Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 75 Thanks to Yunsheng Mengxing for the reward

Chapter 75 Thanks to Yunsheng Mengxing for the reward
  Nakajima opened the door of Xingfu Dumpling House, and a group of people, including Bei Miao, were eating the kebabs brought by Nakajima in the dumpling restaurant.

Everyone who heard someone pushing the door in turned to look at the door.

Seeing that it was Nakajima who came in, everyone became less interested, but Xizhao who came in right behind Nakajima made Meizhen and others' eyes widen.

Aunt Hui and Minci looked at this group of people in confusion, wondering what was wrong with them.

Among them, Bei Miao was the most excited. As soon as he saw Xizhao, he remembered his lost water shadow stone.

But before Beimiao had time to ask, Dongshan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, blocked his mouth. Dongshan whispered in Beimiao's ear: "Do you want to talk about the armor here? If you have anything to do, we can talk about it when we go back."

Beimiao tried hard to calm down, but found that he couldn't do it at all, but the dumpling restaurant was indeed not the place to talk about business.

But Beimiao was afraid that she couldn't help it, so she had to stand up and said dullly: "I've finished eating. I'll go back over there first. I'll wait for you there." Then he left without looking back.

Watching Beimiao's leaving figure, Minci and Aunt Hui looked at each other in confusion.

Zhongjie walked over and sat down, and wanted to take Xizhao to sit down with him. Since Xizhao and Zhongjie were here, it was natural that the pot would be broken, not to mention that Xizhao knew these barbecues at a glance. It was made by Xiao Li, who often played with him.

Xizhao also likes to eat Xiao Li's barbecue, but every time he and Kunzhong go to eat, Xiao Li refuses to accept the money, so Xizhao is embarrassed to go all the time. Xizhao covets Xiao Li's barbecue. long time.

Even if they are going to the execution ground, they must have a full meal first. Xizhao sat down and ate happily. Fortunately, Zhongjie expected that everyone who had eaten Xiao Li's barbecue for the first time would not eat less, so he specially I bought a lot more, so that was enough to eat.

It’s just that Zhongzhi and Xizhao were very happy, but Meizhen, Dongshan and Xinnan were a little bit uninterested after Xizhao arrived. Even Aunt Hui and Minci, in this weird atmosphere , the food is no longer so delicious.

Only Xiaolan and Xiangyang were eating with gusto. Xiaolan didn't feel the weird atmosphere at all and only focused on the food. But Xiangyang looked up at Xizhao and continued to eat.

Although Xiangyang talks little, he can feel people's hearts. Only the kind-hearted Minci and Aunt Hui can get him close. Although Xizhao is in darkness, there is always a light in his heart, not He is a treacherous and evil person, and with the bonus of summoning people through the snow mastiff armor, Xiang Yang will naturally not reject him.

Soon, everyone was full, the cups and plates were in a mess, and the food was gone.

After finishing his meal, Nakajiro looked up at everyone. Minci and Aunt Hui were confused in this strange atmosphere, while Meizhen and others couldn't wait to ask some questions.

Seeing that Meizhen and others were so anxious, Zhongjie estimated that Bei Miao, who was waiting in the laboratory, must be even more anxious, so he stood up, said goodbye to Aunt Hui and others, and took Xizhao to the cafe next door. , Meizhen and the others naturally followed all the way, and even Xinnan, who had always been indifferent, also followed.

Entering the back laboratory, as soon as Zhongjie brought Xizhao in, Beimiao punched Xizhao in front of the door. Xizhao had no intention of resisting. Seeing this, Zhongji could only block Xizhao with a wry smile He received Beimiao's punch.

Seeing that his fist was blocked by Nakajima, Beimiao did not continue to attack, but looked at Nakajima with doubtful eyes, obviously not understanding why Nakajima wanted to stop him.

Nakajima smiled bitterly and said: "Don't do anything yet, let's have a meeting first."

Five armor summoners, plus Mizhen, six people sat around the round table. After everyone sat down, Nakajima cleared his throat and then spoke: "This is not the first time we have met, so I won't introduce you much. Let me tell you the reason why I brought Xizhao here today. "

"The reason is actually very simple. I convinced Xizhao, and he has agreed to abandon the dark side and join our team."

Before he finished speaking, Bei Miao couldn't help but speak: "Why should he join us? Is he worthy? Are you sure he is not a spy sent by the Shadow Realm?"

Although Dongshan and others did not say anything, they obviously had some doubts about letting Xizhao join their team.

"Xizhao didn't say a word, just listened quietly, as if this topic had nothing to do with me, as if he was still reminiscing about the barbecue just now."

Seeing that Xizhao had no intention of explaining himself, Zhongjie had to face everyone's doubts himself: "I know that Xizhao was once our enemy, and was the fuse for the destruction of the burger shop base. Even the water shadow stone was lost, and it was also related to He has quite a connection.”

"But now that he has abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, we must accept him. After all, he is also the summoner of the Snow Mastiff Armor. Our team cannot survive without him. As for whether Xizhao is a member of the Shadow Realm Sect Don’t worry about the undercover agent here. I guarantee as my captain that he is definitely not an undercover agent sent by the Shadow Realm.”

When Bei Miao saw that Zhongjie had even revealed his identity as captain, he naturally would no longer bother with the question of whether Xizhao was an undercover agent in the Shadow Realm.

At this time, Meizhen spoke: "Since he wants to join our team, shouldn't we put the Golden Shadow Stone in the light and shadow energy room? We can't let him use the technology from the shadow world to summon armor."

Although Meizhen's tone was calm and she raised the question from the perspective of accepting Xizhao from the beginning, his problem was more difficult to solve than Bei Miao's.

Nakajiro said with some tangle, "Your question involves my next plan."

Nakajiro pondered for a moment before continuing: "I plan to organize an attack on the Shadow Realm base. I don't want to eliminate the Shadow Realm base at once, but at least I want to get back the Water Shadow Stone and the Golden Shadow Stone."

After listening to Zhongjie's words, Beimiao spoke again: "In other words, the Golden Shadow Stone is still there in the Shadow Realm. He is just a descendant of Jin Village now, right? Let's not say that we don't have the Golden Shadow Stone now. Even if the Golden Shadow is Shi snatched it back. There are so many descendants in Guangying Village, why do we only need him to summon the Snow Mastiff Armor? I think it might be more appropriate to find a clean summoner."

Beimiao's question was a bit difficult for Zhongjie. Zhongjie asked himself in his heart, why did he let Xizhao summon the snow mastiff armor? Is it because he was the one in the original time and space, or because he is handsome?

Zhongjie rambled about, and finally managed to convince everyone to accept Xizhao, and agreed to let Xizhao be the summoner after they obtained the Golden Shadow Stone.

The problem was barely solved, and Nakago felt that he was even more tired than when he first conquered the supernatural beast.

It was getting late. Nakajiro stood up and stretched. He was about to go to the dormitory to rest. He seemed to remember something. He turned around and said to Meizhen, do a detailed physical examination for Xizhao. He may have something. Devices such as locators installed in the shadow world. Although the location of this base is not too confidential, it is not good for people to keep locating this place.


PS1: I don’t know how to write about the art of speaking, so I might as well omit it to avoid the embarrassment of writing it.
  PS2: I really don’t know how to title it, so the title doesn’t count as empty.

(End of this chapter)

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