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Chapter 108 Young Master Nephew

Chapter 108 Young Master Nephew (Additional update)

Virtual universe, Jiuxingwan community.

Chen Zong once again spent money to celebrate Hong, Lei Shen and Luo Feng.

After the banquet.

They welcomed two guests.

"Duke Hong, Duke Thundergod, Duke Luo Feng!" A kind voice sounded.

Luo Feng and the others looked back and saw that the person coming was none other than the silver-haired old man who had come to convey the orders of the Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, Lord Butashka.

at this time.

Next to the silver-haired old man, there was a man with a pale face and purple eyes.

This man also has an upturned eye between his eyebrows.

When the man looked at Luo Feng and the others, an invisible force of will came over, making Luo Feng and Lei Shen feel heavy pressure and gritting their teeth. However, Hong's performance was much better.

"Huh? Very good!" The man with purple pupils nodded slightly.

Just now.

He only slightly released the will of the immortal level, but the three people who were only at the star level were able to resist, which made him very satisfied.

"Three Dukes, let me introduce to you. This is the great immortal existence from the Qianwu Universe Kingdom - the God Lord 'Kunsha Luo'." The silver-haired old man stood aside and introduced respectfully.


Looking at the man with purple pupils, Luo Feng and the others were shocked.

They had heard of the immortal gods many times, and they had also felt the pressure of the dead immortal gods.

  This is the first time I have seen a living immortal god!

This is also normal.

after all.

The Immortal God is so noble that even his own descendants may not have seen his own immortality, let alone these star-level boys who have nothing to do with the Immortal God.

And now.
  It was really unexpected that such an immortal existence came to see the three of them!
  "Greetings to the Lord God!" Luo Feng saluted respectfully.

"Yes." Kunsaro nodded slightly, and then said indifferently, "This time, I am here to convey the order of the king."

The leader of the witch kingdom?

The super being who has been in charge of the Qianwu Universe for hundreds of millions of years would actually notice the three of them?
  This is even more surprising to Luo Feng and the others than Immortal coming in person!
  Luo Feng and the others were surprised, but Chen Zong was not surprised.

Chen Zong knew that the leader of the Ganwu Kingdom was the "first liability" of mankind and was now cultivating talents for mankind in order to earn contribution points to pay the huge sum he owed the ethnic group after being resurrected several times.

just now.

In the genius battle, Luo Feng's performance was even better than many geniuses trained in the Qianwu Secret Realm.

This naturally attracted the attention of the leader of Ganwu Kingdom!

"The king sent me here to represent the importance he attaches to you." Kunsaro continued slowly, "In this genius battle, our Ganwu Universe Congress will send 1000 of the strongest geniuses to compete with the other 1007 universe nations. The ultimate showdown.”

"At that time, there will be more than one million super geniuses participating in the peak showdown."

"However, Virtual Universe Company will only absorb the top one thousand talents in the peak showdown."

"That is to say."

"On average, there is less than one quota per space country."

"So, you should also know that even the 1000 people sent by our Qianwu Universe Country may not be able to win a quota."


It’s really difficult to rank among the top 1,000 in the universe.

Here, Luo Feng is the only one who has full confidence.

Hong and Lei Shen are not sure.

"According to the order of the king, if you break into the top one thousand in the universe, then the king will be rewarded heavily." Kunsaro continued, "However, if you fail, you must join our Ganwu Universe Kingdom."

"With your current talents and strength, you can definitely enter the 'Secret Realm of Ganwu' in our Ganwu Universe Kingdom."

"Although the secret realm of Qianwu is not as good as the secret realm of Virtual Universe Company, you can still get the best training in it!"

Say this.

Kunshaluo glanced at Luo Feng, then at Hong and Lei Shen.

"Luo Feng, with your strength, you have a chance to compete for the top 1,000 in the universe rankings." Kunshaluo smiled and said, "However, you two, I advise you not to hope too much."

"Being able to enter the secret realm of Qianwu is enough for you!"

After saying that, Kunsaro disappeared directly.

"Haha, congratulations to you three." The silver-haired old man smiled.

This is the secret realm of dry witches!

In Qianwu Universe Kingdom, there are countless young talents who want to enter it but cannot find a way.

And now.

The three geniuses from the indigenous planets in front of them have obtained opportunities that countless geniuses dream of.

The silver-haired old man said he was not envious, but that was all lies.

after all.

