Chapter 94 Planning
  When Xinnan saw Beimiao saying this, he was also very surprised: "It was Zhongshan who informed me to pick you up. Why, didn't Zhongshan tell you?"

Bei Miao was naturally confused.

At this time, Meizhen's cell phone rang. Meizhen took out her cell phone and looked at it. It showed that the call was from Li Zhongzhen.

Meizhen interrupted the discussion between Beimiao and Xinnan: "Okay, Zhongshan called. I guess he wants to talk about this matter. Let's listen to what Zhongshan has to say."

After saying that, Mizhen answered Nakajima's phone, turned on the speakerphone, and put the phone on the table.

Zhongji's voice came from the mobile phone: "Meizhen, have Beimiao and Xinnan arrived in the laboratory?"

Before Meizhen could speak, Beimiao answered first: "Here we are, we just returned to the laboratory for a while, and we have already put all five light and shadow stones into the light and shadow energy room."

When Zhongji heard that the answer was Bei Miao, he was stunned for a moment, but he was not too surprised. After a pause, Zhongji said: "You should be driving hands-free now. In this case, then I will say Let’s talk about this.”

Zhongji glanced at Bing'er who hadn't woken up yet, turned on the hands-free phone, put it on the table, and signaled Dongshan to come over.

Zhongji organized the language for a while, and then said: "First of all, Beimiao, I should first say sorry to you for this situation. This time you were attacked, it was actually part of my plan."

"Maybe there are a lot of things going on these days. You have all forgotten that there should be another chip installed in the shadow world that has not been removed from Bing'er's body. I feel that that chip may have the function of eavesdropping. , that is to say, there is a high probability that the film world will know about the conversation between me, Dongshan, and Beimiao in the ward."

Hearing this, Nakajima hasn't said anything about the following content, but everyone has a rough guess.

Meizhen guessed and asked: "So you just used Mu Yingshi and Beimiao as bait, secretly notified Xinnan to come, and used this to lure the snake out of the hole?"

Nakajima confirmed Mizhen's guess: "Yes, that's it. The Shadow Realm did not withstand the temptation of the Wood Shadow Stone and a lone summoner who could not summon armor, and took action."

Everyone thought that this was all Nakajima planned, and he successfully sealed a supernatural beast. Although it was a bit risky, after all, the plan was successful and there was no loss. Naturally, no one would blame Nakajima anymore.

But unexpectedly, Zhongjie actually had a plan for the next step. Zhongjie asked Beimiao: "Beimiao, how many supernatural beasts were sent out for this operation in the shadow world?"

Although Beimiao didn't know why Zhongji asked this, he still answered honestly: "Only one supernatural beast was sent, and it has been sealed by Xinnan."

Although the person on the other side of the phone couldn't see it, Dongshan could still see it. Nakajiro said with a smile: "Now, whether it's me or Xinan, or even Xizhao, it's far from being a supernatural beast that can solve the problem. Yes, only one supernatural beast is sent. As long as we encounter us, it is basically impossible to escape, but in this operation, the shadow world still only sent one supernatural beast. What do you think this means?"

Xinnan was smart after all. When he heard what Nakajima said, he immediately reacted and said excitedly: "You mean, the current strength of the shadow world has been greatly weakened?" But Meizhen proposed There were different opinions: "But last time the Shadow Realm sent out eighteen supernatural beasts at once, and now it has only sealed one supernatural beast. There are at least seventeen supernatural beasts in the Shadow Realm. Speaking of the Shadow Realm, My current strength is weak, but I can’t say that.”

Everyone was silent after listening to Mizhen's analysis, but Nakajima overturned Mizhen's point of view: "The power of light and shadow should be balanced, but last time the shadow world sent eighteen supernatural beasts at once, this time The balance has been broken, and breaking the balance will definitely not be without cost. If the Shadow Realm can dispatch large-scale supernatural beasts at will, then our mission will have failed long ago."

However, although everyone is willing to believe Nakashima's guess in their hearts, after all, Nakashima is just a guess. However, the eighteen supernatural beasts mentioned by Mizhen have been seen by everyone, so everyone has a lot of doubts about the shadow of the shadow. Although the strength of the world cannot be said to be feared, it is definitely not something that can be underestimated.

Zhongji glanced at Bing'er lying aside again, and decided not to let the shadow world know about the old man of Shenshan.

So Nakajima said ambiguously: "I already have definite news. The last time the Shadow Realm dispatched eighteen supernatural beasts at once, a special method should have been used. This special method not only requires a lot of effort, but also requires a lot of effort." The cost is huge, and within a short period of time, this method should no longer be possible.”

"Also, I was just suspicious at first, but now, I should be able to confirm that Bing'er's body must have been installed with a listening device by the Shadow Realm."

After saying that, Nakajima suddenly raised his voice and said in Bing'er's direction: "I'm right, Dr. Cullen, I plan to organize an attack on the Shadow Realm base. Kaio, don't let me down. .”

In fact, there was one thing that Nakajima guessed wrong, that is, the chip installed by Kaio on Bing'er did not have the function of eavesdropping. Instead, Bing'er was possessed by the evil water after going around in circles, leaking it. The information was leaked by Bad Water.

After hearing Nakajiro's words, Badui was secretly shocked. You must know that the Kaio has never appeared in front of the armored warriors, but now, the summoner of the Earth Armor actually directly called out the Kaio's His true identity made Bad Shui even more vigilant.

However, Badui also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Nakajiro just thought that the chip installed by Kaiou had eavesdropping functions, rather than discovering her. If she was discovered now, then her current state would probably not be able to escape from the earth tiger. You are lucky if you escape with your life in the hands of armor.

Bad Shui hid his aura deeper in Bing'er's body, and made up his mind that he was not going to have a head-on confrontation with the Earth Tiger Armor.

However, the summoner of the Earth Tiger Armor said that he would attack the Shadow Realm Base. This is not good news, because the current situation in the Shadow Realm Base can be said to be more serious than Nakashima had guessed. The remaining dark energy can only be used to summon a not-so-powerful supernatural beast.

Although the armor warriors now only have three pieces of armor that can fight, if they want to defend the base of the shadow world, unless she and Badland all reveal their true forms, plus their assistant for so many years, Mo Ba, then Only if the King of Kai summons another supernatural beast can he barely hold on, or even be unable to hold on.

Bad Shui's mind was racing, but he couldn't think of a good way to retreat from the enemy at the moment. He could only sink his consciousness into the conscious space and planned to brainstorm with several other dark guardians.

PS: Thanks to Fake Feather God, book friend 20200518094232887 for the reward. It will be on the shelves tomorrow. I’m so nervous. I don’t force everyone to read the original version, but at least give me an initial order. The life and death of this book is crucial. The moment has come.

(End of this chapter)

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