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Chapter 175 Going to the battlefield

Chapter 175 Going to the battlefield

The bird star.

"The authority granting ceremony is over." The Immortal God's voice suddenly became much louder, echoing over the concentrated area.

"Follow me all. We will collectively transport you to the battlefield outside the territory later."

"In this ethnic war, there are so many warriors participating in the war, so there are eleven battlefields in total, all of which are outside our human territory, so they are called extraterritorial battlefields. You are going to the seventh battlefield."

"Let's go!" the immortal god ordered.


Tens of thousands of mighty cosmic warriors followed the immortal god and after a while, they arrived at a huge hall with a diameter of thousands of miles.

In the hall, there are 11 huge space water curtain-like passages. Each water curtain is one kilometer wide and one kilometer high.


Chen Zong and the others stopped in front of one of the huge space water curtains.

"This is the space passage leading to the seventh battlefield." The Immortal God pointed at the water curtain in front of him and said.

"The seventh battlefield is a cosmic secret realm with a maximum diameter of about 110 million light-years. Of course, after hundreds of millions of years of killing, the danger of this cosmic secret realm itself has been weakened to the extreme. The main threat comes from alien enemies."

"There are a hundred barracks bases in the seventh battlefield. The one you are teleporting to now is base 026."

Followed by.

As the realm master and general, Chen Zong was the first to walk in, and the other realm masters also stepped in. Soon, tens of thousands of space warriors all entered.

This transmission channel, like the fixed channel at the Virtual Universe Company's headquarters, uses the Kingdom of God as the transfer station.

After Chen Zong and the others arrived at the transfer station of the Kingdom of God, they entered the space channel again, and then were directly teleported to the No. 026 Barracks Base in the seventh battlefield outside the human territory.

Barracks Base No. 026.

"Haha, the new recruits are here."

"There are new recruits."

"Quick, quick, quick, don't even sleep, hurry up and do things."

Shouts sounded one after another.

As soon as he came out of the space passage, Chen Zong saw a dozen soldiers wearing white armor. They looked at Chen Zong and others with warm and friendly eyes.

at this time.

There was also an immortal god with a faint electric snake in his eyes and white hair and white robes. He smiled and said: "Recruits, welcome to the seventh battlefield's '026' barracks base. All the world masters will follow him. Lord, all of you should follow this little guy, and all universe-level people should follow this little girl."

The white-haired immortal god quickly appointed three leaders.

The places the Universe Level, Territory Lord, and Realm Lord are going to are different, so they will go along three different passages.

"Dear World Lords, ahead is the World Lord's camp." The leader of the World Lord's passage said.

Shortly after.

Chen Zong and the others arrived at an elegantly decorated hall. There were tens of millions of seats in the hall. At a glance, it was roughly estimated that there must be hundreds of thousands of world masters sitting here.

"Wow, why are there so many realm masters here?" Among the recruits, a sturdy werewolf elite realm master looked shocked.

He knew very well that the number of world masters in the universe country where he was located was only a few million.

Moreover, most of them are not willing to come to this foreign battlefield.

and so.

In his opinion, the number of World Lords in this base should only be tens of thousands, or at most hundreds of thousands, not so many.

But now, what he sees is hundreds of thousands, and if you include those fighting outside, there may be millions.

How could there be so many?

The other Realm Lord recruits were equally shocked and confused.

of course.

This does not include Chen Zong.


Chen Zong knew that in the original universe, according to the living environment, human beings could be divided into human beings in the kingdom of God, human beings in the secret realm of the universe, and human beings in the universal kingdom.

The "population" of humans in the universe is not large.

One of those super-large continents in the secret realm of the universe is comparable to a cosmic country, such as the Xueluo Continent.

In a cosmic secret realm, tens of thousands of continents can be easily built, and the number of humans living in them is countless times greater than the number of humans in the universe country.

Moreover, the "god kingdom" of the immortal gods is also extremely vast, and there are also a large number of human beings living in it.

and so.

It is possible that the number of realm lords among humans is hundreds of times greater than the number of realm lords in the universe.

At this time.

"Hey!" the leader shouted loudly, "The new recruits are here, and there is a 'World Lord War General' among these recruits. If you want something, hurry up, haha..."

After the leader finished speaking, he turned around and left.

"Common Realm Lord?"

"What, there is actually a realm master general?"


Tens of thousands of Realm Lords ran over. When these Realm Lord soldiers got close to each other, the intelligent optical brains they carried would prompt each other for permission.

and so.

The eyes of the tens of thousands of Realm Lord veterans instantly fell on Chen Zong.

"Join our elite team. Our elite team is led by immortal gods. It will gain more military honors and have a higher chance of surviving danger."

"Our team is stronger."

"Our elite team not only has immortal gods, but the rest of the members are experienced realm masters. It is absolutely right to choose us."

