Chapter 59 Wake up
  The next morning, Nakasuki slept soundly, but he only felt a slight tingling in his lower body.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a man holding a plastic tube and inserting it into his urethra. Nakajima was startled and kicked the man away. After kicking him, he realized that it was Dongshan, but he couldn't move. That part is not allowed even by a comrade like Dong Shan.

Dongshan was kicked hard and hard in the lower abdomen by Nakajima, and he was kicked more than two meters away and sat on the ground.

Nakajiro quickly lifted up his pants, then opened his mouth and asked: "What is going on? Why are you doing such horrible things to me after I slept?"

"You're awake." Meizhen's surprised voice came from outside the treatment room. Nakajima looked outside the treatment room and found Meizhen, Beimiao, Xinnan, and Dongshan who had been kicked by him just now. , all the members of their small team are here.

Nakajima also remembered what happened. Yesterday, he drew all the lottery opportunities he had accumulated at once, but this time he conducted three golden roulette draws at once. The three skills he drew were all at once. Instilled into his body, he couldn't bear it for a while, and then he fainted.

It seemed that someone found him after he fainted, and then put him in the treatment room.

Nakajima was recalling what happened before he fainted. In the eyes of Meizhen and others, he was naturally in a daze. Dongshan didn't care to argue with Nakajima about the kick Nakajima had just kicked him, and hurriedly walked to Nakajima. Next to him, he patted Nakashima gently: "Are you okay? Did you suffer any sequelae from being attacked by the Shadow Realm?"

Nakajiro woke up and saw that everyone was worried about him. He couldn't help but feel warm in his heart. However, he was a little confused when he heard Dongshan said that he was attacked by the shadow world: "Who was attacked by the shadow world? During the time when I fainted , some of you were attacked by the Shadow Realm."

"Okay, since everything is fine, come out of the treatment room. We may have had some misunderstanding. Let's come out and discuss it together." Meizhen heard Nakajima's rhetorical question and knew that they must have made a mistake. The reason why Shiki fainted was probably not caused by being attacked by the Shadow Realm.

Dongshan was supposed to be supporting the sick Nakajima, but Nakajima's kick when he woke up was really too heavy. Dongshan was afraid that something might happen to Nakajima, so he reluctantly ran to Nakajima's side. Now he knows Nakajiro was fine, but now the pain in his lower abdomen came back again, so Nakaji had no choice but to help Dongshan out slowly.

Nakajiro looked at Dongshan, whose face was twisted in pain, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Dongshan, how about you lie down in the treatment room for a while?"

"No, I'm fine." Dongshan squeezed out six words through his teeth.

Nakajiro saw Dongshan gnashing his teeth and didn't seem to be okay, but Dongshan said it was okay, so he could only help Dongshan out and carefully put Dongshan on a chair.

Then everyone took their seats. After some exchanges, Nakashima realized that he had fainted and was mistaken for being attacked by people from the shadow world, because he had been unconscious all night and showed no signs of waking up. None, so he was put on a life-support device. Dongshan was installing a catheter on him just now.

For the kick he gave Dongshan just now, Nakajima could only express his deepest apology. Dongshan just snorted coldly, then lay on the table holding his stomach and continued to listen to the meeting.

Nakajiro felt that since the attack on the laboratory, several people except him have become a bit pessimistic and have become a bit desperate. Nakajima feels that this is not good, and he is going to set a good example for everyone. confidence.

Nakajiro decided to announce his current strength to everyone.

He thought for a moment and then said: "You may not know much about my current strength. After learning a new marksmanship in Beimiao, I also learned a new set of sword skills. If my current strength continues, If we encounter the five supernatural beasts that attacked the laboratory last time, although we dare not say that we can seal all five supernatural beasts, it is not difficult to drive them away with one against five. If they can't fight to the death, If we retreat, it’s not impossible to seal them all.”

Nakajiro thought to himself, unless the four ancient supernatural beasts came out to make trouble now, or the Dark Guardian personally came out, otherwise, based on his understanding of the strength of the supernatural beasts, one-on-one, there should be no supernatural powers Beasts can pose a threat to him. Hearing this, several other people focused their gazes on Nakashima, as if they wanted to see if Nakashima was deliberately saying big things to comfort them.

Nakajima was naturally not afraid of these scrutiny. The shadow of the earth tiger armor on his body flashed past, and a slight tiger roar came out.

Seeing this, Beimiao asked in disbelief: "You are now able to perfectly summon the armor to fuse without relying on the light and shadow stone?"

"Yes." Nakajiro said with his head held high.

In fact, Nakajima is still far away from a perfect combination without relying on the light and shadow stone, but when he drew the lottery yesterday, he got the secondary dimensional energy transmission, which can ignore the limitations of space and directly obtain the power transformation from the earth and shadow stone. The body looks exactly the same as the armor summoned without relying on the light and shadow stone.

In order to enhance everyone's confidence, Nakaji simply said that he could transform on his own without relying on the Light and Shadow Stone.

When Bei Miao looked at Zhong Jian, the envy in his eyes almost overflowed. Zhong Jian was so stared at by Bei Miao that he had goosebumps and quickly stood up to leave.

As soon as Nakashima got up to leave, the others dispersed. After all, everyone had been busy for half the night and was quite tired. Only Beimiao planned to continue training.

Seeing that Beimiao was planning to continue training, Zhongji quickly stopped him. Just kidding, after staying up most of the night and training with such high intensity, Beimiao might be in trouble.

Zhongjie originally planned to persuade Beimiao to go to bed, but Beimiao said that he could not sleep during the day. Zhongjie saw that although Beimiao was tired, he did not look sleepy, so he could not persuade Beimiao to go to bed, but he still Beimiao cannot be allowed to continue training like this.

So Nakashima advised: "If you can't sleep, go out for a walk. Ever since you learned the "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear", you have been training in the base and haven't gone out yet. It's okay to just work behind closed doors. If it doesn’t make sense, go out for a walk, maybe you can gain more.”

Anyway, Beimiao was finally tricked out of the cafe by Nakajima.

Nakajima also returned to the house. He had to study the prizes drawn in this lottery.


PS: Okay, today’s second update, I really don’t have a drop left.

In addition, I would like to thank Brother Baima Jinke for the second reward and Tiandao Little Boy for the reward. Also, I just saw that QQ Reading seems to have rewarded my brother, but I don’t see the QQ Reading reward here. Brother’s ID, I won’t thank you by name.

(End of this chapter)

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