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Chapter 106 The gun comes out like a dragon

Chapter 106 The gun comes out like a dragon
  In the center of the fighting arena.

The brown-haired girl stirred up the atmosphere in the fighting arena and shouted excitedly: "Everyone, audience! Everyone! The melee in the ring is about to begin. Let's look forward to this showdown between top geniuses. Countdown, 10! 9!.1! "


A burst of earth-shaking roar sounded, and figures appeared in the center of the fighting arena. They were the 100 geniuses from various star fields introduced before.



Waves of cheers resounded throughout the fighting arena, and the audience's emotions exploded at this moment.

"Uncle, I see uncle!" Luo Hai shouted excitedly, waving his hands.

"Where, where?" Luo Ping held Luo Hai's hand, while his eyes kept scanning around, trying to find Hong among the 100 people.

"Right there!" Luo Hai pointed, and then Luo Ping also found Hong and waved his hands excitedly.


"The battle begins!" A deep voice sounded in everyone's mind.


There was silence in the fighting arena for an instant, and the 100 geniuses in the center of the fighting arena also moved instantly.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Streams of light lit up, and a talented master quickly fled from the center of the fighting arena.


There are only thirty-seven geniuses left in the center.


Thirty-six of them, as if they had already discussed it, spread out and surrounded the other person in the middle. The one surrounded was Hong.

at this time.

Hong held a black spear and glanced around. Even though he was surrounded by people, there was no fear in his eyes, but a little excitement.

In the World Zone, his final battle with Balrog was teleported before the winner could be decided.

This makes Hong feel a little unhappy!

just now.

There are thirty-six opponents around him, and I don’t know if they can keep him entertained to the fullest.

There was a trace of expectation in Hong's eyes.

"Hong, on the first day of the preliminaries, you killed my eldest brother, making it impossible for my eldest brother to participate in the ring battle, let alone the chance to participate in the peak showdown of the Universe Kingdom."

"Today, as the younger brother, you must die for my elder brother and for the promotion spot!"

Among the thirty-six people, a young man with a purple horn shouted loudly.

From a special channel, the purple horned young man obtained Hong's information.

Therefore, before the arena battle began, he and his brother spent a huge amount of money to organize more than thirty people from the Qianwu Secret Realm, preparing to surround and kill Hong when the arena battle began.


Hong was a little confused after hearing what the purple horned young man said.

Then, looking at the young man who spoke, the purple horn seemed to make an impression.


He remembered.

On the first day of preliminaries, after he had just cleaned up a community, he met a young man who had crossed the threshold of the Golden Origin Law.

That young man, like the person speaking now, also had a purple horn.

Think of this.
  "Oh, really, then we are quite destined." Hong smiled slightly, and then waved his spear, and suddenly the surroundings became dark, leaving only him, emitting a dazzling light.

"What the hell! Kill!" the purple horned young man shouted loudly.


The field of thirty-six people filled the air, and waves of various colors rolled and rotated, making the entire center of the fighting arena colorful.

The purple one-horned young man held two slender scimitars, turned into a stream of red light, and rushed towards Hong.

Launched the first attack!
  Others followed and killed Xiang Hong.

in the audience.

"Ah, these people actually besieged my uncle, how abominable!" Luo Ping pouted and patted the seat with both hands.

"Uncle, come on, kill them all!" Luo Hai clenched his fists.

"Yes! Kill them all!" Luo Ping also cheered.

"Well, that purple one-horned young man is pretty good, he actually crossed the threshold of the law of origin of fire." Seeing the situation in the fighting arena, Chen Zong said with a smile.

"There are a few people over there who are also geniuses who have touched the threshold of the original law."

With just a cursory glance, Chen Zong could tell that at least seven of the thirty-six people who surrounded and killed Hong had touched the threshold of the original law.

There may be some people hiding their strength, but there shouldn't be many such people.

In the fighting arena.

As the battle begins, the scope of the battle space begins to gradually shrink.

In just fifteen minutes, this battle space will shrink from a radius of thirty kilometers to a diameter of only one meter.

  A melee in the ring lasts up to 15 minutes.

at this time.

Hong used the movement technique "Divine Light" in the "Secret Book of Fantasy Martial Arts" to shuttle between the thirty-six people.

  More than a dozen streams of light shot towards Hong. These were telepathy weapons controlled by the telepathy master.

Dangdang Dangdang!
  Hong Qiang came out like a dragon, knocking away telepathy weapons one by one, and then with a step, he appeared strangely a hundred meters away, in front of a telepathy master.

"No, come back!" The purple horned young man shouted, then accelerated and headed towards Hong.

Although he was the first to kill Xiang Hong, he was slightly inferior in terms of speed.

Hong was weaving through the crowd, but he was actually helpless.

He had already learned from his elder brother that Hong was very fast, so fast that his elder brother could not react.


His speed was so fast that his elder brother couldn't react.

And he is stronger than his elder brother!
  Therefore, he didn't pay much attention to what his elder brother said. But
  Now it’s a slap in the face!
  At this time, the spear in Hong's hand had already picked up the spiritual master, and then swung it towards the others.

