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Chapter 173 Weak Water

Chapter 173 Weak Water
  Chaos Ruins.

Next to the corpses of many strong aliens.

The Lord of Chaos City flipped his hand, and the surrounding space vibrated, and a dark blue river appeared in mid-air.

This dark blue river is nearly a hundred meters long and about ten meters in diameter. Like a divine dragon, it flows around the Lord of Chaos City and Chen Zong in the air.

Raising his head, Chen Zong could clearly see the water flowing from one end to the other.

I don’t know where the water comes from, and I don’t know where it goes.

so amazing!
  "It seems... it seems to be related to the original laws of time and space," Chen Zong guessed secretly.

"Junior brother, this river is the treasure I have prepared for you." The Lord of Chaos City smiled, "It is called 'Weak Water', and it is a domain-type treasure that contains the original laws of time and space."

"This is a rare treasure. Even the lords of the universe are jealous of it. Even I can't refine it."

"After getting it from a dangerous place, it has always been in my hand and has never appeared in the world, so no other life in the universe knows about the existence of this treasure."


"'Weak Water' is of little use to me."

"But it is very suitable for you now. After all, you are in the cosmic school, and in terms of understanding the original laws of time and space, you are also at the peak level of a feudal lord, and have reached the basic line of using 'weak water'."

"Now, I will hand over the 'Weak Water' to you."

After saying that, the Lord of Chaos City pointed his right hand towards Ruoshui, and saw that Ruoshui flowed towards Chen Zong.

"Reach out your hand and touch the 'weak water', mobilize the power of the original laws of time and space, and refine the 'weak water'." Chaos City Lord reminded.

"Hmm!" Chen Zong stretched out his right hand, the power of the original laws of time and space gathered at the tip of his index finger, and gently touched the weak water flowing towards him.


An invisible wave was generated where the fingertips touched the weak water, spreading to the surroundings, causing ripples in the surrounding space and time.

Followed by.

The weak water penetrated into the fingertips of Chen Zong's right hand. In the blink of an eye, the dark blue weak water, which was hundreds of meters long, poured into Chen Zong's body.

Refining successful!

at this time.

Chen Zong felt that he could easily control weak water.

A thought came to mind.

  The weak water instantly surged out of his body and turned into a dark blue water dragon, flying up and down.

Then, with a bang, the water dragon exploded.

  With Chen Zong as the center, a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers turned into a blue ocean. Then, the ocean expanded again, extending further away, until everything within a radius of hundreds of millions of kilometers became an ocean.

However, the ocean has turned transparent.


The vast ocean disappeared immediately, and it was Chen Zong who put away the weak water.

Just now, when the weak water turned into an ocean, he felt that in that ocean, he was like a "god" and had everything under control.


As the ocean grows larger, his control weakens.

See the end of Chen Zong's experiment.

"With 'Weak Water', you can advance and attack, retreat and defend. As for how to use it, I will give you a secret book through the virtual universe, so you can learn about it." The Lord of Chaos City said.

"Thank you, senior brother!" Chen Zong suppressed the excitement in his heart and saluted respectfully.


After Chen Zong asked the Lord of Chaos City for some advice on some cultivation problems, he was directly moved out of the "Chaos Ruins" by the Lord of Chaos City.

After returning to your residence.

Chen Zong landed in the virtual universe.

Virtual universe, Yuxiang Mountain, primitive zone.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, are you applying to send the nutritional cabin to Chaos City?" A clear and sweet voice came from the screen.

"Yes." Chen Zong sat at the desk and nodded, "Send the nutrition cabin as soon as possible."


Then the call was cut off.


Chen Zong can control the cosmic energy in the ancient god's space and pour it into his body, but this will take longer than using the nutrition cabin.

Shortly after.

The nutrition cabin was sent to Chaos City, and Chen Zong began to soak in the nutrition cabin.

A few months later.

  The hatch of the nutrition cabin opened and Chen Zong walked out.

Now, the Ancient God himself has been promoted to the ninth level of World Lord, and the World Tree clone in the Ancient God's space has also been promoted to the ninth level of World Lord.

"It's time to go to the battlefield outside the territory!" Chen Zong whispered.

