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Chapter 113 Giant Manor

Chapter 113 Giant Manor (1000 recommendation votes plus more updates)
  In the dark universe.

A dark war sword spaceship was speeding at nearly 20 times the speed of light.

Inside the War Sword spaceship.

The internal space of this spacecraft is very large. The "hand guard" position of the entire War Sword spacecraft is the main compartment of the power cabin of the entire spacecraft, and some compartments almost cover the entire lower level of the spacecraft.

In the upper space of the Zhanjian spaceship, there is a luxurious hall that is 300 meters long and 60 meters wide.

at this time.

Chen Zong, Luo Feng, the old man with a hooked nose and others are in this luxurious hall.

On the comfortable sofa, Chen Zong tasted fine wine and rare fruits.


His mind is not here, but communicating with Weiss consciously.


When he was on the Horned Dragon Star, Chen Zong liked the War Sword spaceship very much when he saw it.

Then, let Weiss look up the information.

Immediately afterwards, Weiss selected some important points from these materials.

This war sword spaceship is made of F6 grade metal Guiyan Mother Stone. The edge of the spacecraft is consolidated and integrated into the original law, making it extremely sharp.

If the flight speed is fast enough, it can directly penetrate a planet completely, and the speed will not have any impact.

In the Virtual Universe Company, if you want to own such a spaceship, besides buying it at a high price, there is another way, and that is to become a super strong person.

It's time.

Virtual Universe Company will give away an F-class spaceship for free, which is no worse than the current War Sword spacecraft, or even better!


"Your Highnesses, now, I will take you into the virtual headquarters of my Virtual Universe Company." The soft voice of the hook-nosed old man sounded.

"Okay!" Chen Zong and Luo Feng's eyes lit up.

Although Chen Zong has long been a disciple of the original ancestor, he has never been to the headquarters of Virtual Universe Company.

"Your Highnesses, you can first go to the lounge, and then enter the virtual universe. Through a new function of the virtual assistant, you can be directly transported to a special plane in the virtual universe." After the hook-nosed old man finished speaking, he stood up. He was also heading to the lounge.

The three of them returned to their respective lounges.

The lounge is the most comfortable and luxurious place in this spaceship, but it is not very attractive to Chen Zong.

Soon, his consciousness entered the virtual universe.


  Virtual universe company virtual headquarters plane.

This is a suspended mountain covered in clouds and mist. It is extremely huge, even bigger than an ordinary planet in reality.

On the mountain peak, on a bluestone road, Chen Zong's figure suddenly appeared.

"His Royal Highness Chen Zong!" a voice sounded.

"Mr. Sha Wu!" Chen Zong turned around and saw the hook-nosed old man and Luo Feng, and then he walked towards them.

"Your Highnesses, this dimension is the 'virtual headquarters' of our Virtual Universe Company." Sha Wu took Chen Zong and Luo Feng for a casual stroll.

"This mountain peak suspended in the clouds and mist is called 'Yuxiang Mountain', with a diameter of approximately 8.9 kilometers."

"Yuxiang Mountain is the gathering place for core members below Immortal."

"The entire Yuxiang Mountain is divided into five areas, namely the 'Primitive Area', 'Taichu Area', 'Heaven Area', 'Doomsday Area', and the Public Area."

"The five areas are almost the same size!"

"The public area integrates business, entertainment, etc. People from the other four areas can enter the public area. However, members of each area are not allowed to enter the area where other members are."

"Your Highnesses, the place we are about to go is the 'Primitive Area'."

As he said that, Chen Zong and the others passed by a place with tall buildings.

"This is the 'Doomsday Area', and I live here." Sha Wu introduced, and then did not enter, but took Chen Zong and the others to continue shopping.


They came to a steep rock. Sha Wu pointed at a huge island floating in the clouds and mist in the distance, which was hundreds of times larger than Yuxiang Mountain.

There are countless electric snakes surrounding the island, which looks like a world of thunder and lightning.

"That's Thunder Island, also known as 'Immortal Island'. The immortals from our Virtual Universe Company usually live there."

Chen Zong looked at Thunder Island with a glint in his eyes.

Shortly after.

I'll live up there too!
  After leaving here, they arrived at the primitive area not long after.

"Your Highnesses, I can only send you outside the 'primitive area'." Sha Wu said with a smile, "When your Highnesses enter, there will be managers inside to lead them."

"Thank you, Mr. Sha Wu!" Chen Zong and Luo Feng nodded slightly to express their gratitude.

"It is an honor for me to serve your two highnesses." After Sha Wu finished speaking, he turned and left.

"Let's go!" Chen Zong looked towards the original area.

"Yeah!" Luo Feng had some expectation in his eyes.

Walking along the beautiful and quiet bluestone road at his feet, Chen Zong saw that there were colorful flowers planted twice, and the fragrance of the flowers was intoxicating.

The two of them walked slowly, enjoying the beautiful scenery.

After walking for more than ten kilometers, a luxurious manor covering an area of ​​thousands of kilometers in diameter appeared in front of Chen Zong and the others.

