Chapter 61: Conflict
  After Beimiao was forced out by Zhongjie to go shopping, she stood at the door of the cafe and didn't know where to go.

Looking around, the next door is the Xingfu Dumpling House. When Bei Miao was training in the laboratory these days, he ate a lot of dumplings from the Xingfu Dumpling House, but he never entered the gate of the Xingfu Dumpling House. A few of them helped him carry it.

When Beimiao saw the dumpling restaurant, he remembered Minci who was abandoned in the dessert shop on the day the original base was attacked.

Originally, Beimiao wanted to apologize later, but he didn't expect that the base was attacked that night, and then he lost the right to summon the Black Rhino Armor, so he forgot about it.

Beimiao walked into the dumpling restaurant. It was about eight or nine o'clock in the morning. The breakfast meal had already passed, but there were still people who had nothing to do this morning, so they had just come to have breakfast.

The dumpling shop was not busy, but there were a few customers eating dumplings. When Beimiao entered the shop, there happened to be a table of customers who had just left, and Minci was cleaning the table that had been used by the customers.

When she heard someone coming in, Minci didn't even raise her head, she just said: "Welcome, what kind of dumplings would you like?"

Beimiao looked at Minci, who was busy with his head down, and coughed in embarrassment: "Hello, Miss Minci, can I have the honor of inviting you to have lunch with me at noon?"

When Minci heard this, she stood up straight in surprise and looked at the person who said this.

As soon as he saw Bei Miao, his face immediately darkened, and he said angrily: "Forget it, you are a busy person, you should go and invite someone else."

Beimiao was not a junior brother like Zhongshu, so he would not retreat just because of Minci's words. He stepped forward again and helped Minci clear the table first.

Then he called to Aunt Hui who was watching a play in the back room: "Aunt Hui, I'll borrow Minci for the whole afternoon."

Without waiting for Aunt Hui to answer, she took Minci's hand and walked out. It was the first time for Minci to be held by a boy of the same age. She was stunned. She just let Beimiao hold her hand and lead her outside the store.

It wasn't until she reached Beimiao's car that Minci realized what she was doing and shook off Beimiao's hand.

Beimiao did not force Minci's hand again, but opened the passenger door in a very gentlemanly manner, and then said to Minci: "Miss Minci, what happened last time was my fault. Please give me a try." A chance to apologize to you.”

Minci looked down at the hand held by Beimiao just now, calmed down her mood, and then said in a calm tone: "Beimiao, I know you just want to express your apology for what happened last time. I accept your apology." I'm off, but there's no need to eat. Noon is the busiest time at the dumpling house, so I can't leave. I'm going back. Goodbye."

After saying that, Minci left Beimiao behind and walked back to Xingfu Dumpling House without looking back.

Beimiao knew that there was no point in catching up anymore, so he simply didn't catch up anymore. Instead, he got into the car alone and drove aimlessly.

Unconsciously, he opened the gym where he often went to work out before he joined the ERP laboratory.

Since there was nowhere to go, Beimiao simply stopped the car and took out the fitness card that had been dusty for a while. He planned to play with iron and vent his frustration.

After Bei Miao entered, he didn't call the coach he was familiar with. He just found some equipment and started exercising.

After a while, Bing'er also came. Bing'er didn't notice Beimiao at first. It wasn't until Beimiao was about to leave that she walked past Bing'er and Bing'er discovered him. Bing'er's appearance has changed a lot compared to when she was a child. Bei Miao did not recognize Bing'er as his childhood playmate.

When Beimiao walked by, Bing'er held her breath nervously and sat upright, as if she were a primary school student welcoming the leader for inspection. She was not sure that she was afraid that Beimiao would find out that she had snatched Shui Yingshi's mask some time ago. Female, I still look forward to Beimiao recognizing her, the little girl Beimiao promised to be with forever when he was a child.

Bei Miao quickly walked over, without squinting his eyes, and did not see Bing'er who was sitting dangerously, leaving Bing'er looking at Bei Miao's back infatuatedly.

After a while, Bing'er came to her senses. She saw Beimiao changing clothes and then planned to drive away. Judging from the direction of the car, she should be heading back to their new base.

The new base built by the ERP laboratory did not take many confidentiality measures for the people in the film world. Not to mention that it was right next to the Happy Dumpling House that had been attacked by the ugly general. It still had the Meizhen sign on it. Naturally, the film world It has already been investigated clearly.

But now that the three armor summoners Nakashima, Shinan, and Dongshan have been stationed in the new base for a long time, the shadow world cannot raid the ERP laboratory base again, so the new base has turned from dark to bright, and the safety factor has become better than before. Higher.

Since Beimiao doesn't recognize her, let's get to know her again. Bing'er plans to plan an opportunity to get acquainted with Beimiao again.

Because Bing'er knew Beimiao's destination, she got ready at an intersection. After the red light turned to green and Beimiao was driving through the intersection, Bing'er deliberately walked in front of Beimiao's car.

Because the car had just started and the speed was not fast, Beimiao stopped the car in time and did not really hit Bing'er. However, Bing'er had received strict training from Kaiwang since she was a child, pretending to be a weak woman who was hit by a car. , naturally it is easy to capture.

When Beimiao saw that he had hit someone, he quickly got out of the car and went over to help Bing'er: "How's it going? Miss, are you okay?"

Beimiao looked nervously at Bing'er's body and found no obvious injuries. However, Beimiao was a responsible person after all, so he still said, "I'll take you to the hospital. Get up, and I'll help you up." After saying that, he started to support Bing'er and planned to drive Bing'er for a checkup.

Bing'er didn't refuse, so she got into Beimiao's car and went to the hospital with Beimiao.

Because he was not hit at all, the hospital examination found nothing wrong. After coming out of the hospital, Beimiao breathed a sigh of relief and said to Bing'er: "Fortunately, the doctor said you are fine, so I am relieved." .”

Bei Miao hesitated for a moment, then took out an envelope full of money, handed it to Bing'er, and said to Bing'er, "Use this little money to buy some nutritional supplements."

Then he took out his business card and handed it to Binger: "This is my business card. If anything happens, call me."

Bing'er glanced at the business card. The position on the business card was the ERP laboratory manager. Bing'er nodded and responded to Beimiao's words.

Seeing that Bing'er didn't speak, Beimiao saw that it was getting late, so he said to Bing'er, "I have other things to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, he got into the car and went back to the laboratory. He didn't train well all day today, and Bei Miao still couldn't turn "Yi Jin Ji Forging Bones" into instinct, so he planned to go back to training.

(End of this chapter)

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