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Chapter 140 Dangerous treasure land!

Chapter 140 Dangerous treasure land!
  In the sea of ​​black fire.

The black flames began to rotate, forming a vortex of black flames, swallowing the surrounding black flames. The vortex became larger and larger, and extended toward the sky.

In the blink of an eye.

A black flame pillar with a diameter of a hundred meters and a height of a thousand meters appeared in front of Chen Zong.

There are dozens of such black flame pillars around Chen Zong.

These black flame pillars formed a formation, spinning rapidly, and the powerful tearing force they produced strangled Chen Zong.

"Hmph, if you only have this method, don't show it to show your shame." Chen Zong snorted coldly and used "Phantom Freedom". His figure seemed to blend into the space, instantly breaking through the oppression of the world.

  On the sea of ​​fire, Chen Zong's erratic figure shuttled between the black flame pillars.

In the blink of an eye.

Dozens of black flame pillars were cut off at the waist at the same time, and the sword energy was radiating from the cross section. Then, all the black flame pillars collapsed instantly, and the formation was directly disintegrated.

far away.

High in the sky, the Bull Demon was startled and completely shocked when he saw the Black Flame Pillar collapse.

Oh my God!

Such a fast speed, such a profound understanding of the laws of space, and the sword technique is extremely mysterious, containing the power of the laws of space and time.

Is this the first level of the Demon King?
  When did the first-level Demon King become so powerful?
  Niu Mo knew very well that his "Black Flame Killing Formation" would be difficult to break through in a short time even if it was a powerful Demon King.


The kid in front of me, who was only a first-level Demon King, was able to break through the "Black Flame Killing Formation" in an instant despite the pressure of the world.

This unscientific!


Shocked. Shocked.

When he heard Chen Zong's contempt, the Bull Demon was still angry and sprayed out two black flames from his two huge nostrils.

The first level of the Demon King crosses a large level and despises the eighth level of the Demon King.

Either a madman or an idiot!
  Definitely not the courage given by strength!
  "Ha, you, a little first-level Demon King, can boast so much. Do you really think you are the peak Demon King?" Niu Mo snorted coldly.

"Today, I will show you what high-level Demon King means and what it means to crush with force!"

As soon as Niu Mo finished speaking, five black spiral thorns surrounded Chen Zong, and the secret patterns on them lit up, emitting an extremely dazzling light.


The five spiral thorns seemed to come alive, turning into five black flame dragons. Black flames burst out from the dragon's eyes, and it roared upwards, causing the world to tremble.


The black flames formed by the power of the endless world kept flowing towards the five black flame dragons.

In the blink of an eye, the black flame dragon suddenly grew to a thousand meters long, and released a continuous killing intent.

hoo hoo hoo!
  Five black flame dragons roared and soared into the sky, and the surrounding sea of ​​fire also rushed into the sky. Above Chen Zong's head, the five dragons gathered and entwined together, forming a 10,000-meter black flame dragon.

The five seas of fire also gathered together.


A black flame cage is formed!

On the top of the center of the cage, the black flame dragon swooped down carrying the endless sea of ​​fire, majestic and spectacular.

It even made the time and space around Chen Zong seem to be frozen, and the binding force doubled.

This scene feels a bit like Chentangguan being flooded.


There is no Chentangguan behind Chen Zong, there are not thousands of people, and there is no need to capture him without restraint.

"Twisted Realm!"

A wave of time and space rippled out from Chen Zong's body, forcibly breaking the black flame cage's restraint on Chen Zong.

far away.

"Hmph, Ren You is extremely talented and has a profound understanding of the laws of space, but what can you do to make up for the gap between the first level of the Demon King and the eighth level of the Demon King?" Seeing Chen Zong break the restraints, Niu Mo was not in a hurry and instead teased Chen Zong. .


He was very confident in this unique move of his.

On this fire battlefield, he had used this move to kill three strong men of the same level. It was his strongest killing method.

This time.

Although using this trick to deal with a demon king was a bit overkill, Chen Zong's contempt made the demon very unhappy.

He wanted to attack this defiant little guy physically and mentally.

Let this little guy know that a genius is just a genius after all, not a strong person, and he has no right to pretend in front of a strong person.

"Want to know? Then keep your eyes peeled, lest you die in silence!" Chen Zong responded forcefully to Niu Mo's teasing.

"The Ten Thousand Shadows Tianshu Sword returns to the sect!"

Chen Zong, who had regained his mobility, locked his eyes on the black flame dragon, and the golden secret pattern on Mo Yuan's sword suddenly appeared.


A powerful momentum burst out from Chen Zong, facing the black flame dragon's offensive.

Blocked by Chen Zong's momentum, the Black Flame Dragon's speed slowed down sharply, but its power was still there!

"Huh?" Niu Mo noticed something was wrong and felt a chill in his heart.


A killing sound sounded from the mouth of the bull demon, and the black flame dragon suddenly gained momentum, accelerated again, and killed Chen Zong.

at this time.

A ray of sword light shot out from Mo Yuan's sword, and thousands of sword shadows behind Chen Zong escaped into the sword light at the same time. In an instant, the sword light rose to ten thousand meters, and its power was no weaker than that of the black flame dragon.

  Ten thousand meters of sword light slashed at the head of the black flame dragon.


Powerful shock waves swept across all directions, and the black flame cage that surrounded Chen Zong was shaking and cracked.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Seeing that his black flame dragon was blocked, Niu Mo was shocked and couldn't believe it was true. "How can there be such a powerful sword style in this world."

Never seen or heard of it.

For a while.

The look in Niu Mo's eyes towards Chen Zong changed from angry to fiery.

Longing, overwhelming longing.

