Chapter 57 Bad Land (Thanks to Yunsheng Mengxing for the reward)

Shadow Overlord was shocked when he heard the whisper in his ear. He walked quickly outside the base and shouted in a low voice: "Who dares to play tricks on me, the Overlord of the Shadow Realm?"

"Haha, Shadow Ba, look at the way you look like a prodigal dog now, do you think you are worthy of being called the Overlord?"

The words of the voice became more and more harsh, but the strange voice still had a hint of enchantment. Shadow Ba was just an ordinary person. Although he had the blood of Tucun, the power of his blood was not obvious. How can I block this weird sound that goes straight into the depths of my soul.

Shadow Ba showed pain on his face: "Yes, how can a loser like me be worthy of the title of Overlord? It's pity that I have controlled fifteen supernatural beasts, and I have been in control for half my life, but I didn't expect to end up like this."

The whisper in Shadow Ba's ear continued: "Then do you want to make a comeback? As long as you are willing to pay a sufficient price, I can help you gain power, infinite power. Are you willing to make this deal with me?"

Ying Ba had long been confused by his mind unconsciously, and how could he express his objections? Not only did he not object, but he looked impatient. He didn't even bother to lower his voice and shouted loudly: "I am willing, as long as you It can give me infinite power, and I am willing to exchange it with everything I have."

After Yingba yelled, he became more conscious. He recalled the words that had just come out of his mouth, and then thought about some of the secrets of the shadow world that he knew, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

But the words had been spoken. In front of the guardian of the shadow world, there was no room for him to go back on his words. Shadow Ba wanted to escape, but before he could run a few steps, he was directly fused into the back by a black shadow.

Shadow Ba lay on the ground, his body twitched for a while, then he stood up again, with a black light shining in his eyes, and whispered: "Now you and I become one, I am you, and my infinite power is naturally your power, In this case, the deal is concluded.”

This shadow protector was originally a high-level demon in the shadow world. I don’t know how long he has been alive, but he is the best at deceiving people and making deals with them. The final outcome is that he is completely swallowed up by the shadow world, and the human race The ancestral precept passed down from generation to generation, don’t make deals with demons, is aimed at the demons from the shadow world who want to invade the light world all the time.

At this time, Chou Jiang, who could hear the noise outside, came out to check the situation, but saw only Ying Ba standing there. Ying Ba now had no magic sticker in his hand and was equivalent to an ordinary person.

The ugly general no longer paid attention to him, and directly spoke sarcastically: "Shadow Ba, what are you doing here? You are going crazy, why don't you come in and obey the command of Lord Kaiou."

The black light in Ying Ba's eyes disappeared, he raised his head and glanced at the Chou General, without saying a word, he walked into the base and stood under the throne with his head lowered.

Choujiang thought that with Shadow Ba's character, how could he swallow this breath, fearing that he would directly attack him? At that time, all he had to say was that Shadow Ba wanted to rebel, and the King of the Realm would naturally order the five supernatural beasts to eat him, but Unexpectedly, Shadow Ba actually endured this tone and bowed his head to the King of Kai to express his submission. This was really strange.

The ugly general was thinking wildly about the reason why Shadow Ba surrendered to the Kaiwang. The Kaiwang was very happy to see Shadow Ba surrender. Shadow Ba was never as powerful as him, but he was never polite to him and worked for the Shadow Realm. It was not easy for him to send out supernatural beasts to suppress Shadow Ba. Today he finally saw Shadow Ba bow to him.

The king of the realm counted the recent harvest in detail, and in the name of righteousness, he used his power to take back control of the three supernatural beasts from the shadow tyrants. In the battle against the armored warrior, he not only rescued Xizhao, He also won the Water Shadow Stone, allowing Bing'er to become an armor summoner, and in one fell swoop he rescued the Demon Spirit Stone that had been sealed by the armor warriors.

Although the demonic stones were scattered in all directions and did not fall into his hands, Kaiou was confident that with his current strength, those scattered demonic stones would not be able to escape from his grasp.

Thinking of this, he issued an order: "Ugly General, Shadow Ba, you two also saw the sight of the Demonic Stone escaping in all directions that day. The Demonic Stone was wandering outside, gathering dark power on its own. I don't know how long it will take to turn into something again." Power beasts, this is really a waste of resources, you two each lead a power beast to bring back the magic stone."

"Yes." The Chou General responded loudly, and then glanced at the Shadow Ba next to him. However, the Shadow Ba didn't say a word and didn't bother to talk to the Chou General. He just held his hand and left the shadow with a supernatural beast. boundary base. When General Ugly saw Shadow Ba swaggeringly leaving the base with a supernatural beast, he said to Kaio again: "Kaiou-sama, I see that Shadow Ba is not convinced by your leadership. Sir, don't you?" Do you have the arrogance to kill again?"

"Hmph, when will it be your turn to teach me how to do things? I have my own opinions. You must do the things I tell you this time. Otherwise, you may not be able to protect yourself." This little thought of the ugly general, the King of Kai Naturally, he knew it, but he had his own plans in mind.

When General Chou also left with a supernatural beast, the King of the Realm finally spoke to Xizhao: "Xizhao, you let me down in this action. Do you know your mistake?"

Xizhao didn't defend himself and said directly: "King of the Realm, I realize my mistake and I am willing to accept any punishment." After saying that, he walked straight into the incubator of the supernatural beast.

The King of Kai put his hand on the crystal ball on the seat, and then ordered Bing'er: "Bing'er, go turn on the current."

Bing'er turned the knob and turned on the current of the incubator. The current continued to increase. Xizhao also began to look in pain, but he still clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to hold on.

Bing'er and Xizhao grew up together. They couldn't bear to see Xizhao suffer this kind of pain. They couldn't help but turned around and asked Kai Wang: "Kai Wang, do you need to increase the voltage? It's already 36,000 volts. This is already Xizhao." It’s the greatest limit I’ve ever endured.”

The King of Kai looked at Xizhao who gritted his teeth and insisted, and said: "Give it to me, give it to me. His energy has not been used at all. How long has it been since the Earth Tiger Man learned to summon the Earth Tiger Armor? He was actually attacked by that hairy boy in three moves." Between two moves, he was captured alive."

Bing'er couldn't bear to look at Xizhao, but she didn't dare to disobey Ying Ba's order, so she could only slowly turn the knob and increase the voltage little by little.

The King of Kai spoke to Xizhao again: "How can you help me if you can't bear this kind of training?"

As the current intensified, the phantom of the snow mastiff armor appeared on Xizhao's body. The snow mastiff armor appeared and disappeared, but it could never solidify.

When the King of the Realm saw this, he was overjoyed. He stood up and laughed loudly: "As expected of the person I chose." Then he turned to Bing'er and said, "That's it for today."

Bing'er nodded slightly and helped Xizhao turn off the current.

The moment the current disappeared, Xizhao fell limply to the ground, unable to get up, as if all his strength had been drained away.

PS: Today the status of this book has been changed to signed contract. Thanks to brother Yunsheng Mengxing for the reward. I only found out that this book has been signed after seeing this brother’s reward.

Let’s celebrate the signing and see if we can add an update tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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