This is the entrance to the 'primitive area'. At the entrance, there are many servants.

After Chen Zong and others arrived, the leader came up to them.

"His Royal Highness Chen Zong!" - "His Royal Highness Luo Feng!"

This is a beautiful woman with long sea-blue hair, and a wave-like mark between her eyebrows. She looks at Chen Zong and Luo Feng with great enthusiasm.

"Your Highnesses, my name is Hagwen. I am responsible for managing all kinds of trivial matters in the primitive area." Hagwen with long sea-blue hair said with a smile.

"Yeah, I understand." The two nodded.

in fact.

What trivial matters are there in the virtual universe? Just like Chen Zong's Ancient God Space, everything can be completed with just a thought.


Here, in order to make it more realistic, a large number of servants are arranged to clean, trim flowers and plants, serve His Highness, etc.

"Your Highnesses, please follow me." Hagwen immediately flew into the sky, and Chen Zong and the others followed.

"Our primitive area covers a large area, but has a small number of people. Currently, there are less than 120 His Highnesses here. Therefore, each of His Highnesses can own a luxurious manor covering an area of ​​thousands of kilometers in diameter." In the sky, Hagrid Wen introduced Chen Zong and the others.

"There are various training facilities in the manor, and there are dedicated immortal teachers who live there for a long time. They can also recruit many sparring partners at any time. You can sparring for as long as you want."

"Well, we're here!"

Hagwen flew towards a manor below, and Chen Zong and the others quickly followed.

"Your Highness Luo Feng, this manor will be yours from now on." Hagwen turned around and said to Luo Feng, "Your Highness Luo Feng, this manor has recorded your information, you can just enter directly."

"No one else can enter it without your permission, Your Highness."

"Well, thank you!" Luo Feng thanked him, but he did not enter the manor.

"Luo Feng, you go in first." Chen Zong knew what Luo Feng meant. He wanted to follow him to his residence and then return.

"Yes, teacher!" Luo Feng hesitated for a moment, then nodded and walked into the manor.

Hearing Luo Feng calling Teacher Chen Zong, Haigwen frowned and was a little confused.


She didn't ask.


Haigwen took Chen Zong and flew to another place.

In the air, Haigwen looked a little strange. He looked at Chen Zong, as if he had something to say, but he didn't know how to say it, or whether he should ask.

Chen Zong could naturally tell it, but Hegwen didn't ask, and he wouldn't take the initiative to bring it up.

that's it.

Ten minutes later, a quaint manor appeared in front of them.

This manor looks like an ancient palace. One of the largest palaces covers an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers in diameter. It is connected to a dozen small palaces or attics covering an area of ​​more than ten kilometers in diameter through covered bridges.

Between the palace and the attic is a huge courtyard. The courtyard on the left is filled with purple leaves and shrubs with purple flowers, and between the shrubs is a sea of ​​blue flowers.

Along the river in the courtyard on the right, trees with pink flowers are planted on both sides, making it look like a ten-mile peach blossom forest.

In front of the largest palace, there is a huge irregular open-air swimming pool, which is twenty kilometers long at its longest point and more than ten kilometers wide at its widest point.


There are many servants in the courtyard cleaning the fallen flowers and pruning the flowers and shrubs.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, this is your manor." Haigwen turned his head, looked at Chen Zong, and said with a smile.

"Thank you!" Chen Zong responded with a smile.

"It's nothing, I'll go back first." After saying this, Hagwen flew into the sky and with a swish, was far away from here.

Chen Zong withdrew his gaze and walked into the manor.


"Welcome to His Highness Chen Zong!"

A ray of light swept across Chen Zong, and then a loud voice sounded. This was the voice of the manor's intelligent butler.

at this time.

The escorts and many servants in the manor heard the voice of the manor's smart butler and immediately lined up, waiting for their new highness.

  The door to the manor opened and Chen Zong stepped in.

As soon as he entered the main entrance, he saw formations forming up in front of him. At a glance, there were tens of thousands of people.

At the front of the formation.

A man, five meters tall, wearing a red scaly battle robe, with a pair of red curved horns covered with golden lines on his head, which curved toward the back and downwards, about half a meter long.

This man is the leader of Chen Zong's escort army, an immortal military leader.

As His Highness in the original secret realm, there is an immortal in the bodyguard, and there is also a personal immortal teacher. In other words, at least, there are two immortals following him.

"Your Highness!" The man with the curved corner bowed slightly.

"Greetings to Your Highness!" Behind him, thousands of Qiang warriors, whose aura was almost integrated into one body, all knelt on one knee respectfully.

And those tens of thousands of servants were all kneeling on the ground, extremely respectful and humble.

"Well, you're welcome. I'll have to trouble you more in the future." Chen Zong smiled and said loudly.

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Everyone thanked.

"Wow, His Highness is so friendly to us this time." Some servants were excited, feeling that they had met His Highness who was easier to serve.

"Your Highness, please!" The man with the curved corner turned to one side, and then the soldiers made way for them. At the end of this road was the largest palace.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong walked towards the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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