Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 216 It’s getting dark

Chapter 216 It’s getting dark

Nakajima's strength is now extraordinary. Even if he only makes a few tentative sword attacks, although it is not enough to truly break the Black Demonic Beast's defense and cause real damage to the Black Demonic Beast, it still makes the Black Demonic Beast feel a slight pain.

However, the black monster didn't care, because the shadow guardians were confident that this move would definitely make it difficult for the armored warriors to parry.

The black fog ball in the hands of the black monster was first compressed crazily until it was compressed to the size of a ping pong ball.

If the armor on their bodies hadn't greatly enhanced the eyesight of the armored warriors, given the huge size difference between the black monster and the black ball, none of the armored warriors would have been able to see the black ball gathering between the black monster's hands.

Seeing the black mist being compressed, several armored warriors stood ready.

Xiang Yang directly held the Aurora Shield and stood in front of everyone. Nakajima also used his elemental control power to condense a reduced version of the Aurora Shield and placed it in front of Xiang Yang.

Bei Miao, who was standing behind Xiang Yang, couldn't help but feel a little confused. The child who didn't like to talk back then could protect him from the wind and rain.

But contrary to the expectations of the armored warriors, the black monster did not throw the black ball in their hands at the armored warriors, and the black ball did not cause any explosion.

The black ball turned into a black light film and spread instantly.

Even Xiang Yang, who was wearing the emperor's armor, didn't have time to react.

The black film has expanded rapidly, covering several armored warriors. Not only the armored warriors, the black film has spread to the extreme, directly covering the entire earth.

As it continued to expand, the black membrane became thinner and thinner until it expanded outside the atmosphere and stopped expanding.

Several armored warriors looked at each other, wondering what the purpose of the Black Demonic Beast's move was.

This black film had no impact on them at all, and was even now so thin that it was invisible to the naked eye.

Bei Miao, who had a fiery personality, couldn't bear it any longer. He picked up Xuansi Crescent Boring and wanted to compete with the black monster.

But things soon changed as the black membrane stopped expanding.

Just when Xuansi's crescent moon was about to poke into the chest of the black monster, the armor on Beimiao's body flickered and then disappeared.

Not only Beimiao's Xuansi armor, Xinnan's Yanlong armor, Dongshan's Wind Eagle armor, Xizhao's Snow Mastiff armor, and Xiangyang's Emperor armor were all defused.

Beimiao's mental energy has also reached the point where it has turned virtual reality into reality. After the armor disappeared, the mental energy condensed in Xuan Si's crescent boring machine has been condensed to a level close to solid state, and it still stabbed the black monster fiercely. chest.

But without the pure power of Xuansi Crescent Boring's blessing, there is no threat to the black monster, and there is no way to break the defense.

The black monster just waved its claws slightly, and Beimiao flew backwards.

Not only Beimiao, but everyone who lost their armor also lost the ability to fly and fell from the sky.

The only one who still has armor on his body is Nakajima, who has the ability to transmit energy from secondary dimensions.

This was at an altitude of several thousand meters. Nakashima didn't have time to think too much, so he could only hurry up and save people. Fortunately, the light and shadow horse flew fast enough. Before the five summoners landed, five people, including Xiang Yang, were caught. They were all piled on the Dihuju.

Yes, they are stacked on top. Although the weight of five people is nothing to Dihuju, the standard number of people carried by Guangyingju is only one person. In such an emergency, it is natural to not care about comfort. It’s a matter of degree. Except for Xiangyang, who was given special treatment due to his young age, and was picked up by Nakajima (the word was actually pronounced "lin"), the other four people were all thrown onto the ground by Nakajima.

But it didn’t make them uncomfortable for long. Although the Light and Shadow Armor could no longer be summoned, Nakajiro still had several Ares Armor summoners in his hands. Unfortunately, summoning the Ares Armor required purifying genes with the Gengden Vajra Pestle first. , currently only Beimiao used the Ares armor to transition for a period of time when the Black Rhinoceros armor broke.

Nakaji threw the Summoner of Feiying Armor to Beimiao, and then threw several people on the ground.

He will continue to fight.

It has to be said that this move of the Black Demonic Beast hit the armored warriors seven inches in front of them.

The black monster used thousands of years of savings to cut off the stellar energy transmission from the sun to the earth. In this way, except for Nakajima's summoned armor due to his ability to transmit secondary dimensional energy, several armors including Xiangyang were not affected. The warriors all temporarily lost the ability to summon armor.

Of course, the energy of the sun is so huge, and the earth is not a small planet. Even the black monster's thousand-year savings can only be temporarily cut off, and it will not last long at all.

However, in the battle, the opportunity is fleeting, and although the Black Monster's thousand-year savings cannot be maintained for too long, a few hours will not be a problem.

The few armored warriors who could not summon the armor had completely lost the ability to fight. Now they could only rely on Beimiao, who was wearing the Feiying armor, to try to leave the battlefield.

But how could the Black Demonic Beast let go of this great opportunity? It was about to rush forward and eliminate the root cause.

As long as these armor summoners are killed, even if the power of the sun covers the earth again, there will be no armored warriors who can compete with them in a short time.

The Feiying Armor is also a speed-type armor, and the Jueying Juzai is also a speed-type shuttle craft. However, the Black Warcraft's speed beyond dimensions cannot be escaped by the Feiying Armor. In just a few breaths, the Black Warcraft blocks it. In front of Jueyingju.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Nakajiro sighed, now he was in big trouble.

Seeing that the Black Demonic Beast was about to kill him, Nakahiro could only drive the Emperor Tiger Horse to block the Black Demonic Beast.

A sword energy struck the black monster's body.

"Hey, Black Monster, have you forgotten your grandpa?"

Although Nakajima is seriously lacking in confidence in taking on the Black Monster alone, even if it is a cooked duck, his mouth is still hard, so Nakajima naturally still wants to earn some lip service.

Hearing this, the five shadow guardians were furious, and the giant pincers on their right hands seemed to feel the anger, shaking, and slashed down at the Emperor Tiger Armor.

But Nakajima, who was still riding on the emperor's horse, was not so easy to hit. The emperor's horse's tail flame sprayed lightly, and a small acceleration made the black monster's attack completely in vain.

Nakajima was overjoyed when he saw this, and wanted to lure away the black monster. First, let the other people retreat to a safe place, and then study how the armor disappeared.

But Nakajima underestimated the fighting wisdom of the black monsters that had survived from ancient times to the present day.

Although he was successfully ridiculed by Nakajima, as long as Nakajima wanted to pull the black monster away and draw the black monster away, the black monster would give up on Zhongji and try to chase Beimiao and others.

(End of this chapter)

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