Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 41 Became light

Chapter 41 Became light
  The three of them got into Beimiao's car, leaving a confused Minci on the spot.

What's going on? Didn't Beimiao come to treat me to a cake today and apologize? What happened? Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

Xinnan on the side, he roughly knew what they were going to talk about, it was nothing more than attracting Beimiao to join the group, but he didn't care.

Although Beimiao verbally provoked him last night, Beimiao saved him after all last night. If he was dissatisfied with the person who saved him because of a few words, Xinnan's mind was not that narrow-minded.

Furthermore, in the original work, Xinnan focused on practicing piano, but because he was the oldest armored warrior and had the strongest fire armor, he became the captain inexplicably.

But this time, Nakajima took over the important task of captain early. Xinnan's most important position now is that he is just a soldier. If anything happens, he can just listen to Nakajima and Mizhen's arrangements.

Now Xinnan is quite satisfied with his life. He usually only needs to concentrate on practicing piano. When Meizhen informs him, he will go on a mission. When there is no mission, he only needs to complete daily training.
  Although he was approached by Chou Jiang last night, Nakajima helped him protect the dumpling restaurant, and Beimiao went to rescue him, so he is very satisfied with the current situation, and he does not want to interfere too much in the affairs of the armored warriors.

On the contrary, Beimiao asked Minci to go out today, which made Xinnan feel a bit of crisis. In fact, Xinnan did not have that kind of special affection for Minci. Otherwise, if they were together every day, the progress would have been off the charts, and there would be no progress. As for now, the relationship has not been determined yet.

But the absence of love does not mean the absence of family affection. For so many years, Xinnan has long regarded Minci as her biological sister.

Now that Beimiao has taken action against Minci, this has undoubtedly made Xinnan very alert. Well, it seems that he will find an opportunity to have a good chat with Beimiao.

As for Meizhen and his party, they did not go to the dessert shop that Beimiao had reserved. Instead, they went back to Meizhen's burger restaurant. Although Beimiao had not joined yet, the group felt that this was a done deal, but they didn't think so. It was something that Beimiao should not know about the secret stronghold.

As soon as he entered the burger restaurant, Dongshan saw Meizhen and the others coming back in the back laboratory, bringing a stranger with them. He guessed that this person might be the new armored warrior, so he left through the back laboratory. out.

Sure enough, as soon as Dongshan came out, Nakajima introduced him, pointed at Dongshan and said to Beimiao: "This is the summoner of the Wood Wind Eagle Armor, Dongshan." Then he pointed to Beimiao and said to Dongshan. Said: "This is Beimiao, the summoner of the Black Rhinoceros Armor of Water."

Dongshan took the initiative to greet him, and Beimiao responded enthusiastically. Beimiao was unexpectedly kind to Dongshan and did not show any of his usual aloofness, which surprised Zhongshan.

This is where Zhong Yan made a mistake. Bei Miao originally had a strong opinion against Xin Nan, but that was because Xin Nan was the captain at the time. He wanted to be the captain, so he naturally had to target Xin Nan. In addition, Xin Nan’s attitude was indeed It is not very correct, which also gives Beimiao more room to play.

But when you are the captain, you can't just be a mere captain. Naturally, you have to win over other team members. However, Nakajima was misled by Bei Miao in his memory, but he thought that Bei Miao was a person who didn't pay attention to anyone. Naturally, he I underestimated Beimiao.

At this time, the alarm sounded, and Nakashima also recalled that in the original plot, when Beimiao and Minci went to eat cake, they were attacked by a supernatural beast outside the dessert shop.

And Nakajiro also remembered that what appeared this time was Shadow Ba's ace supernatural beast, Wolfmon.

Zhongji rolled his eyes. Beimiao is such a proud person. Let the evil wolf beast give him a small lesson. It will also help Beimiao integrate into the team. Let Beimiao be taught a lesson and know the threat of the supernatural beast. Beimiao from the province puts all his thoughts on his teammates.