"Damn it!" The purple horned young man gritted his teeth, "Stop him, just stop him, and I will give you double what I gave you!"

  After hearing this, those who had no confidence in getting a spot lit up their eyes, and then rushed towards Hong desperately.

"Very good!" A smile appeared on the purple horned young man's face.

As long as Hong is stopped, with his strength, he can completely hold Hong back, and others can seize the right opportunity and give Hong a try.

in fact.

This strategy of theirs would be more effective in the later stage of the ring battle.


As talented disciples of the Qianwu Secret Realm, it was a bit disgraceful for them to surround and kill a person from a medium-sized universe country like this. If they waited until the later stages of the arena to do this again, they would definitely be ridiculed.

and so.

Even the purple horned young man, although eager to kill Hong, would not do it.


Facing a dozen people who were risking their lives, Hong's heart remained calm.

"Spiritual Phantom!"

Hong cast a secret technique that he had not used for a long time.

  An invisible wave swept out, and the dozen or so people who rushed over were swept by this wave. They suddenly stopped as if they were bound by something, their eyes were confused, and then the weapons in their hands fell to the ground.

Bang bang bang!
  These people fell down one after another, their vitality cut off, and in the blink of an eye, only one person was left holding on.

Hong stopped running the secret technique, and then kicked the dagger at his feet. With a whoosh, the dagger pierced the last person's head.

Three hundred meters away.

"What happened?" The purple horned young man looked shocked.

The current situation was beyond his expectation.

His elder brother never told him that Hong still had this ability.

The remaining thirteen people around him also looked shocked.

They were not within Hong's domain and could not feel the fluctuations caused by the spiritual phantom, so naturally they had no way of knowing what was happening.

"Illusion!" Suddenly, a blue-skinned bald man said in shock.

"Bah, what kind of illusion? He is a warrior, how can he know illusion." Another person retorted.

Warriors from the genjutsu warrior style are very rare in the universe.

after all.

To enter this genre, the threshold is too high.

Therefore, fewer people leave and even fewer people know.

The men were in shock, but Hong was not.

Hong no longer passively defended, but began to actively attack.

A spear was thrust out. Suddenly, the spear seemed to be divided into seven, stabbing in seven directions and locking seven figures.

This is Hong's gun technique "Phantom Seven Kills". With one shot, he can transform into six spears. Each of the transformed spears is as powerful as the real spear.

Secret patterns flashed on these seven spears, and everything within a three-hundred-meter radius in the middle of the fighting arena was plunged into endless darkness.

The seven people who were locked were filled with fear and completely released their domain, then used their physical skills to retreat back.

Only by escaping from this dark area can they feel at ease!


As soon as they retreated, they felt themselves hit something.

Immediately afterwards, the darkness in front of them gradually dissipated. They looked down and found that their chests were pierced by the tip of the spear. Blood flowed along the tip of the spear and fell low on the fighting field.

Then all the breath disappeared!

The purple one-horned young man looked extremely ugly when he saw the seven people nailed in the void with spears.

"Hong, if you can, don't run away, fight me!" The purple horned young man shouted at Hong.

Withdrawing his spear, Hong looked at the purple horned young man and smiled.


Phantom Seven Kills!

In the center of the fighting arena, everyone except Hong and the purple horned young man were dead.

"Okay, now it's just you and me." Hong walked towards the purple horned young man, "If you have any skills, use them!"

Seeing Hong getting closer and closer to him, the purple horned young man couldn't help but step back.

The pressure Hong put on him was too great.

It feels like he is almost the same as Jiang Tianshu!
  I go.

The purple horned young man now really wants to ask his elder brother.

Brother, were you instantly killed by Hong before? Otherwise, why is Hong's strength so different from what you said?


Now, he couldn't talk to his elder brother.

"Since you want to die so much, then I will make it happen for you." Taking a deep breath and calming his mind, the purple horned young man said solemnly.

  The fiery red field opened up, and the understanding of the law was integrated into it. A huge torch seemed to appear in the center of the fighting field.

The torch turned into a 100-meter-long fiery red python that reached the sky, and the flames spread out!
  The giant red python opened its bloody mouth and bit at Hong.

  Hong was a little surprised to see the changes in the purple horned youth's realm.

This was the first time he had seen this situation.

Hong's expression became serious!

"Time flies by!"

He directly used his body skills to avoid the attack of the red giant python, and rushed towards the purple one-horned young man.

 Thanks to book friend Zizhu-Chen for the 500 starting coins

  Thanks to the book friends for the reward of 100 starting coins from the Demon God.

  Thanks to book friends Haoyuerusuo, Drunk TiLiO, Chai Shengxiao's Dream of Butterflies, Today I'm Not Haired, God Above, Reading Ten Thousand Books Is Not Better than Forging Iron, Unscrupulous God Ami Doufu for your monthly votes, and all the book friends for your recommendations. ticket.

  (End of this chapter)

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