Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 201 Xuansi Armor

Chapter 201 Xuansi (si) Armor (please subscribe)
  Finally, the evolution of the Black Rhinoceros Armor was completed. At this time, whether it was the two armor summoners Nakashima Tosugi, Taotie the Netherworld Demon, or the child being held in Tosugi's arms and babbling.

The name of this armor emerged in their hearts, Xuansi Armor.

Seeing that the Black Rhinoceros Armor had been upgraded, Zhongji couldn't help but pause his pursuit of Taotie. He squinted his eyes and looked at the newly appeared Xuansi Armor.

However, the evolution of the Black Rhino Armor has not yet been completed. Gradually, a shield appears on the chest of the Black Rhino Armor. The prototype of the Aurora Shield has already appeared in the style of the shield. However, the shield is also green and black in color, unlike The shield of the Emperor's armor sparkled with gold.

It's normal to think about it. The Black Rhinoceros Armor was originally the most defensive set among the Five Elements Armors. Now it's normal for the Aurora Shield to appear on the upgraded Black Rhinoceros Armor.

After the black version of the Aurora Shield on the chest of the Black Rhino Armor, no, it should be called Xuan Si Armor now, was completed, the upgrade of the Black Rhino Armor finally came to an end.

Bei Miao, who had kept his eyes tightly closed, finally opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, Bei Miao's eyes seemed to reflect all the long rivers in the world.

However, it was a pity that Beimiao was now inside the Xuansi armor, so no one saw the strange vision in Beimiao's eyes. After Beimiao blinked, the strange vision disappeared.

The originally dim eyes of Xuan Si's armor instantly shot out two rays of golden light, shooting straight into the sky.

As soon as the golden light swept away, Taotie, who had already entered the space shuttle state, thought he had successfully escaped, was directly illuminated.

Then the golden light disappeared, Xuan Si's armor palm opened, and the diamond that had just been hung on his arm first grew slightly larger, and then spun rapidly.

Then, an extremely strong suction force came out, sucking back Taotie, who was still running away crazily even though it had been traced by the golden light.

Then, King Kong Zhuo flew out and floated above Taotie's head. No matter how hard Taotie struggled, he could not escape from King Kong Zhuo. Even the energy rays that Taotie shot from the four eyes on his chest were blocked by King Kong Zhuo. Breathe it in.

Taotie's face was ashen, knowing that he was doomed today.

Then, Beimiao held his right hand softly in the air, and then the meteor gun appeared in Beimiao's hand. However, Beimiao was a little surprised when he saw the meteor gun. It's not that the meteor gun is not good, it's just that he was confused. The armor was upgraded, and the meteor gun Why haven't the guns been upgraded?

But then, the upgrade of the meteor gun also started.

The King Kong Zhuo suspended on Taotie's head shook slightly, and then Taotie's nameless iron spear flew out.

Seeing this unknown iron gun, before Beimiao could operate it, the meteor gun flew out of Beimiao's hand. Then, Taotie's iron gun gradually merged into the meteor gun.

As Taotie's iron gun continued to be swallowed up by the meteor gun, the style of the meteor gun also began to change. The gun body became thicker and longer, becoming more suitable for Xuan Si's armor. The tip of the gun was originally only used to activate the sure kill. Only then will the two wings be fully opened, and the spear tip will become more prominent and sharp. A not too short spear tip will also appear at the bottom of the originally smooth gun shaft.

At this time, it can no longer be called a gun. It has become another weapon, the boring machine, and it also has a new name, the Sijiao Crescent Moon boring machine.

After the upgrade, the Sijiao Crescent Boring Machine returned to the hands of Bei Miao, who was wearing Xuansi armor.

Beimiao looked at Taotie, who had beaten him to death just now, but was now trapped by King Kong Zhuo and completely unable to move. He couldn't help but sigh that the situation had changed. If Taotie hadn't beaten him to death and completely forced him out of his potential, he would have I don’t know how long it will take to upgrade the Black Rhinoceros Armor to the Xuansi Armor.

In return, please let Taotie continue to be sealed.

Beimiao launched a sure kill, Xuan Ming broke through the waves to kill. The Xuanming with the horn and the crescent moon breaks through the waves and kills people. God lives in the Xuanming, breaks the waves to subdue demons, and kills to prove the way.

As the saying goes, killing is to protect lives, killing karma is not killing people.

The black shield on the chest of Xuan Si's armor flew down from Xuan Si's armor and turned into a skill sticker with the word "kill" written on it. Then the skill sticker was converted into energy and attached to the Sijiao Crescent Boring.

Then Beimiao waved his hand lightly, and a boring-tip-shaped energy attack was shot out, and then quickly landed on Taotie's body.

Taotie was trapped by the Water Tai Chi Formation and finally couldn't move.

Then, Beimiao looked at King Kong Zhuo who was still floating on Taotie's head in the air, bowed slightly, and then said silently in his heart: "Please turn around, baby."

The Diamond Diamond suspended above Taotie's head spun around in a circle. Without any warning, Taotie exploded, and Taotie's Velcro appeared at the location after the explosion.

However, in the past, even if Shinan completely destroyed the Ant Beast's shield with a flaming bow, after transforming back into a Magic Sticker, the weapon would appear again, but this time, there would only be one Taotie on the Magic Sticker. The beast made a gesture of holding a gun, but Taotie's gun did not appear in the magic patch again.

Without Beimiao's instructions, Jingang Zhuo spun again, and Taotie's Magic Sticker was sucked in by Jingang Zhuo. Then, Taotie's magic spirit stone appeared in the energy observation room of the ERP laboratory.

However, the Taotie Iron Spear was swallowed up by the Meteor Gun, and Taotie's Demonic Spirit Stone was really damaged. The Demonic Spiritual Stones of the four ancient supernatural beasts should be larger than those of ordinary supernatural beasts.

Although the demon spirit stone transformed by Taotie is still slightly larger than the demon spirit stone transformed by ordinary supernatural beasts, it is obviously smaller than the Qiongqi supernatural beast sent in by Nakajima. In a circle.

Even the floating position is slightly higher than the magic spirit stone transformed by ordinary supernatural beasts, and it is not at all as high as the magic spirit stone transformed by Qiongqi.

It can be seen that losing the iron gun was a fatal blow to Taotie. Originally the eldest and strongest among the four ancient supernatural beasts, it is now uncertain whether the other three will play with Taotie. .

After sealing the Taotie, the suspended King Kong Zhuo also flew back to the right arm of the Xuan Si Armor. After another rotation, it was tightly stuck on the right arm of the Xuan Si Armor and turned into the right arm of the Xuan Si Armor. Part of the arm defense.

Looking at the upgraded Xuansi armor, Nakajiro was fine, and Dongshan's saliva was about to flow out.

The battle here is over, but there is still another battlefield where fighting is going on, and that is in Xinnan.

However, looking at the child that Dongshan was holding, Nakago frowned slightly. They couldn't help look after the child all the time. Besides, when the parents came back and couldn't see their children, if they didn't explain in time, they would probably be criticized by the Armored Warriors. After being killed, he suddenly became a child abductor and trafficker.

Zhongji thought for a while and found a person in his address book who he had not contacted for a long time, Xiao Song.

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   Thanks to the Tianpengxing88 brothers for the reward.

  In addition, I would like to thank a book friend in the group for providing Xuanzi. The name of Must-Kill is based on the upgrade plan provided by some of the K987 brothers of Chaos. I also express my gratitude.

  (End of this chapter)

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