Realm Lords must undergo life and death training. This is the tradition of Virtual Universe Company for hundreds of millions of years.

Even the direct disciples of the original ancestor cannot avoid it. There are two main ways of training in life and death.

One is in the "extraterritorial battlefield", and the other is in the "secret realm of the universe". Both of these places are very dangerous.

Like the battlefield outside the territory, it was a war between ethnic groups. There were countless strong aliens lurking inside, and the killings continued.

As for the secret realm of the universe, it is no worse than the battlefield outside the territory. In some dangerous secret realms of the universe, even the Lord of the Universe may fall!

Chen Zong went to the inner palace of the city lord's palace to say goodbye to the city lord of Chaos. The city lord of Chaos gave Chen Zong a golden token.

This golden token is made of C9 grade alloy, with faint carvings on it, vaguely like a city.

On the token, there is also the spiritual imprint of the Lord of Chaos City.

Once Chen Zong encounters fatal danger, he can destroy this token, and the Lord of Chaos City will know immediately and will come to rescue in a very short time!
  Summon Brother Chaos!

This can be regarded as Chen Zong’s strongest offensive trump card!

of course.

Chen Zong would not use it unless absolutely necessary.


Chen Zong then applied to leave!

There are often spaceships traveling between the Primitive Universe Chaos City and the Primitive Universe Virtual Universe Company headquarters through the "Cosmic Channel."

  Chen Zong took a step forward and appeared directly above Chaos City. A huge shuttle-shaped spaceship was parked in the sky.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, we are all ready." Standing at the door of the cabin was an immortal god in purple clothes, smiling enthusiastically.

"Well, let's go." Chen Zong smiled.

Later, Chen Zong flew into the spacecraft.

  The spacecraft hatch is closed.


The shuttle-shaped spacecraft started to fly towards the depths of the chaotic airflow.

Original universe, virtual universe company headquarters.

This is a vast continent with crisscrossed mountains, hanging waterfalls, and beautiful scenery. When you look up, you can see huge artificial planets, which is extremely spectacular.

At this time.


At the core of the headquarters continent, two tall gates opened automatically, revealing a gorgeous passage.

This is the cosmic channel, the channel connecting the "original universe" and the "initial universe".

I saw.

A shuttle-shaped spacecraft slowly flew out, then accelerated. After flying for several minutes, it finally landed on a lawn.


The hatch opened, Chen Zong stepped out and landed directly on the ground.

"Your Highness Chen Zong, if you walk along this way, you can quickly leave the headquarters." The host of the shuttle-shaped spaceship enthusiastically guided, "And along this passage, you will lead to the 'Space Channel No. 3 Distribution Group'."

"Well, thank you!" Chen Zong smiled and nodded.

Chen Zong walked towards the space channel No. 3 distribution group, and soon he walked out of this channel.


In front of him, 36 fixed space passages appeared. These space passages lead to 36 branches of the human territory.

The reason why these fixed space channels are created is because relying solely on "Divine Teleportation" consumes too much energy.

This fixed space channel uses a fixed "Kingdom of God" as a transfer station to connect the headquarters and many branches. Many immortal gods pass through, which dilutes the cost because of the large volume.

The cost is low, so the fees spent by people using these fixed channels are relatively reduced.


Even if he could teleport from the Kingdom of God, he would rather go to other places through this space channel.

"His Royal Highness Chen Zong?"

A red-skinned man wearing very exquisite clothes walked from a distance, and his whole body was filled with the aura of endless powerful laws.

Generally speaking.

Immortal gods are rarely left to do chores.

Moreover, most of the surrounding service personnel are world lords and domain lords.

Therefore, this immortal god should be a leader here.

"Your Highness has applied to go to Branch No. 9. We have already received the news, so I, Castels, am waiting for Your Highness here. Your Highness, please come with me." The red-skinned man said with a smile.

"Thank you." Chen Zong smiled.

Before Chen Zong left Chaos City, he had purchased more Zerg corpse units and was about to get them now.

Branch No. 9 is the closest place to the Wulong Star Territory.

 Thanks to the book friend Sui Yuan 1994 for the 600 starting coins

  There are two more updates tonight
  (End of this chapter)

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