Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 29 The hero saves the beauty OR the beauty saves the hero

Chapter 29 The hero saves the beauty OR the beauty saves the hero

The ugly general grabbed the girl who came out, took out a knife and put it on the girl's neck, and shouted to Nakajima: "Hurry up and take off the armor, or I will kill her."

Of course, Nakajima would not take off the armor foolishly. He did not want to gamble with the lives of himself and the girl on the character of the ugly general.

He glanced at the girl, but was stunned for a moment. Wasn't that the welcome in the second part? Although she was a little more immature than in the show, he still wouldn't admit it.

The welcome was also very uncomfortable now. She just couldn't find a toilet in the venue, so she wanted to find a toilet and take a breather. Unexpectedly, she was involved in this kind of thing, so Yuanheng and Lizhen were both Miao. Miao, Wujiu is her, how can the hexagrams be interpreted so well?
  There were records about the Nether Demon in the book that her grandmother left for her, but this one.

Welcome took a look at the Demon Bull Beast that confronted the Earth Tiger Man. It was obviously not one of the recorded Nether Demons.

But after all, she is a current secret cultivator, not that innocent little girl. She doesn't think that the man with a black mask covering his face will let him go if the armored warrior opposite him removes his armor.

As for Nakajima, who was facing off against Demon Bullmon, he didn't feel that welcome was expendable. However, although his Earth Thunder was very fast, it still had activation and delays. In the current situation, I'm afraid that if he makes any changes, , the ugly general will welcome the cut throat without hesitation.

There was no other way. He had to pretend to think about whether to remove the armor, but he was actually sensing the earth element in his body. Fortunately, the Earth Tiger Armor greatly increased his ability to sense and control the earth element. Nakashima felt that the world had become The world of various elements has itself become a collection of elements, and then he controls the elements that make up himself to disperse, and then condense again in front of the ugly general.

The transformation of elements cannot be noticed by those who have not awakened the control of elements. Chou Jiang only felt that he just blinked, and then the Earth Tiger Man appeared in front of him.

Nakaji directly grasped the blade with his hand, snatched the knife, and threw it aside.

Seeing that there was nothing that could be done, the ugly general pushed the welcome to Nakashima, and then ran away. Although the Demonic Cowmon had good strength, it had a flaw in its intelligence after all. Strictly speaking, it could only be regarded as a combat weapon. The ugly general ran away. , and then retreated.

Nakajima maintained his welcoming posture as he was pushed by the ugly general. He stood there for a while and felt that the supernatural beast would not be able to fight back again, so he removed his armor.

As soon as Nakajiro removed his armor, his vision went dark, and he fainted. Before he fainted, he only thought, "I didn't expect that I have improved so much, but I still haven't escaped the fate of being exhausted every time I fight."

However, Yingying was originally in Dihuxia's arms and did not dare to move. Unexpectedly, the armor disappeared in the blink of an eye, and then the person who summoned the armor fainted.

Before fainting, Yingying and Nakajima still maintained their original postures. As soon as Nakajima fainted, Yingying, who was originally in Nakajima's arms, had to bear the weight of two people, but he was still held in his arms. A weak posture.

The two people fell to the ground immediately, and there was a thud. It turned out that the back of Nakajiro's head hit the ground first.

Welcome stuck out his tongue, hoping he didn't break his head.

She struggled to stand up from Nakajima's arms. She wanted to find someone to help, but found that the people around her had either run away long ago, or were lying on the ground, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Zheng Weng wanted to call an ambulance, but found that there was no signal on her mobile phone and the call could not be made at all. She wanted to find a place with signal to call an ambulance, but looking at Nakahara lying on the ground, although the possibility of the supernatural beast coming back It's not big anymore, but it wouldn't be good to leave him here like this.

After thinking about it for a while, Wen Ying helped Nakashima up, put an arm on his shoulder, and then just supported Nakashima and walked away from the gymnasium.

Fortunately, Yingying usually pays more attention to physical exercise, and Zhongshan is also relatively thin, otherwise he might not be able to move Zhongshan at all.

Even so, when he walked less than 500 meters, Yingying felt that he really had no strength at all. She used her last strength to help Nakashima to a long stone bench by the roadside, and helped him position himself so that he could sit on the stone bench.

Then Yingying also sat down on the stone bench, but before Yingying could take out his phone to see if there was any signal, Nakajima leaned over and leaned against Yingying.

He helped Zhongshan adjust his posture a few times, but as soon as he sat down, Zhongshan would come over.

Welcome to gnash your teeth, if you hadn't fainted to protect me, I would have let you know why the flowers are so red.

Welcoming held Nakajima with one hand, and took out his mobile phone with the other hand. Although the signal was still a little weak, he could barely make a call, so Welcoming called an ambulance.

An ambulance had been called, and Welfare couldn't help but feel a little excited. He couldn't help but increase his strength in the hand holding Nakashima, and then there was another thud. Nakashima was pushed down by Welfare and fell off the stone bench. The back of his head Landing first again.

"Yeah" Xingying exclaimed, and quickly helped Nakajima onto the stone bench, but Nakajima would always fall to one side, so Yingying had to hold him up with his hands, but after a while, his arms became extremely sore. .

Welcome. Now for the ambulance, we are really looking forward to it.

Switching his left arm to his right, the welcome was too much to bear, so he had no choice but to let Nakaji lean on him again.

"Ah" was another exclamation. It turned out that Nakajima's hanging arm touched her chest. Youying quickly slapped Nakajima's hand away.

Welcome looked around. Fortunately, everyone had fled because of the attack by the supernatural beast just now.

She blushed in welcome. This was the first time she was so close to a man. She smelled the faint smell of sweat coming from Nakajima's body and looked at Nakajima's face.

Nakajima doesn't look handsome, and now he faints, he still looks a bit immature. After all, before time travel, Nakajima was just a college student. Although he is a little more mature than his peers due to self-reliance, after fainting, , but still looks like a big boy.

It wasn't until the siren of the ambulance came that she woke up. She was stunned when she looked at Nakashima's face just now.

Yingying felt that his face was so hot, the doctor and the nurses carried Nakashima onto a stretcher.

The doctor raised his head and was about to ask Wen Wen what was wrong with the patient, but found that He Wen's face was red as if he was about to bleed. The doctor was startled and asked quickly: "Madam, are you okay? Do you want to help first?" You check it out.”

Welcome quickly waved his hand and refused: "I'm fine, I'm just a little hot. You hurry up and treat him first."

The doctor looked at the welcome for a while and then said: "You are a family member of the patient. You should follow us to the hospital. You need a family member to accompany you."

Just like that, the group got in the car and headed to the hospital.

 It seems that the middle of the night is a bit difficult. I am not good at writing emotional scenes, so I am a bit slow.

  (End of this chapter)

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