Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 198 Intrusion Please subscribe

Chapter 198 Intrusion Please subscribe

Dongshan, who had just released the armor, summoned the armor again before he could take a breath.

Huge panic filled the hearts of the three people who were still awake, causing great disaster.

However, unlike Nakajie, who is troubled by caring, Xinnan is used to looking for details to infer the truth. Xinnan knows that in this battle, Dongshan and Beimiao should not be opponents, but who exactly is in trouble? It’s unknown.

And Xinnan carefully sensed the energy of the armor. Yimu generated Lihuo, and the energy of the Yanlong armor did not decrease. This means that there should be nothing wrong with Dongshan, and the violent fire element energy became more difficult to control. Xinnan knew , 80% of the time something happened to Beimiao.

Sunflower water restrains fire. Without the restriction of sunflower water, the fire element becomes more active.

Sensing that something happened to a teammate, Xinnan felt anxious.

While Nakajima was wandering around Hope City, he completed the upgrade of his armor. He was never idle in Xinnan in S City. Under the careful guidance of the old man from Shenshan, although Xinnan's Flame Dragon Armor had not yet reached a qualitative transformation, It is by no means without progress.

Zhuanzhu stabbed the king's officials, and comets struck the moon; Nie Zheng stabbed the Han puppets, and white rainbows penetrated the sun; Yaozhi stabbed Qingji, and the warehouse eagle struck the palace; and the old man of Shenshan also taught Xinnan a decisive move.

"Golden Arms, Iron Horse, Setting Sun Sword"

The white blade of the flaming knife turned as red as blood. It was obviously the scorching sun at noon in hot summer, but it had the feeling of an autumn sunset and the afterglow of the setting sun.

The sky sends murderous intentions, and the stars change places; the earth sends murderous intentions, and dragons and snakes rise from the ground; people send murderous intentions, and heaven and earth turn upside down.

Xinnan wanted to resolve the battle here as soon as possible and then go to help Beimiao, but as the art of war goes, haste makes waste.

The Golden Ge, Iron Horse, and Sun Saber was a move to survive in death, but Xinnan was not in danger yet and just wanted to resolve the battle as quickly as possible, so he used this move.

But the flaming sword suddenly struck down, and Yongzhu, who was hiding behind a small round shield, only took two steps back and was unscathed.

Now Xin Nan is sitting on the wax, Jin Ge Iron Horse Setting Sun Sword, he learned the ancient assassin's fatal blow technique, all the strength was poured into the knife just now, but now Ying Zhu has not been seriously injured, but Xin However, Nan's moves have become old.

Then it was Yongzhu's turn to fight back, and Yongzhu slashed at Xinnan with his sword.

At this time, it was a big ax that helped Xinnan block the knife.

Xinnan looked up and saw that the one who helped him block the knife was An Mixiu.

It turned out that An Mixiu couldn't stand Li Chaoran's teasing today, so Li Chaoran forced her to go shopping with her. But unfortunately, she was attacked by Yin Zhu in the middle of the shopping.

Although Yaozhu didn't come for him, An Mixiu directly picked up Li Chaoran and ran ahead of everyone.

But after settling Li Chao, An Mixiu returned to the place where Yongzhu attacked by some strange combination of circumstances.

But by the time An Mixiu settled down with Li Chaoran and returned, Xinnan had already sensed the scene and started fighting with Yongzhu.

The sword that Shinan made on the stage also shocked An Mixiu, and An Mixiu could only sigh secretly. He was indeed Nakahiro's perverted teammate, and he was also a pervert.

Both Yanlongxia and Yaozhu were much stronger than An Mixiu, so An Mixiu was not in a hurry to show up and just hid aside to watch the battle.

Although An Mixiu's strength is not as good as that of Xinnan and Yaozhu, after all, he has fought with Lufa for many years, and he still has some knowledge. According to his observation, as long as Xinnan fights steadily, it will only be a matter of time before he wins the final victory.

The development of the battle situation was just as An Mixiu speculated. Although Xinnan could not solve the problem in a short time, the situation on the field was always under the control of Xinnan. It seemed that it was a foregone conclusion that Xingzhu was sealed. . Originally, An Mixiu was planning to turn around and go find Li Chaoran, but the situation on the field suddenly changed. Xinnan, who had been boiling frogs in warm water, suddenly became impatient for some reason, and finally made dangerous moves. Unfortunately, Instead of accelerating the pace of victory, he actually let himself fall into a trap.

An Mixiu didn't know that Nakashima had also returned to S City and was coming to support him soon.

Seeing that the situation was reversed, An Mixiu sighed, but still showed his true form as the Nether Demon, and used the Doomsday Splitting Ruler Ax to block the blow for Xin Nan.

Xinnan, who was rescued by An Mixiu, was also a little confused, mainly because of the appearance of the Nether Demon. Although it looked more like a person than some Nether Demons, it still had the same style of painting.

If it weren't for An Mixiu who helped him block Yaozhu's knife just now, Xinnan would have thought that the other side was coming to support him.

At this time, Nakajima arrived. Although Nakajima was well-informed, the scene in front of him still made Nakajima a little confused.

Xinnan and An Mixiu team up to deal with Yongzhu. This scene is a bit magical.

Normally, Zhongji would have complained about this scene, but now was not the time to play. When Zhongji saw that Xinnan was fine, he knew that the one who was in trouble must be Beimiao.

Zhongjie's mind was spinning, but he didn't say anything. He sent a message to Meizhen again: "Quick, Meizhen, teleport me to Beimiao."

On Beimiao's side, support did arrive, but it was not Nakajima but Dongshan.

After Zhongji left, Dongshan hurriedly summoned the Wind Eagle Armor, hoping to support Beimiao after sealing the wontons.

The summoning of armor also takes time. Chaos has rough skin and thick flesh. Although he has been beaten to the point of being unable to move by Nakajima, his recovery speed is a little faster than Nakajima expected.

When Dongshan summoned the armor again and then launched the Wind Piercer, Chaos' body was still unable to move, but he used the grooves on his face to gather energy and used his special skill, One-Eyed Thunder Blast.

If Chaos is in a good state, this move can even cause damage to Dongshan after destroying the wind piercing thorn. Even in the current seriously injured state, Chaos' one-eyed thunder blast can also destroy the wind piercing thorn. Most of the attacks, the broken energy hit Chaos' body without any pain or itching.

Before Dongshan could launch the Wind Piercer again, Chaos finally regained his ability to move. By the time Dongshan's next Wind Piercer arrived, Chaos had already escaped.

Seeing that all the supernatural beasts that Nakashima had seriously injured were let go by him, Dongshan was greatly annoyed, but there were more important things to do now.

Dongshan initiated a communication with Meizhen and said to Meizhen: "Meizhen, send me to Beimiao quickly."

When Dongshan arrived, Beimiao's consciousness was already blurred. Beimiao vaguely saw someone coming to help. He finally let out the breath he held in his mouth, and performed the last operation to untie the Black Rhino Armor, and then he Completely lost consciousness.

Among the five elements, wood is the master of life. As soon as Dongshan arrived at the scene, he found that Beimiao's life breath was already crumbling, and Taotie was preparing to give Beimiao the final blow.

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In addition, this is really the last chance. In the next chapter, it will be decided whether the Black Rhinoceros Armor will be upgraded. If it has a good name, upgrade it. If not, forget it. I am worried about how to balance the strength.

 I was so sleepy last night that I didn’t finish writing, so I put it off until now.

  In addition, thanks to the big monster Ye Fu for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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