Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 87 Horse Stakes

Chapter 87 Horse Stakes (Thanks to Mr. Tianyi Yunjin for the reward)

Hearing that the Black Rhinoceros Armor can be restored in a short time, although the old man from Shenshan made it clear that the summoner of the Water Armor needs to work hard on his own, as Beimiao's teammate, Nakajima still has great confidence in Beimiao.

But having come, Nakajima would naturally not be satisfied with leaving like this, and said to the old man of Shenshan: "In that case, I won't worry too much about the water armor, let's start today's teaching. "

After hearing what Nakajima said, Old Man Kamiyama was stunned for a moment. He could guarantee that Nakajima had absolutely no idea about learning new things before the virtual battle room. Now that the mountain in his mind has been removed, he didn't expect that he still wanted to hug him. Beat the rabbit with grass and take something away from him.

The old man from Shenshan thought for a while and said: "Among all the summoners, you should be the most special. Most of your abilities do not come from me, but are direct gifts from heaven."

Nakajiro started to act rogue: "Then I don't care, old man, we have to treat them equally. You have taught them so much, but I am the one you chose. Why don't you teach me something?"

Looking at the scoundrel's appearance, he looks a lot like the monkey in Journey to the West when he acted mischievously.

The old man also had nothing to do with Nakajima, and said helplessly: "You are not lacking in fighting skills and methods to improve your mental abilities, but the Great Dao is fifty, and the Tianyan is forty-nine. There is still a glimmer of it, and everything you learn is exquisite. Incomparable, I will teach you some basics and help you consolidate your foundation."

Seeing that the old man was about to teach him something, Nakago straightened his posture and prepared to learn with an open mind.

Next is the teaching time. The old man put his hands behind his back and said: "The object you want to learn is not me, but the environment, the entire universe. The object you want to defeat is not the enemy, but yourself. These You should remember the truth firmly."

Nakajiro was thoughtful, but he couldn't help but said: "Although it sounds like chicken soup, it seems to make some sense. I will keep it in mind."

The meaning of chicken soup, as well as Nakashima's thoughts, as the subconscious projection of Nakashima, the old man of the mountain, naturally knew the meaning of the chicken soup. The old man just smiled kindly, and then continued: "The armor of earth can transform into the earth. Tiger Man, and Earth Tiger Man have been focusing on perfect attacks for thousands of years. You must have continuous, effective and powerful attacks, and the most important thing is horse stakes."

From the very beginning when Old Man Shenshan started teaching, Nakajiro felt that the old man's words seemed a bit familiar. Now as soon as the old man mentioned the horse pile, Nakajiro finally thought about it: "You don't mean to ask me to squat on horseback. Well, when I was following the show, I complained about it. Others taught me various boxing techniques, etc. The summoner of Tiger Armor learned the squatting horse stance from you, and now you have to call me... Do I have this?"

The old man's face became serious: "You have been a man of two generations, and you should be well-informed. You should not know that if you practice boxing but not Kung Fu, it will be in vain."

Seeing that the old man was showing no concern, Nakajima no longer smiled playfully, and stood there honestly, and then said: "Practicing boxing without practicing Kung Fu will lead to nothing when you get old, of course I understand, but what Mazhuang said is I can practice water milling skills outside myself, so don't you have anything else to teach me?"

"You know how to stand on a horse post?" The old man asked in surprise: "Then stand for me and see."

Nakajiro recalled what the old man taught Kunzhong to stand, and stood up on a horse post. The old man smiled and shook his head and said: "If you stand motionless like this, you will only strain your lumbar muscles. Horse step, horse step, the important thing is the word "horse", you must stand up like a horse."

To put it bluntly, I have seen similar remarks in my previous life, but after all, I have never really seen it. I always thought it was an exaggeration in a novel. Unexpectedly, Mei also heard similar remarks from the old man in Shenshan.

The smile on the old man's face disappeared and he said, "Have you ever seen a person riding a horse? The horse gallops and the body rises and falls with the horse. Horse steps are the foundation of boxing skills that the sages learned from riding horses, so when standing, We must also stand together and fall, and a horse will appear out of thin air.”

"When squatting, you must first reach the soles of your feet. When you stand up, the five fingers on the soles of your feet should be dug into the ground like chicken claws. When the five toes are pressed, the bones and muscles of the calf will be affected. The knees will naturally stand up. When the knees are straight, Once the thighs are tight, lift the waist and tighten the abdomen. This is the energy."

"For the strength of the squat, the soles of your feet should be duck and goose, the flippers of your feet, and your five fingers should be loosened. In this way, your knees will be loosened, your thighs will be loosened, your waist will be seated, and your abdomen will be bulging."

"Between these slight ups and downs, keep changing the center of gravity of the whole body, so as to prevent the center of gravity from always falling in one place and causing physical damage."

As the old man spoke, he walked to Nakajima's side and helped Nakajima slowly adjust his posture.

In ancient martial arts, those fancy moves and even fighting skills are just superficial appearances, and the horse stance is the most important thing. This kind of thing is passed down from hand to mouth by the master. The other outer disciples who are inheriting the mantle cannot even take a look at him. They can only fumble by themselves, slowly searching for this feeling.
  Nakajima didn't expect that a horse post would have so many precautions in it. Nakajima gradually put aside some of his ambitious mentality and began to experience the feeling of standing up for a horse.

Seeing that Nakajima was getting better, the old man continued to teach: "Practice horse pile is mainly to regulate your essence, energy, and spirit. It indirectly completes the regulation of energy and blood, mental training, and exercises your control of thoughts."

The old man walked around Nakajima and saw that Nakajima's horse post had entered a relatively perfect state. He nodded with satisfaction and continued to preach: "When we squat in the horse stance, we must be calm and focused. We need to breathe naturally and squat deeply, flatly and steadily, because when we fight with the enemy, we need to have strong resistance, a certain explosive power, and a highly sensitive reaction to complete the escape at high speed within a certain period of time. , jumping, jumping and other movements, to complete these at the same time, the body must have a strong load-bearing capacity, and your leg strength is the most critical."

Nakajiro raised his question again: "However, when I stand on the earth, I can get a lot of power from the earth. If I perform some running, jumping, and jumping movements, wouldn't it be impossible to get power from the earth? .”

When the old man heard this, he laughed: "Strength comes from the ground, and fists come from the heart. When a tiger pounces on food, it also uses the ground to exert its power. Can you see that the tiger loses its power because it takes to the air?"

PS: Now the collection has begun to grow at a negative rate, which is hard to resist.

 The part about Ma Bu is borrowed from the story of Dragon and Snake, Wan Wang Haihan

  (End of this chapter)

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