Chapter 25

After explaining the matter, Nakajiro drove directly back to his rented house.

He planned to skip work in the afternoon. He didn't need to clock in anyway. If there was any urgent task, he could just ask Meizhen to teleport him there. So, as long as he didn't run too far, he was actually there. The same thing, the same office work, if what he usually does when he is not fighting can be considered office work.

Staying at home, there was nothing to do for a while.

If you want to play with mobile phones, the technology in this world has not yet developed to the era of smartphones. This mobile phone that is a part-time summoner is really a bit difficult to play.

After fiddling with it for a while, the problem that the summoner could not install games was not solved. Nakajiro became autistic. He felt like he was just a salty fish now.

He had no choice but to start studying his "Easy Muscles and Forging Bones". He was about to adjust his breathing to match the breathing rate of "Easy Muscles and Forging Bones", but he found that he had unknowingly been doing it. Breathe according to the breathing method in "Easing the Muscles and Strengthening the Bones".

And as he breathed, there were some small yellow light spots that were inhaled into his body. His body had already absorbed a lot of yellow light spots, causing his body to feel like it was emitting a faint yellow light.

He felt it and didn't feel any changes in his body. It may be that the cultivation time was too short and the changes were not obvious yet. Tomorrow, he will ask the old man of Shenshan what is going on. If there is an old man in the family, if there is a treasure, it cannot be wasted. .

Well, he has nothing to do now. The two worlds are not the same. Although the development direction of the entertainment industry is somewhat similar, it is still different. At least those games in the previous life. Although there are similar products in this world, after all, It's not the original game.

So, he could only collapse on his sofa like Uncle Ge.

On the side of the Shadow Realm, Shadow Ba was a little panicked. In his memory, every time there was a battle between light and shadow, as long as a summoner who could control elements was born, their Shadow Realm would definitely lose miserably, although he did not I have experienced it personally, but still in the inheritance of the shadow world, I can feel the terror of the element controller from between the lines.

He decided to make a desperate move. Among the fifteen magic stickers he controlled, three contained the most power. The dark energy he had accumulated now could already summon one of them. He did not plan to summon those cannon fodder again. Went to give experience to the armored warriors.

He looked at the incubator, where Crocodile Beast was still recovering from his injuries.

He became angry when he saw this crocodile beast. It had no strength at all and wasted all the dark energy he had accumulated.

This crocodile beast has only fought once since it was summoned, and then it was seriously injured by a Flame Dragon Man who didn't have enough physical strength to kill it. If he didn't really lack the strength now, he would have to kill this beast himself. Not just a crocodile.

He suppressed his anger and said: "Crocodile beast, hurry up and get out of the incubator."

I saw the crocodile beast slowly walking out of the incubator, as if asking Shadow Ba, I haven't healed my injury yet, why did you call me out?

Shadow Ba gathered the electricity of the entire city with his hands before summoning his magic stickers, then selected one and placed the magic stickers in the incubator.

At this time, other places in the city also experienced a brief power outage. Most people thought that the voltage was just unstable. Although a small number of people checked the equipment, they could not find the problem.

But Nakajiro was at home, and when he saw this scene, he knew that a new supernatural beast had been summoned again.

He has lived a peaceful life for a few days. According to the inertia of the plot, the one who appears this time should be the Demonic Cow Beast. I wonder if after he drastically changes the plot, Shadow Ba will summon the Demonic Cow Beast as he did in the original plot. .

After Shadow Ba summoned the new supernatural beast, he found that although the summoning was successful, the dark energy was still a little lacking, causing the newly summoned supernatural beast to look a bit deficient. It's impossible to defeat the armored warrior like this.

If he and Crocodilemon are allowed to stay in the incubator to recuperate slowly, I don't know how long it will take to train before going into battle. I'm afraid that the strength of the armored warriors will have improved a lot by then.

He couldn't help but turn his attention to the crocodile beast. This crocodile beast was extremely weak and consumed a lot of his dark energy. It was better to let Xin summon the supernatural beast to kill it and absorb the dark power in his body. In this way, It was finally his time to shine.

The newly summoned supernatural beast seemed to be connected with his thoughts. As soon as he signaled, he immediately rushed forward and killed the crocodile beast in three strikes.

He couldn't help laughing as he looked at the new super beast that was absorbing the energy from the Crocodile Beast's corpse.

The ugly general looked on with fear: "Overlord, what are you doing?"

"Hmph", Shadow Ba snorted coldly: "In front of the strong, there is no seat for the weak. This is the result of unfavorable things."

"Ugly General, you must not make the same mistake as the crocodile beast. At that time, I may have no choice but to kill Ma Su with tears. After all, our shadow world does not raise idlers."

The ugly general quickly lowered his head and expressed his determination: "Don't worry, Lord Overlord, I will definitely devote myself to you and die for you."


Shadow Ba seemed very satisfied: "It will take a while to digest the crocodile beast's body this time. You should rest for a while first. When the new super beast reaches its peak, you can take it with me and give it to me." Those pieces of armor were all destroyed."

On Nakajima's side, Nakajima originally thought that he would be dispatched soon, but after waiting for a long time, he did not receive any news that Mizhen had discovered the supernatural beast.

It seems that Shadow Ba is planning something again. Originally, according to the plot, he should attack Beimiao's sister after the attack is completed, but now the pace of the supernatural beast being sealed has been advanced by him, and he doesn't know who will be next. was attacked.

Without Xizhao to lead the way, they could not find the base of Shadow Realm. They could not take the initiative and could only defend passively.

Coupled with the fact that there is no earth shadow stone to cause the conflict between Shadow Ba and the King of Kai, I am afraid there is still a long time to wait until Shadow Ba is executed.

Nakajiro no longer thinks about these messy things. In the final analysis, he still has to improve his strength. His current strength is much stronger than that of the Earth Tiger Man in the original work. He believes that he can block the waves of attacks from the shadow world. .

As long as the time is right, he will destroy the base in the shadow world. Without that base, he will see how the shadow tyrants and kings of the realm summon supernatural beasts.

By then, the Five Shadow Protectors will probably have a headache.

Although it may be difficult to change the finale of Emperor Man vs. Dark Beast, it would be great if it can cause them some trouble and allow the supernatural beast to cause less damage.

 During the May Day holiday, there were a lot of people at home, and the computer was occupied. I could only use my mobile phone to find time to code, intermittently, and couldn't write anything. There may only be one update in the past few days. I'll see how it goes in the evening. Bar
  (End of this chapter)

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