This sword style, he, the bull demon, wants it!
  With this sword style, not to mention controlling the battlefield of fire, but at least it can make itself not inferior to those demon emperors who have obtained the recognition of the original law.

"Hahaha!" The Bull Demon suddenly laughed loudly.

It's really luck that can't be stopped.


With the power of the Bull Demon's thoughts, hundreds of black flame pillars rose up from the sea of ​​fire, forming a formation, making the black flame cage instantly stable and unbreakable.

and.    Inside the Black Flame Cage.

The 10,000-meter sword light has pierced the head of the black flame giant dragon. The black flame giant dragon wailed, and the black flames rose in its eyes.

  The black flame dragon directly wrapped around the sword light, and then exploded.

The sword light shattered directly in the explosion, and a powerful shock wave hit the cage. However, with the black flame pillar formation holding firm, the black flame cage withstood the shock wave.

The shock wave raged back and forth inside the cage.

Chen Zong, who was in the center of the cage, even though he was an ancient god, was damaged by the shock wave.

A trace of blood flowed from the black armor.


A tube of potion appeared in Chen Zong's hand, and he poured the potion into his mouth. The wounds on his body healed quickly, and at the same time, the consumed force was restored to its original state.

Back to peak condition!
  "One sword leads to a thousand lives!"

Chen Zong no longer hesitated and slashed out with his sword. Thousands of sword lights shot out in all directions, penetrated the black flame cage, stabbed towards the black flame pillar, and killed the bull demon in the distance.

In an instant.

The sword light pierced the black flame pillar, releasing thousands of sword energy, and the black flame pillar collapsed directly.

The black flame cage that trapped Chen Zong also collapsed at this moment.

"Huh? Unscathed?" When the shock wave dissipated, Niu Mo was slightly startled when he saw that Chen Zong was safe and sound.


Thousands of sword lights broke through the black flame cage, leaving him horrified.

"What kind of sword style is this?"


Niu Mo felt as if his moves were completely restrained.


Facing the incoming sword light, the Bull Demon didn't have time to think too much, and his remaining mental power swept out.

Fire overseas.

The stone pillars were directly shattered by the Bull Demon's mind power and turned into countless stones.

  The rocks rose into the air and appeared directly in the black sea of ​​fire.

Under normal circumstances, the flames of the sea of ​​fire can instantly burn these rocks to ashes.


Under the control of the Bull Demon, the black flame not only did not destroy the stone, but instead wrapped around the stone, turning the stone into a stone sword and facing the sword light.

Bang bang bang!
  The sword light and the black flame stone sword annihilated each other.

The remaining black flame stone swords, with five spiral thorns as the core and black flames as the links, formed a large dark net and headed towards Chen Zongmao.

Chen Zong's eyes flickered with light, searching for flaws in the big net.

  The mysterious movement appeared again.

Every time he landed, Chen Zong stepped on the flaw in the big net, causing the net to shudder and slow down its shrinkage.

And the other side.


This guy who is only at the first level of Demon King is actually so strong and even has a recovery potion.

Thinking of the recovery potion, Niu Mo suddenly felt helpless.

When he first entered here, he also had recovery potions, healing potions and other auxiliary treasures on him.


After staying in this fire battlefield for tens of thousands of years, these things have long been exhausted.

just now.

The enemy is strong and we are tired, it is no time to fight again!
  The Bull Demon had the idea of ​​retreating.

  While the big net was trapping Chen Zong, a flying bird appeared under the Bull Demon's feet. This flying bird was his Demon Emperor's spiritual weapon (psychic weapon), specially used to pursue (escape).

With a flap of the bird's wings, the Bull Demon instantly turned into a stream of light and fled into the distance. When the direction of the five spiral thorns was turned, it also turned into a stream of light and followed the Bull Demon.


The world projection still covers Chen Zong, blocking Chen Zong's pursuit.

"Hmph, it's now, and you still want to escape?" Chen Zong's original energy poured into the boots and mobilized the secret patterns on the boots.


On the surface of the sky-walking boots, three of the dozens of birds were flapping their wings.

  With "Phantom Xiaoyao" and "Heaven-Stepping Boots", Chen Zong soon appeared behind the Bull Demon, scaring the Bull Demon into panic.

The Bull Demon looked back and saw a 10,000-meter sword light slashing towards him with boundless momentum.

"No!" The Bull Demon shouted in shock.

Five spiral thorns faced the sword light. At the same time, he also took out a shield and a sword.

The shield blocked the tip of the sword, and the sword in his hand also struck the sword light.

Click, click, click!
  There were dense cracks on the sword light, and with a bang, it exploded and turned into nothingness.

"Huh?" Not only was the Bull Demon not overjoyed, but he was also confused.

He knew very well the power of this sword light, and it would never be defeated so easily.


While the Bull Demon was thinking, a long black sword appeared behind him, and the blade slashed down, directly cutting the Bull Demon into two pieces.

"Illusion?" At this time, the word appeared in the mind of the fallen bull demon, his eyes widened with doubts, "Why can a warrior cast illusion?"

  The Bull Demon's vitality has dissipated, and he can no longer solve this doubt!


A lot of black mist emerged from the body of the Bull Demon, and the black mist condensed into five dark golden purgatory magic crystals in the air.

"Hey." Chen Zong's eyes lit up, he took a step forward, went directly to the Purgatory Demonic Crystals, and put them away.


As the Bull Demon died, the world inside him collapsed, and a large number of things appeared in the air, and then fell toward the stone forest below.

Chen Zong put away the precious things inside.


Chen Zong found a safe area in the stone forest, dug out a cave, entered it, and prepared to refine the purgatory magic crystal.

Five, a total of five purgatory magic crystals.

Before, Chen Zong could not imagine it.

Sure enough, although this fire battlefield is dangerous, it deserves to be called a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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