He had also longed for it, but he was not talented enough to enter the secret realm of Qianwu. He could only enter the Holy Land of Black Dragon Mountain.


"Today's melee in the arena, the two of them showed off their might and promoted the reputation of our Black Dragon Mountain Empire. His Majesty the Emperor is very happy." The purpose of the silver-haired old man coming here is not only to lead the way for Kunsaro, he also shoulders the responsibility of His Majesty the Emperor. The command. "Therefore, His Majesty the Emperor has prepared a congratulatory gift for you."

A virtual screen appeared in front of the silver-haired old man, and then he stretched out his hand to display the gift.

"Hey, why do I have a share?" Luo Feng saw his name written on one of the gifts.

"Ha!" The silver-haired old man smiled slightly and did not explain.

But Luo Feng understood.

The Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire really understands the world!
  "You three, these gifts are not virtual, so they will be delivered to the Horned Dragon Star within a few days!" The silver-haired old man closed the virtual screen.

The silver-haired old man, or rather the Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, knew about Chen Zong's purchase of the Qiu Long Star.


Luo Feng and the others now also live in Qiulongxing.

Therefore, the congratulatory gifts will be sent to Qiu Longxing.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! Thank you, sir!" Luo Feng and the others saluted.

"Okay. Then I'll go back first." The silver-haired old man nodded slightly, and then left here.

"A set of galaxy defense equipment, His Majesty the Emperor is really serious about it." Luo Feng said with emotion as he looked at an item in the gift.


In the solar system, more advanced galaxy defense devices have been deployed, but the emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire does not know all this.


To be able to provide such a set of galaxy defense devices, His Majesty the Emperor really put a lot of thought into it.

"Yeah!" Hong and Lei Shen also nodded.

Because, in their own gifts, they also found many things that they can use now.


They closed the virtual screen and prepared for special training with the teacher.

According to the teacher, they are about to have a one-on-one duel with those who have qualified for promotion, so they can experience the one-on-one duel in advance.

  Chen Zong waved his hand and the scene changed instantly.

They appeared in the fighting arena. Of course, this was a fighting arena simulated by Chen Zong.

There are three fighting arenas in total, one each for Luo Feng, Hong, and Lei Shen.

The opponents of Hong and Lei Shen are mainly the super geniuses in Qianwu Universe.


Luo Feng's opponent was collected by Chen Zong and was expected to become one of the top 100 geniuses in the universe, with the top ten being the majority.


Opposite Luo Feng and the others, an opponent appeared.

At this time.

"Master, there is a call request from an immortal." Weiss's voice sounded in Chen Zong's mind.


Chen Zong was a little confused. Which immortal would come to him?
  "Connect!" Chen Zong didn't care who it was. Since he had his own contact information, he might as well answer the call.

  A virtual screen appeared in front of Chen Zong. On the screen was a very strange man.

This man looks almost like an Earthling. The only difference is that there is a blood-red rhombus crystal between his eyebrows, occupying one-third of the space between his eyebrows.

"I've met my junior uncle!" Before Chen Zong asked, the man saluted respectfully.

"Uncle Junior?" Chen Zong looked confused.

"Well, my name is Lu Zhan, and the Lord of Chaos City is my teacher." Lu Zhan introduced.

Chen Zong was a little surprised when he heard Lu Zhan's self-introduction.

A disciple of Brother Chaos, and also an immortal.

Chen Zong thought that in the original work, Brother Chaos had said that basically all of his disciples were either dead or had become venerables, and only one was still at the king level.

Then, the Lu Zhan in front of him should be the young disciple with the title of King.

"Did Senior Brother Chaos ask you to find me?" Chen Zong asked.

"Yes, little uncle, the teacher asked me to come to you." Lu Zhan said respectfully.

Lu Zhan had been living in Chaos City, but today, the Lord of Chaos City called him to come and assigned him a task, which was to protect and teach his little uncle!

just now.

Chen Zong is still only at the cosmic level, so there is no need for the Lord of Chaos City to give him personal guidance. It is enough to let his own disciple, King Wudi, give him guidance.


Having Lu Zhan by his side can also play a protective role.

"Uncle Junior, I will soon arrive at the Horned Dragon Star, so I want to tell you first." Lu Zhan said with a smile.

"Um" Chen Zong was silent for a moment, and then he didn't refuse, "Okay, wait a minute, I'll be here right away!"


Chen Zong exited the virtual universe.

Since this is Brother Chaos's kindness, then accept it!

(End of this chapter)

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