Armor: I am the Earth Tiger Man

Chapter 90 Double Shooting

Chapter 90 Double Shooting

Seeing that Beimiao didn't move for a long time, the old man from Shenshan turned his head and looked at Beimiao in surprise: "Why, don't you have the courage to jump?"

Bei Miao did not open his mouth to refute. He thought a lot in his mind. He remembered the scene when he abandoned Xiaoxue (Xiaoxue was Bing'er) and escaped alone with Shuiyingshi. Later, he went back to the orphanage to see the director. Dead, Xiaoxue and another boy are missing.

How many times in the middle of the night did I dream about that scene, and I hated myself so much, why I had to abandon Xiaoxue and run away alone.

I once promised to protect Xiaoxue for the rest of my life. Sure enough, I am just a coward.

Last time I left Xiaoxue and ran away alone, but this time, I don't want to back down anymore.

Bei Miao jumped directly off the cliff.

Beimiao felt that he was falling rapidly, the wind whistled in his ears, and he passed through the sea of ​​clouds. The clouds around him were fleeting. Beimiao wanted to catch something, but couldn't catch anything. Beimiao gave up. He struggled, closed his eyes, and was ready to die generously.

But after a long time, Beimiao didn't wait for the severe pain he imagined. Beimiao opened his eyes and found himself floating in front of the old man from the sacred mountain.

The old man stroked his beard and looked at him with a smile.

Seeing that Beimiao finally opened his eyes and understood his current situation, he said: "Chi'er, didn't I say that this is just a consciousness space formed by your subconscious mind? You don't really think that you will fall if you jump. Are you going to die?"

Only then did Bei Miao realize that he was now in the consciousness space and would not be harmed at all.

Seeing Beimiao's reaction, the old man from Shenshan knew what Beimiao was thinking: "Do you think that in the consciousness space, you will not be harmed?"

"Isn't it?" Bei Miao was a little confused.

"If I don't save you, you will think you are dead, and then of course you will really die."

When Beimiao heard what the old man from Shenshan said, he couldn't help but think of a story. The specific content of the story was a very cruel experiment.

Because it might scare people to death. The psychologist made an agreement with the police and asked the police to take the criminal to a dark room and tell the criminal: "Based on the crime you committed, we have decided to execute you. The method of execution this time will make you drain." Bloody to death.”

Then, people tied the criminal to the bed, fixed his arms out of the bed, and separated the criminal's sight. A doctor held a bright scalpel in front of the criminal and said: "I will use this knife to cut your arteries." As he said this, he gently scratched the artery with the sharp scalpel. one time. However, the doctor did not use any force. The prisoner only slightly scratched some skin and did not bleed much.

However, the psychologists placed a metal basin next to the prisoner's bed and used a dripper to drip water into the basin drop by drop. Water dripped into the metal basin, making a terrifying ticking, ticking sound. Moreover, several psychologists disguised as doctors nearby said from time to time, "It's already 300 ml." After a while, he said again, "It's already half full."

In this terrifying atmosphere, the prisoner's face became paler and paler, as if he had really lost so much blood. After a while, the prisoner's breathing became weaker and weaker. In the end, the prisoner died looking pale.

Beimiao told this story to the old man from Shenshan. The old man stroked his beard and said: "Although the principles are not the same, the appearance is indeed similar. So, what you just experienced is different from the story you just told. , how do you feel?"

If Li Zhongzhen were here, he would probably have stopped playing riddles with the old man from Shenshan and asked the old man to tell the answer directly. But after all, Beimiao has not experienced the baptism of the Internet world in later generations, so Beimiao still said respectfully: "I am not very qualified and I really don't know. Please make it clear, sir."

The old man made a move with his hand, and the meteor gun that had just been inserted on the ground flew over automatically: "Let's fight first. Let me see how far you have mastered the "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear"." After that, he started again Attacked with a gun. After what happened just now, Beimiao was no longer in a hurry. A meteor gun appeared in his hand, and he fought with the old man from Shenshan.

Both of them used the "Black Emperor Water Emperor Spear" set of marksmanship. This set of marksmanship is the spear of kings, majestic and majestic.

But in the hands of Old Shenshan and Bei Miao, they have different performances. Old Shenshan, with fluttering white sleeves, lifts weight as if it is light, and his shooting skills are free and easy. The meteor gun in his hand is like an antelope hanging its horns, traceless and cold. wind.

But this set of marksmanship has another performance in Beimiao's hands. The meteor gun in Beimiao's hands can be seen in a wide range of moves, fierce and domineering, like the reincarnation of Xiang Yu, with the power of wind and thunder of heaven and earth.

It is the movement of thunder that stuns households and creates the world.

It was obviously the old man from Shenshan who attacked first, but as time went by, it became Bei Miao who was the main attacker with the meteor gun, while the old man from Shenshan mostly just defended. Only when Bei Miao used too many moves and couldn't come back in time, Only occasionally will he take out his gun, like a poisonous snake patiently waiting for the opportunity.

It's just that Beimiao attacked dozens of times, but got nothing. On the contrary, he was almost stabbed to the core by the old man from Shenshan several times, and he couldn't help but become more irritated.

Bei Miao knew that in the virtual battle room, he had unlimited physical strength, so he could maintain this level of fierce attack. If it were in the outside world, the meteor gun would be extremely heavy, and I am afraid that he would have been defeated by the old man from Shenshan who was waiting for work due to lack of physical strength. In hand.

Normally, although Beimiao is very competitive, he would not care too much about winning or losing in normal competitions. But now it is about the repair of the Black Rhinoceros armor, but Beimiao can no longer keep calm.

Bei Miao first used the air of Gao Tanma to show off his flaws, but how could he deceive the old man of Shenshan with such a little trick? Bei Miao was not surprised when he saw that he had not deceived the old man of Shenshan. He turned around and stabbed the green dragon with another move. Offering his claws, he wants to decide the outcome with the old man from the sacred mountain.

The old man also understood Beimiao's thoughts, so he no longer focused on defense. Instead, he used the same move to prick the Qinglong Xianzhao and stabbed him out with one shot.

The two spears passed each other, but the tip of Beimiao's spear was aimed at the heart of Old Man Shenshan, while the tip of Old Man Shenshan's spear was pointed at Beimiao's wrist.

Just when it was about to pierce the old man's chest, Bei Miao's meteor gun could no longer move forward because the tip of the old man's gun had already hit Bei Miao's gun-holding wrist.

Beimiao understood that he had lost.

Bei Miao was about to leave and go back to practice shooting and come back later, but the old man stopped him: "Don't you want the repair method for the Black Rhino Armor?"

Beimiao said angrily: "Of course I want it, but now my skills are inferior to others, so what's there to say?"

The old man laughed loudly, and then said: "When did I say that I will teach you the quick repair method of the Black Rhinoceros Armor until you defeat me?"

PS: First of all, thank you to book friends 20190623092953473 and Lin Heitu for their rewards.

This time I changed the name of the main character and lost nearly 200 of my collections. It can be said to be a heavy loss and uncomfortable.

Also, I have opened a supporting building, and you can go to the entire supporting cast. However, I will try to make the names as normal as possible. Secondly, I cannot guarantee the identity of the supporting cast. There is a high possibility that he is a villain.

(End of this chapter)

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