Chapter 3 Alarm
  The next day, Nakajima went to work at a burger restaurant like an ordinary office worker, wearing the clothes Meizhen bought for him yesterday. Not to mention, Meizhen had really good taste, and the clothes he bought looked good on him. He was so handsome. He took a good look at him and helped him buy clothes that fit him. His ability was extraordinary.

The house Meizhen rented for him was very close to the burger restaurant, and it took less than ten minutes to walk to the burger restaurant.

Entering the research room at the back, Nakashima had nothing to do. He was not a researcher, and researchers did not conduct research here. The ERP studio also had another base, which was a large research base. Brother Meizhen He is the person in charge of that base. The research on armor and the manufacturing of some things are all carried out in that large research base. It is just a relatively concealed stronghold, mainly to prevent the enemy from letting the supernatural beast directly The attack on the base resulted in the loss of the light and shadow stone, so the light and shadow stone was placed here, and the battle command and communication were also transferred here.

Just when Nakajima was thinking wildly, the alarm rang without warning. At first, Nakajima was a little confused about the situation: "What's wrong? What happened."

Meizhen has already begun to contact Xinan, "Hey, Xinnan, can you hear me? The supernatural beast has appeared again. I will send you the location where the supernatural beast appeared. You can prepare it. I will use it directly. The satellite will transport you there.”

ERP's satellites can teleport armor summoners directly to the battle location. Otherwise, due to their mobility and lack of light and shadow horses in the early stage, by the time they arrive, the supernatural beasts will have already finished their bad deeds and run away.

Although Nakahiro already knew who the Flame Dragon Armor Summoner was, he still pretended to know nothing: "Is this Xinnan the Flame Dragon Armor Summoner you are looking for?"

Meizhen looked at Xinnan to summon the armor and replied: "Yes, he is the armor summoner we are looking for, and he is also the only summoner we have found besides you. We also found the Wood Shadow Stone, but we have always been No suitable summoner for the Wooden Armor was found."

Nakajiro looked at Dongsugi next to him and thought to himself, the suitable armor summoner is right next to him, but it's a pity that you didn't know it.

Nakajima and Mima Tosugi watched Shinan fight through the screen.

Xinnan's hand-waving action is so cool. I imitated it many times when I was a kid watching Armor Warriors, but unfortunately I never had the same feeling as Xinnan.

It has to be said that Xinnan's fighting talent is really strong. Practicing the piano obviously takes up a lot of his time and he doesn't do much training, but he can still fight on par with the supernatural beasts. I don't know if I can wait for him to summon the armor. , can this effect be achieved.

Xinnan must have just been able to summon armor not long ago, and his strength is not yet strong. Nakajima has already seen the energy observation room, and there is still only the Hokage Stone and the Wood Shadow Stone in it, not a single Demon Spirit Stone.

In other words, the plot has just begun, and the first supernatural beast has not yet been sealed.

Xin Nan was wearing Flame Dragon Armor, but he was far from being able to master all the fist techniques as he did later. He just used Wang Ba Fist, which seemed to be a bit evenly matched.

The battle lasted for a while, and Xinnan probably felt that his fists and kicks alone could not pose a great threat to the supernatural beast, so he summoned the flaming knife. With the blazing sword, the supernatural beast was naturally no match. Within a few moves, Xinnan was slashed with several knives.

When Nakajiro saw this, he was a little excited. Looking at this posture, he was going to see the first supernatural beast being sealed with his own eyes?
  Xinnan turned the wheel on the left to summon the special skill sticker, but saw the supernatural beast spit out a black smoke to cover itself. When the black smoke dissipated, it disappeared. Xinnan ran over and looked around. He had no choice but to remove the armor.

Nakajiro looked at the scene of the supernatural beasts escaping and thought thoughtfully. It seems that the supernatural beasts in this world are not as stupid as in the show. They would run away when they see the armor about to activate a special kill. Unlike in the show, when they see When the armor activates its special attack, it just sits there waiting to be sealed.

In this case, it would be difficult to seal ordinary supernatural beasts. There is still a long way to go to perfectly seal all supernatural beasts. This should be the earliest stage of the armored warriors. In this case, the leader of the shadow world should still be the shadow tyrant.

Shadow Ba is also a descendant of Tuxing Village, but he went astray and worked for the Shadow Realm. Although he finally woke up, it was too late, and finally handed the Tuying Stone into Dongshan's hands, saying It seems that everyone is the descendant of Tuhang Village. Maybe they were still the same family five hundred years ago. If possible, Nakajiro still wants to make a plan to see if he can lend a hand to Shadow Ba and help Shadow Ba escape from his original miserable ending. .

Thinking about it, Nakajiro sighed secretly, I am still thinking about saving others. I haven't got the Earth Shadow Stone yet. If I meet Shadow Ba now, he will probably directly order the supernatural beast to do it. mine.

On the other side, Shadow Ba was also watching the battle. Shadow Ba was obviously very dissatisfied with the performance of the supernatural beast. It was a waste, useless, and was beaten like this by a child who had just learned to summon armor.

"Ugly General, is this the power that you and Kaiou told me can dominate the world? You can't even defeat a kid who just learned to summon armor, so you just want to dominate the world with this?"

The ugly general trembled in fear at Shadow Ba's question: "Lord Overlord, please don't underestimate this supernatural beast. This is just the weakest of all the supernatural beasts. In addition, it has been sealed for so long. After many years, he has just been resurrected, and his strength is very low, so he can't clean up the armor. You just have to wait and see. After a while, after absorbing people's evil thoughts, the power of the supernatural beast is almost restored. Destroy those few The auxiliary armor is just a trivial matter, as long as you destroy those few pairs of armor, Lord Shadow Ba, you can dominate this world."

Haha, to dominate the world, Shadow Ba is noncommittal.

After a while, Xinnan rode his scooter to Meizhen Burger Restaurant, passed the iris verification, and entered the secret room at the back.

It was under this circumstance that Nakajima met the summoner of the Flame Dragon Armor: "Hello, Xinnan, let me introduce myself. My name is Nakajima, and I am the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor."

In his previous life, Nakajiro liked Yan Longxia better. Although he wouldn't pounce on him directly like those star-chasing little fans, he was still very excited and hurriedly stood up and walked over to say hello to Xinnan.

"Earth Tiger Armor Summoner?" Come practice piano."

Well, it can be seen in the play that Xinnan was not that enthusiastic about being an armor summoner in the early stage. He was only thinking about fulfilling his parents' last wish and becoming a famous pianist. With this attitude, although his parents' last wish is very important, But shouldn’t saving the world be more important?

But it's no wonder that Beimiao will have a conflict with Xinnan in the future, and wants to find someone else to summon the Flame Dragon Armor. Although there is a natural incompatibility between water and fire, Xinnan's attitude is probably a big inducement.

Nakajiro explained: "The thing is like this. Although I meet the conditions for summoning armor, I haven't gotten the Earth Shadow Stone yet, so I may not be able to summon armor in a short period of time. Our current fighting strength is still you. One, I’m afraid I can’t help you share your worries.”

"That's right." Xinnan did not express his opinion and walked directly into the virtual battle room for training.

Although Xinnan is not keen on fighting, he is still willing to contribute his strength to the world, but he is not very good at expressing himself. Although he is looking for someone to help him bear part of the pressure, he is not forcing anything on Nakashima.

(End of this chapter)

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