Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 72 BBQ Basketball?

Chapter 72 BBQ Basketball?

Soon, it was afternoon and it was time to pick up Xiaolan and Xiangyang from school. Nakajiro got into his Maserati and set off.

On the way, Nakajiro remembered a little trick he learned in the movie of his previous life. He lowered the car window and stretched a hand out of the window. He felt the wind blowing on his hand and glanced at the dashboard. This is the b-cup. The feeling is that I love it.

However, Nakashima didn't realize it for long. After all, sticking your hands out of the window while the car is driving is a very dangerous behavior.

When we drove to the school gate, it was still a little early, and there was still a while before school ended, but the school gate was already bustling with parents who came to pick up their children, and various roadside stalls crowded the school gate. Some snacks, It has already begun to smell fragrant.

After all, Nakajiro did not resist the temptation of delicious food. Soon he had several plastic bags filled with food, and then he returned to the car and started to feast.

After eating for a while, Nakashima suddenly felt that the smell in the car was not right, so he closed the roof of the car and then continued to eat.

There were many parents around who came to pick up their children. They were impressed by how delicious Siko's food was, but thinking about his wife and children, he had no choice but to swallow it in order to prevent tears from flowing from his mouth.

After eating, my mouth felt a little dry, so I went to buy a bottle of water. When buying water, Nakasaki accidentally bought two bottles, unscrewed one and took two sips, and then placed the other bottle on the front engine of the car. Cover.

Zhongshan secretly asked the rich young man in Beimiao. There is no such code word in this world. Otherwise, the parents around him might let Zhongji know why the flowers are so red.

Although he is in a different world and is still in front of an elementary school, Nakajima has finally unlocked the achievement of releasing water from the roof of a luxury car in front of the school.

Nakashima had sex by himself for a while, and then the school bell finally rang. Knowing that it was Nakashima who came to pick her up today, Xiaolan took Xiangyang's hand and ran out, and then began to look around for Nakashima.

Because the school is not far from Xingfu Dumpling House, Xiaolan didn’t even think that Nakashima would drive to pick her up. After looking around at the parents who came to pick up their children, Xiaolan’s face, which didn’t see Nakashima, couldn’t help but There is dimness.


At this time, Nakajiro got out of the car and greeted Xiaolan. Xiaolan looked over after hearing the voice. When she saw Zhongjiao, her face turned from gloomy to bright in an instant. She pulled Xiangyang and ran over excitedly, and jumped directly to Zhongjiao. in his arms.

Zhongjie picked up Xiaolan and put him directly in the car, then asked Xiangyang to get in the car. Sitting in the car, Xiaolan looked very excited. For such a big child, he didn’t know much about the quality of the car, but Nakajiro put up the roof of the car when he was eating just now. The B-category of a convertible is still relatively high.

After Xiangyang and Xiaolan were seated in the back seat, Nakajima drove the car directly to a barbecue stall with a BBQ King sign.

When Xiaolan saw the car parked here, her big eyes turned into crescents.

Since he wanted to eat, Nakajima naturally would not eat alone. He planned to buy more and take it back to the laboratory for everyone to eat together.

Nakajiro looked at the simple menu posted in front of the barbecue grill and ordered: "Fifty skewers of mutton, fifty skewers of pork, twenty skewers of wings, thirty skewers of ribs, and twenty skewers of crispy bones." Chuan, and this palm treasure, also come with twenty skewers, don’t use other messy brittle bones to pass off as palm treasure.”

Xiao Li, who sells barbecue, said: "How is that possible? Don't worry, brother, the things I have here are absolutely genuine."

Nakajima nodded: "I know. I was recommended by a friend and knew that your barbecue was great, so I made a special trip to buy it from you."

At this time, Xiaolan also pulled Xiangyang out of the car. Xiaolan heard what Nakashima wanted in the car. Xiaolan couldn't help but clicked her tongue and said: "Buy so much, brother Nakashima, the three of us can eat these." No."    Zhongshan put his hand on Xiaolan's head and touched Xiaolan's little head, and then said: "Since you want to eat, then you have to eat enough, and it can't be just the three of us. , you can’t bring some back for everyone else to try, how much did you order just now?”

Nakaji looked at the menu again, and then ordered some more. He felt that there was almost enough for the people in the laboratory and the dumpling restaurant before he stopped.

Naturally, so many things cannot be baked in a short time. Nakajima teased Xiaolan and Xiangyang for a while, and then asked Xiao Li seemingly casually: "Hey, brother, can you play basketball?"

Xiao Li naturally admitted openly: "Yes, my basketball level is very good. I used to beat all the unbeatable players in the village. I put it down for a while, but recently I picked it up again."

After saying that, Xiao Li suddenly remembered something. He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Hey, it's Kunzhong. I may be a little late. I have a big business here."

"Ah, yes."

"What, I'm scared. Just wait and see if I can break you to pieces today. That's it."

After Xiao Li hung up the phone, Nakajima spoke up: "Did you make a date with a guy named Kunzhong to play basketball?"

"Well, yes, I made you laugh." Xiao Li said a little embarrassed because of the arrogance he just said.

Zhongji rolled his eyes and thought of a crooked idea, and then said: "Actually, I also know Kun Zhong, can you add me to the list?"

Zhongji just wants to see if Kunzhong, who has not become the Earth Tiger Man, will still have Xizhao among his golfers. If not, then go play basketball. If there is, then the harvest will be great. .

"Okay, originally there were only three of us including me and you, so we can play 2V2. We will play in the basketball court next to the school. You can come over when you are free."

When Nakajiro heard that there were three of them, he immediately felt that they must be inseparable. After everything was baked and the payment was made, Nakajiro took the barbecue and urged Xiaolan and Xiangyang to get in the car, then turned to Xiaolan Li said: "When I send these two children back, I will go to the basketball court to find you."

Xiao Li only had time to say hello, and Nakajiro drove away.

The car was driving fast and stopped at the door of the Dumpling House. Without even getting out of the car, he gave the barbecue to Xiang Yang and asked Xiaolan and Xiang Yang to go back to Xingfu Dumpling House by themselves, and then drove away.

After returning to the dumpling restaurant, Aunt Hui saw Xiaolan and Xiangyang coming in with barbecues, while Nakajima drove away, and she couldn't help but asked in confusion: "Why didn't Nakajima come in with you guys? Are you looking for a parking space?" "

Xiangyang remained silent, and Xiaolan said, "No, brother Nakajima made an appointment with the barbecue seller to play basketball together. We should be playing basketball now."

"I made an appointment with the barbecue seller to play basketball. He is really a weirdo." Aunt Hui murmured in a low voice.


PS: The recent updates have not been very good, but I am also helpless. I am really busy recently. Wait for a while, and finally shamelessly ask for recommendations and favorites
  (End of this chapter)

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