the same. A move that could cause damage to him would be harmful to his three. As a brother, the threat will not be small.

With an armor that can attack at this level, no matter who the four brothers are, they are strong enough to defeat them. In this case, let alone waiting for support, it would be a good thing if the other side does not come to support.

Qiongqi felt that the four brothers had been cheated, and Qiongqi now wanted to run away more and more.

But Nakajima would not give Qiongqi a chance to escape.

The Emperor Tiger Armor, which is based on the earth, not only has endless energy, but can even help the summoner recover from injuries if the pressure is not particularly great.

As for Qiongqi's attack, even Nakajiro, who only used one hand, didn't feel much pressure.

Nakajiro's left arm, which was used to forcefully receive Qiongqi's first blow and caused unbearable pain, has now recovered. Although it cannot be said to be as good as before, it is no problem to use it in this battle.

Nakajima began to hold the sword with both hands. Nakajima could feel that the Emperor Hufeng Zuidao, who had been parrying without fighting back, also longed for the blood of the shadow universe creature.

Qiongqi, who didn't know that Nakajima didn't use his left arm at first because of his injury, was frightened when he saw Nakajima starting to hold the knife with both hands. He flapped his wings and wanted to run away.

But at this time, how could Zhongshan be willing to let Qiongqi go?

Nakajiro swung his sword on the spot.

Qiongqi flew a long distance in an instant. When he looked back, he saw Nakajima who was like an executioner wielding a knife. He was so frightened that he frightened his soul and flapped his wings even faster. The Emperor Tiger Armor in the distance was in his eyes. It has become a black spot. But at the moment when the sword was swung, he shrank down and launched, and the sword struck Qiongqi firmly on the body.

Qiongqi was directly cut down from the air. He tried to struggle a few more times and flapped his wings a few times, but he did not fly up. Zhongjie just stabbed Qiongqi directly, causing serious injuries to Qiongqi. It can be said that I can't even move.

Nakajima touched the card box on his belt lightly, and then threw out a sure-kill skill card, which was the Emperor's Earth Split. After the Earth Tiger Armor evolved into the Emperor Tiger Armor, the Earth Splitter also became The Emperor split the ground.

Split the prison and drive away the darkness, destroy it in the angry land, and rebuild the earth.

Nakahiro gently touched the skill sticker in front of him with the Emperor Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber, and then the skill sticker turned into star-like dots of energy and attached to the Emperor Tiger Phoenix Mouth Saber.

The Emperor's Tiger-Feng Mouth Saber glowed slightly, and then Nakajiro slashed out with the sword.

A sword beam composed of pure earth energy struck at Qiongqi who was lying on the ground. Qiongqi was unable to dodge and could only try to hold up a pair of wings to block the blow.

With Nakajima's current level of mental energy, even an ordinary Earth-shattering slash cannot be blocked by Qiongqi, let alone an enhanced version of the Emperor's Earth-shattering slash.

Qiongqi was directly suppressed by the Earth Tai Chi Formation, and could only let out a low roar from where he was.

Then, Nakajiro used a move to break the ground, and was knocked back to the magic sticker state.

The shadow guardians who were hiding in the black area and watching the battle had no intention of helping. Now that the supernatural beast was sealed, it was just to lay the foundation for the appearance of the black monster. However, the shadow guardians did not expect that Qiongqi would come so soon. Just lose.

In fact, if Qiongqi fights Nakashima cautiously, although the final outcome will not change, there is still no problem in fighting for a while longer.

But Qiongqi's strongest sword was caught by Zhongji with his bare hands, and then Qiongqi attacked like crazy, but couldn't even kill Zhongji with one hand. Qiongqi misunderstood that Zhongji wanted to play with it with one hand, and Qiongqi was so courageous. Taken away, and the strength of Nakajima's other teammates are not as weak as the Shadow Guardian said.

Therefore, the moment Zhongshan held the knife in both hands, Qiongqi was already intimidated and just wanted to escape, and then he was directly sealed by Zhongshan.

Qiongqi's defeat so quickly can be said to have disrupted the plans of the Shadow Guardians.

Originally, the Shadow Guardians discussed that the four ancient supernatural beasts were sealed, and if they were lucky, one or two might be able to escape.

After the Emperor Tiger Armor has dealt with his opponent, and before he can take out his hand to help his teammates, the other three ancient supernatural beasts will preferably be broken, or at least seriously injured by one of the armor summoners.

After the Shadow Guardians learned about Xizhao's coma, they wanted to seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to severely injure an armor summoner.

In the view of the Shadow Guardians, the four armors everywhere must be fought separately. In one-on-one combat, except for the Emperor Tiger Armor, the other three armors are not always easy to capture. One or two armor summoners will be seriously injured. Look how they also summon armor.

 Thank you all for remembering me and supporting me after I stopped updating for so long.

  Do you still remember Ye Lingyun’s Death Moon Tribulation? I don’t know if you have played the original version of the torture. Now it seems that it is not allowed to be played in China because of the bloody violence.

  (End of this chapter)

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