Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 52 Negotiation

Chapter 52 Negotiation
  The King of Kai who was watching the battle at the Shadow Realm Base burst out laughing when he saw this scene. He did not expect that this operation would go so smoothly.

Before the team battle started, the armors of the armored warriors were automatically lifted. Beimiao finally touched the water shadow stone and tried to make a comeback, but it was Bing'er who merged with the armor.

The King of Kai felt that Bing'er should also be an armor summoner, but Bing'er couldn't use the Golden Shadow Stone to summon the Snow Mastiff Armor. The King of Kai was disappointed for a while, but he didn't expect that Bing'er turned out to be a descendant of Shuicun.

The King of Kai now feels very satisfied. Two of the five armors have now become his subordinates. With the combined power of light and shadow, who can be his opponent?

At this time, something happened that everyone couldn't understand. Instead of cooperating with the supernatural beast to kill the summoner, the Black Rhinoceros Armor began to attack the supernatural beast.

He punched the Jellyfishmon next to him, and the unsuspecting Jellyfishmon was knocked back several steps. Nakajiro also took the opportunity to break free from the Jellyfishmon.

When the King of Realms saw this scene, he was very angry and directly sent a message to Bing'er: "Bing'er, what are you doing? I raised you like this, are you going to betray me?"

Bing'er responded in a panic: "Kaiwang, I didn't betray you. I'm not controlling the Black Rhinoceros armor now, it's the armor that's controlling me. This armor seems to have its own consciousness."

The King of Kai pondered for a moment, and it was not unheard of for armor to fight automatically. In history, a baby once touched the light and shadow stone when being chased by a supernatural beast, and successfully summoned the armor and sealed it. It is said that the battle with the supernatural beast that was being pursued was dominated by armor, rather than summoning people to fight.

Nakajiro, who broke free from the jellyfish beast, didn't care about so much anymore. He pounced directly on the earth shadow stone on the table, and casually tore off the tin foil on the earth shadow stone: "Earth Tiger Armor, combined."

Nakajima had actually sensed the power of the earth element in the light just now, but he was still a long way from summoning the armor. Now was not the time to develop new abilities. Nakajima deftly used the Earth Shadow Stone to summon the Earth Tiger Armor. .

This time, there was finally no accident. Nakajiro and the Earth Tiger Armor merged together.

Nakajiro picked up the two light and shadow stones of Huomu, then lifted Beimiao with the other hand, and then made perfect use of the excellent jumping ability of the Earth Tiger Armor to jump directly next to Xinnan and Dongshan.

The two light and shadow stones were handed over to the corresponding summoners. With a dragon's roar and an eagle's cry, both Xinnan and Dongshan successfully summoned the armor.

The three of them surrounded Bei Miao. At this time, Bing'er also disarmed the Black Rhinoceros armor, still looking expressionless.

Nakajima looked at the strength comparison between the two sides. The opponent had five supernatural beasts, and only three of his own had successfully summoned the armor. These five supernatural beasts were not weak, but Nakajima was confident that he could hold off three of them until Xinnan Or maybe Dongshan was helping him relieve stress after sealing one of them.

But now Meizhen and Beimiao have no fighting power at all. Once the three of them separate to fight, as long as either Silkworm or Lizardmon casually rewards Beimiao and Meizhen with a long-range energy attack, I am afraid that Beimiao and Meizhen will be killed instantly. .

Nakajima weighed the pros and cons, and then opened his mouth to prepare for the second round of negotiations: "Put down the water shadow stone and let you leave. Otherwise, if we burn the boat, none of you will be able to leave here."

Bing'er was about to borrow the Poxia donkey and agree to Nakajima's request, but Kaio sent an order first: "You can't give up the Water Shadow Stone. You must come back with the Water Shadow Stone and Xizhao, so that we have two sets. Without their armor, the three of them cannot make any big waves."

Bing'er had no choice but to start negotiating according to the instructions of the King of Kai: "I am the summoner of the Water Armor. Why should I leave the Water Shadow Stone behind, get out of the way, and let us go? Otherwise, even if our entire army is annihilated, but this Two people without armor protection will definitely be killed." Bing'er asked Nakajima: "Armored warriors who always claim to be bright and righteous, are they planning to sacrifice their comrades? Or are you also? Are you dissatisfied with these two people and take the opportunity to kill someone with a knife?"

It can be said that Bing'er has caught the weakness of Nakajima and the others. It is impossible for them to care about the life and death of Meizhen and Beimiao.

Nakajiro thought for a while: "You don't need to try to sow discord. When we joined the ranks of the armored warriors, we were already prepared to sacrifice. However, I will let you go today and leave."

After hearing this, no one else had any objections, but Bei Miao reacted strongly: "No, I can let you go, but the water shadow stone must stay."

Zhongji directly grabbed Bei Miao and roughly lifted him aside: "Don't talk nonsense. I am the captain and I have the final say."

Bing'er and the others didn't speak again. They just took the Water Shadow Stone and ordered a supernatural beast to walk into the treatment room where the equipment had been damaged long ago, and picked up Xizhao, who was still in a coma. , and then after another burst of white smoke, they all disappeared.

After a while, it was confirmed that Bing'er and the others would not come back for the time being. The three of them removed their armors and looked at the mess in the ERP laboratory. They all fell into silence. Zhongji looked at Bei Miao thoughtfully. , no one else saw it, but Zhongjie saw the scene where Binger motioned Beimiao to get the water shadow stone with her eyes.

If Bing'er wants to summon the Black Rhinoceros Armor, he can use the Water Shadow Stone to transform himself. There is no need for Beimiao to compete with him for the right to summon the armor. Therefore, if he read it correctly, plus the original In terms of plot, it should be Bing'er who is letting things go.

In the original work, Bing'er missed Bei Miao and showed mercy to Bei Miao many times. It wasn't until Bing'er overheard Bei Miao's evaluation of Xizhao that she gave up on Bei Miao, left alone, and was finally possessed by the Dark Guardian. .

Now it seems that Bing'er is really as deeply in love with Beimiao as in the original work.

In the original plot, the friendship between Kunzhong and Xizhao was used as a link to make Xizhao abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side. Now that he and Xizhao have no friendship, I am afraid that the matter of turning from the dark side to the bright side will fall on Bing'er.

Seeing that the atmosphere was very dull, Nakajima comforted everyone: "Okay, what happened has happened, don't be so downcast anymore, we have to look forward. This accident is mainly to blame on me. I shouldn't have summoned the snow mastiff armor." They were brought directly back to our laboratory."

Meizhen also spoke: "I can't blame you. I should have done a detailed physical examination on him. I didn't expect that the person summoned by the Snow Mastiff Armor actually had a tracker implanted in his body. You are a combatant. These things should not be done in the first place." I should be the one to worry about.”

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and called Dr. Garu, explaining the incident in detail. After hearing this, Dr. Garu didn't say anything, but just made some suggestions.

First of all, the location of the burger restaurant has been exposed, and it is obviously not suitable as a base anymore. He will send people to re-locate and rebuild a base. Secondly, the new base will build dormitories for several armor summoners. Even if the armor summoners don't live there, In the dormitory, you should also live near the base to ensure that if you are attacked again, you can get there as soon as possible.

That's all for the time being. The new base will be built soon. Before the base is built, the armor summoners should carry the light and shadow stones with them.

(End of this chapter)

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