So Zhongjie opened his mouth and said to Beimiao: "Beimiao, we haven't seen your methods yet. How about I leave this supernatural beast to you to deal with this time?"

Beimiao had just sealed the pus beast last night. Just when he was very satisfied, he saw that Xinnan couldn't even seal a few ordinary people. Since Xinnan could seal the supernatural beast at his level, Beimiao naturally couldn't do it either. It will create a supernatural beast.

What's more, Beimiao hasn't given up on his idea of ​​becoming the leader of the Armor Warriors. In the Armor Warriors' team, strong strength naturally qualifies him to compete as the captain. Beimiao turned around and wanted to drive to the scene. Zhongji asked, "Where are you going?"

Bei Miao looked confused: "Go to the place where the supernatural beast attacked. Aren't you going to seal the supernatural beast?"

"Hey, by the time you drive over, the day lilies will be cold. Come on, just stand there and let me see the strength of the ERP laboratory."

Meizhen entered the back laboratory and entered instructions into the computer, and a pale white transparent light beam appeared next to Beimiao.

Then Beimiao felt that he had turned into light. Before Beimiao could fully experience this feeling, he found that he had arrived at the block where the supernatural beast was attacking.

On the side, Nakajima and Dongshan were also teleported over, looking at him.

Beimiao said nothing, but his emphasis on the ERP laboratory has reached a higher level. This kind of instantaneous transmission technology is not something that ordinary institutions can master. He has some energy in his family, but this kind of technology , let alone seeing it, even hearing about it, only saw it in science fiction novels.

The supernatural beasts are wreaking havoc, and now is obviously not the time to discuss teleportation technology.

Beimiao flashed the Water Shadow Stone, then summoned the Black Rhinoceros Armor, becoming the armored warrior, Black Rhinoceros.

On the side, Nakajima also summoned the armor. Dongshan was a little strange. Didn't he agree to let Beimiao deal with this supernatural beast?

Of course, Nakajima will not tell Dongshan that the strongest supernatural beast under Shadow Ba at this time. If this is according to the original plot, you will be directly knocked out of the combined state. If Xinnan did not arrive in time to save you, you I'm afraid there will be bloodshed on the spot.

And when he asked Beimiao to fight against the Wolf Beast, he did not expect Beimiao to defeat the Wolf Beast, but wanted the Wolf Beast to temper Beimiao's pride.

Probably the biggest difference between Beimiao and other summoners is that he does not conduct a tentative attack with bare hands at the beginning. Instead, he directly summons a water armor shield and puts the water armor shield on his right hand before charging forward.

But the evil wolf beast is not a vegetarian. I don't know where it learned the skill of boxing. It steps on the butterfly step and is extremely flexible. From time to time, it punches Beimiao twice. Instead, Beimiao looks a bit cumbersome at this time. Completely Can't keep up with the rhythm of the evil wolf beast.

The defensive power of the Black Rhinoceros Armor is pretty good, and Beimiao's fighter skills are also pretty good. In this case, although he couldn't fight back, he didn't receive much damage. At most, he found the Wolf Beast a bit annoying. .

But Nakajiro knows that this is just the beginning, and the three major killers of the evil wolf beast have not yet been tested.

In the original plot, after the evil wolf beast summoned his wolf-tooth sword, it only hit Dongshan three times, and then split Dongshan out of the combined state, as well as the weird teleportation and clone abilities. Not easy to deal with.

Sure enough, after playing for a while, the evil wolf beast found that his fists could not cause much damage to the black rhinoceros armor, so he put his right hand behind his back. When he came out again, he was holding the weapon that could damage the armor. A tall wolf-tooth knife.

 There are only a dozen people with more than a thousand collections. The collection at Qidian is not that impressive. No one wants to come to Shuiquan?
    Skirt number: 881691288

  (End of this chapter)

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