Chapter 64 Xiang Yang (Thanks to Baima Jinke for another reward)
  After receiving the call from Chou Jiang, Bing'er and Xizhao quickly rushed back to the Shadow Realm base.

The King of Kai didn't say anything more, he just played the video of the battle where Nakajiro subdued the supernatural beast again to Bing'er and Xizhao.

After watching the video, Kaiwang looked at Bing'er and Xizhao and asked: "What do you two think about this matter? Can your strength reach this point, or is it possible to reach this point?"

After watching the video, Bing'er turned to look at Xizhao. She had never seriously fought with the Black Rhinoceros Armor, so she naturally knew nothing about what the armor summoner could do.

Xizhao pondered for a moment before speaking cautiously: "It's difficult. Only after summoning the armor can I have power that far exceeds that of ordinary people. Normally, I am no different from ordinary people."

After listening to Xizhao's explanation, Shadow Ba said: "Master Kaio, you have also seen that not all armor summoners can have that ability."

The King of Kai weighed the pros and cons in his seat. After a long time, he said: "Then let's give it a try. During your last invasion of their base, I remotely viewed the layout of their laboratory and deduced that , their summoning of armor should rely on the energy transmitted by satellites. As long as another armored warrior summons armor, I can track the location of their satellites."

The King of Kai was a little hesitant. This discovery was his trump card, and it could only be used once. After using it once, they would definitely take precautions against this method.

Shadow Ba didn't know what the Kaio was worried about, but when he saw that the Kaio was still hesitant to take action, he made another proposal: "The Water Shadow Stone is in our hands now, why don't we attack the Water Shadow Stone?" If the summoners of the Black Rhino Armor can all gain the ability to physically fight against supernatural beasts, they will definitely let those who cannot summon the armor learn first. We only need to attack him and everything will be clear."

"No need. By tracking the satellite's position, I can enable them to cut off the satellite's energy transmission to them. Their armor will also be lifted, and I will kill them all in one fell swoop."

The king of the realm finally made up his mind and began to arrange the action: "Shadow Ba, you take the remaining four supernatural beasts, Xizhao, Bing'er, you two will also act together, four supernatural beasts, two pairs of armors , when dealing with three pairs of armors, don’t let me down.”


"Bing'er, Bing'er?"

Xizhao secretly kicked Bing'er, and Bing'er came back to her senses and responded to the King of Kai in a panic: "Bing'er is here, what are the orders from the King of Kai?"

When Ying Ba proposed to attack Beimiao, Bing'er's heart was in her throat. Fortunately, the king of the realm did not agree to Ying Ba's proposal.

The King of Realms stared at Bing'er and was silent for a long time before he said, "What are you thinking about? I've called you so many times but you haven't responded. Are you worried about something?"

Naturally, Bing'er did not dare to say that she was worried about Beimiao, so she could only reply: "No, Lord Kaio, I'm afraid that it's my first time to fight with armor, and I won't be able to use the armor's strength, and I'll miss things."

The King of Kai said calmly: "Bing'er, come here."

Before and after Bing'er walked up, King Kai stood up from his seat and looked at Bing'er up and down. After raising Bing'er for so many years, Bing'er became more and more energetic. Unfortunately, he suffered serious physical injuries in the experimental accident. Although the shadow world used black technology to transform his body, making him stronger than ordinary people, some functions were permanently lost.

The King of Kai suddenly pressed its robot hand on Bing'er's shoulder. Electricity surged and Bing'er screamed. Xizhao looked at the suffering Bing'er and opened his mouth to beg for mercy, but he knew that begging for mercy was useless and might even make him suffer. Bing'er was punished even worse, so she didn't speak after all.

The ugly general was even more unbearable. He had tasted this kind of punishment before. He never wanted to try that feeling again in his life. He was so scared that he stood there and did not dare to move. The King of Kai was obviously very dissatisfied with Bing'er's answer: "Do you think that now that you can summon the water armor, your wings will become stronger?"

The King of Kai raised his hand, and Bing'er was thrown out. He didn't even look at Bing'er who fell to the ground. He glanced at Chou Jiang and Xizhao, and then said: "I don't have any ability, but I can see through your hearts. Don't give me anything." I play tricks.”

The ugly general trembled and claimed that it was the king. When he walked down and walked to Xizhao's side, he said again: "If this operation goes well, forget it this time. If it fails again, you will know the consequences. "

After saying that, the Kaiou left without looking back.

In the ERP laboratory, Zhongjie has recovered a lot of physical strength, and Xinnan will return to Xingfu Dumpling Restaurant after completing the basic training tasks.

During this period of time, Xinnan basically stayed in the laboratory during the day. Even when she practiced piano, she usually practiced in the coffee shop. Because it was right next door, Aunt Hui didn't worry about Xinnan and felt relieved. Xinnan is here. Now except sleeping at night, Xinnan stays here.

Seeing that Xinnan was going out uncharacteristically today, Zhongji asked curiously: "What are you going to do, Xinnan."

Xinnan thought it was Zhongji who was dissatisfied with him not continuing training and having to go out again, so he quickly explained: "A little boy from an orphanage that Minci knows is going to be adopted by a family from other provinces. Every time, she asks me to accompany her this afternoon. Go to the orphanage and say goodbye, I will make up for the missed training."

Zhongzhi asked casually. He was not Beimiao. He often fished himself, so he naturally didn't have any big opinions about Xinnan.

Nakajima suddenly remembered that the boy was going to be adopted from another province, that wasn't Xiang Yang.

Yes, Xiang Yang appeared for the first time in Xingfu Dumpling House.

Because the Emperor's Armor appeared very late in the plot, Nakajima always felt that Xiangyang appeared quite late. In addition, Nakajima did not want Xiangyang to be involved in the war between light and shadow too early. Anyway, when Xiangyang met The emperor's armor would protect Xiang Yang when he was in danger, so Nakajima didn't deliberately look for Xiang Yang.

But this time Xiangyang was adopted by someone from another province, Nakashima still had the impression that the idea of ​​a wealthy family from another province was a lie. The real situation was that it was just a grocery store, and there was no real intention to adopt a child. Find a free labor force.

Naturally, Nakajima would not sit back and watch this happen. He said casually: "Oh, have you ever gone to the family that adopted him? I heard that there are some black-hearted factories that will specially In the name of adoption, they tricked some children into working as free labor in factories."

Xinnan looked a little unhappy, not towards Zhongsheng, but towards those black-hearted factories. In addition to training every day, he practiced piano. Naturally, he didn't know much about these things.

Of course, even if Xinnan paid attention to the gossip news, he would not have seen this news, because it was simply made up by Nakahiro on the spot.


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  (End of this chapter)

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