Chapter 70 Eating
  Regarding the way to cooperate with the ERP laboratory, Nakajima has also thought carefully about it. His current relationship with the ERP laboratory can be said to have far exceeded money, so Nakajima is not afraid that the laboratory will trick him, so he simply said: : "I will use this technology to invest in shares, and you will provide the rest. How about sharing half of the profit with me?"

Nakashima didn't delve into the rules and regulations of cooperative entrepreneurship. There was no need for contracts or anything like that. If he had that time, he might as well improve his combat effectiveness. Maybe the laboratory could give him a little more profit.

It was already getting late. Except for Beimiao, who planned to train for a while, everyone planned to go to the Happy Dumpling Restaurant next door to have dinner and then rest.

I have to say that Beimiao is really a ruthless person. He trains meticulously in the base every day. For such a long time, Beimiao was kicked out by Nakajima once that day. Apart from eating and sleeping, Beimiao basically does it every day. Training every second.

But this also made Bing'er very distressed. Bing'er couldn't find any reason to call Beimiao and ask her to come out. She originally wanted to meet him again, but she didn't expect that Beimiao didn't give her a chance and just stayed in the laboratory without coming out.

When Nakajima and his party arrived at the dumpling restaurant, it was almost time for dinner and the restaurant was almost empty. Xiangyang and Xiaolan were doing homework on a table.

Nakajima walked over and took a look. Xiang Yang did not go to school before he was adopted. The orphanage functioned as a school part-time. Before entering junior high school, he studied in the orphanage.

Nakajima asked Xiangyang: "Xiangyang, no one bullied you in school, right?" Nakajima thought of some not-so-good things in his previous life. Although it was not the same world, in this regard, Nakajima didn't think there would be any Too big of a change.

Xiang Yang shook his head, and the lively Xiaolan interrupted: "Brother Zhongjie, don't worry, Xiang Yang and I are in the same school, how could I let others bully him."

Nakajiro smiled and touched Xiaolan's head, messing up Xiaolan's soft hair. Before Xiaolan got angry, he withdrew his sinful hand in time, and then praised Xiaolan and said: "I know Xiaolan How powerful Lan is, you are Xiang Yang’s sister, so you must protect your brother Xiang Yang.”

Xiaolan didn't care about her ravaged hair, straightened her thin chest, and promised: "Don't worry, as Xiang Yang's sister, I will definitely protect Xiang Yang."

Nakajiro raised his hand and wanted to touch Xiaolan's head again. Under Xiaolan's gaze, he retracted his hand sarcastically. In his previous life, he had ravaged the hair of the little girl in the orphanage where he was, and they didn't resent it. Yes, but Nakashima still generously made a promise:

"You help me protect Xiang Yang in school. How about I treat you to a barbecue when I have time?"

When Xiaolan heard about barbecue, her eyes suddenly lit up. Unexpectedly, she really thought that Aunt Hui had treated Xiaolan so harshly. When she heard about barbecue, she was just like his younger brothers and sisters in the orphanage before.

Xiaolan rolled her eyes and asked Nakajima first: "Brother Nakajima, are you free tomorrow afternoon?"

Nakajiro thought for a moment. This time, the Shadow Realm lost three supernatural beasts at once. It can be said that the damage was heavy. He did not think that the Shadow Realm could organize an effective attack in a short time, so he nodded and said: "I He should be free."

Xiaolan then turned to look at Aunt Hui in a flattering manner: "Mom, how about asking Brother Zhongjie to pick me and Xiangyang up from school tomorrow?"

After thinking about it for a while, Nakajima came up with Xiaolan's plan. It just so happened that Nakajima also wanted to get to know Xiao Li, who was selling barbecue. At that time, Nakajima never had much money on hand. He really couldn't bear to eat barbecue, but now he doesn't. Since he was short of money, Nakajima naturally wanted to indulge his appetite. In fact, the reason why he said that he would like to have barbecue instead of other things was to attract Xiao Li.

Seeing that Aunt Hui was still protesting, Zhongji quickly spoke up: "That's it, I'll pick you and Xiang Yang up from school tomorrow afternoon."

Then Zhongzhi said to Aunt Hui: "Aunt Hui, Xiangyang is also my adopted child. I have always been grateful to you for taking care of him. It's right for me to pick them up from school."

Aunt Hui didn't care who picked them up from school. She felt that Zhongshan would definitely take Xiaolan to have a barbecue, but Zhongshan had already said so, so she couldn't object anymore, so she had to say: "Come back early. , don’t play too late.” As soon as Aunt Hui said these words, Xiaolan’s face suddenly burst into laughter. Even Xiangyang, although he didn’t express anything, was a little yearning for barbecue.

We have arranged things for tomorrow afternoon, and we have to take care of tonight’s dinner. Unfortunately, today’s Happy Dumplings have been sold out, so each of us had to order a plate of pork and green onions, and by the way, we also ordered a package for Beimiao. I ate it deliciously.

Although I have eaten them countless times, I still never get tired of eating the dumplings at Xingfu Dumpling House. They taste just like the dumplings on New Year’s Eve, and I really feel happy when I eat them.

We finished eating quickly. Before leaving, Nakajiro called Xiang Yang over and asked, "Xiang Yang, you should know our true identities, right?"

Xiang Yang finally raised his head, looked at Zhongshan, then looked at Dongshan and Xinnan, and then nodded.

"So, do you want to sleep with us tonight?" Nakajiro asked again.

Xiangyang looked at Zhongjie again, glanced at Aunt Hui and Minci, and shook his head again.

Zhongji said helplessly: "Well, if you want to live here, then you can live here for the time being. It's not far away anyway. It's good for you and your brother Xinnan to live together."

Nakajima was originally afraid that Xiangyang would be attacked by a supernatural beast at the dumpling restaurant. If he was hypnotized like in the original time and space and became their enemy, Nakajima had no chance of competing with the Emperor's Armor. .

But then I thought about it. Now the address of the laboratory is not confidential. Xiangyang wants to go to school and can't stay in the laboratory all the time. If he keeps going in and out of the laboratory, he may be more likely to be attacked. So when Xiangyang chose to live here at the dumpling house, Nakahiro didn't object.

At most, it's enough to give Aunt Hui a sum of Xiangyang's living expenses every month.

Meizhen had already paid for the dumplings. Zhongjie mentioned the dumplings he had brought to Beimiao and went back with Meizhen and the others.

Back in the laboratory, Beimiao was still training as expected. Zhongji put the dumplings on the table and called to Beimiao: "Beimiao, come over for dinner. The table has been set for you."

Beimiao just responded and didn't come over. Zhongjie was also used to it. He wouldn't come over for dinner until Beimiao finished training.

However, Zhongji still wanted to make Beimiao feel warm in his mouth.

Beimiao was practicing "Easing Muscles and Strengthening Bones" cross-legged. Zhongjie went over and pulled him up directly. After being pulled up by Zhongjie, Beimiao was still trying to maintain his breathing rhythm until he was pulled to the table by Zhongjie. At that moment, his breathing rhythm was finally disrupted, and Beimiao glanced at Zhongji helplessly.

Nakajima was too lazy to say anything more and just pointed to the dumplings on the table: "Eat."

(End of this chapter)

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