These Realm Lord veterans were scrambling to invite Chen Zong and didn't even bother to pay attention to the other 99 Realm Lord recruits.

After a while.

At a dining table in the camp, Chen Zong was chatting with an immortal god wearing a blue armor.

This immortal god is a beetle star with a pair of jet black horns on his head. His name is Black. He has been on the battlefield outside the territory for hundreds of thousands of years and has rich experience in leading teams.

"Our elite Realm Master team includes me, a total of seven people. I am an immortal god, and the other six people under my command are all top Realm Master generals. Two of them are warriors, two are controllers, one is an illusionist, and one is a magician. My name is pharmacist." Blake introduced the team's situation to Chen Zong.

"Moreover, there are two realm master generals among them who have immortal god fighting power."    "With me, my team has three immortal level fighting power."

"Boundary lord teams like ours are definitely among the best. You will definitely not be disappointed if you join."

  There are actually two realm master generals with immortal-level combat power?

Hearing this, Chen Zong was a little surprised.

In the extraterrestrial battlefield, there are many realm master generals, but there are far fewer who can possess immortal-level combat power.

Many realm master teams do not have such top realm master warriors.

"Yeah, sure." Chen Zong nodded, he was very satisfied with this elite team.

"Haha, okay." Immortal God Blake looked very happy. Then, he waved his hand, and not far away, six figures stood up and walked towards here.

"Hey, captain, have you got it?" A beautiful woman with fair skin, black hair and a white shirt asked Blake, but her eyes were looking at Chen Zong and she smiled.

"Daogu, this is Bai Feng, the illusionist of our team." Blake smiled and introduced the identity of the speaking woman to Chen Zong.

Daogu, this is the code name Chen Zong gave himself!

"Hello." Chen Zong looked at Bai Feng and nodded.

"Welcome to join our team!" Bai Feng welcomed with a smile.

"Hello, Daogu, I am Jushi, a warrior, and a realm master general." Next to him, a five-meter-tall strong man with explosive muscles introduced himself.

"Hello, I am Fist, a warrior, the world's main general. Hehe, I am the second most powerful in the team." A strong man with six arms and a glove on each hand , chuckled.

"You're second? Fart, I'm ranked second." A beautiful young man entangled in green mist glanced at the six-armed man and retorted.


The beautiful young man looked at Chen Zong and said with a smile: "Hello, I am a pharmacist, a pharmacist, the world master general, and the second most powerful expert in the team."

The pharmacist can defeat the weak and the strong, and is the most important opponent that cannot be underestimated.

Even if an immortal god faces a pharmacist, he must be careful.

Because the combat effectiveness of "pharmacists" mainly depends on their potions.

"Um, hello." Chen Zong looked at the two of them and found them quite interesting.

"Haha, Daogu, the two of them like to fight over this, and you will get used to it in the future." Black laughed, "By the way, Medicine Master and Fist are the realm master generals in our team who have immortal-level combat power. "

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded.

"The two of them are the leaders of the team, namely Jinlun and Bingjing." Blake introduced the last two people in the team to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong looked over and saw that Jin Lun was a dragon man with golden scales and golden dragon horns; while Bing Jing was a dream snail with a pair of wings on his back and a crystal between his eyebrows. The tribesmen look very aloof.

"Hello." Chen Zong smiled.

"Hello." Jinlun and Bingjing responded with smiles.

"Come on, let's toast to Daogu's joining." Captain Black raised his glass.

Everyone, including Chen Zong, raised their glasses.


Everyone drank it all!


After Chen Zong submitted his application, he joined the world master team numbered 026-2089696.

In this way, Chen Zong officially joined Team Black.

In the following days, as a new recruit, Chen Zong often listened to the experience and guidance of veterans. Although he was powerful and had a profound background, he still listened carefully.

after all.

These are veterans. The experience gained from countless battles on the battlefield is still very useful for Chen Zong who has just entered the battlefield outside the territory.

Ten days later.

This "Boundary Lord Team", which has attracted new recruits and has been partially expanded, is finally going to the battlefield.

A hall with a diameter of more than 30,000 kilometers.

"A lot of people!"

"So many ships."

Many people looked at the scene in front of them in amazement. Such a huge hall is enough to accommodate the gathering of billions of space warriors!
  "There must be millions of people."

"Well, absolutely."

"Thousands of spaceships are queuing up ahead."

"Let's hurry over and line up, otherwise, the position will be occupied by other teams."

I saw.

Spaceships parked in the hall one after another in order. Some of these spaceships are thousands of meters in diameter, and some are only a hundred meters in diameter.

"Let's get on the spaceship." Captain Black shouted, and at the same time, he quickly released a shuttle-shaped spaceship with a diameter of 100 meters from the world ring he carried.

The spaceship appeared out of thin air in the hall.

The material of this spaceship is E9 grade alloy.

Chen Zong and the other team members followed Captain Black and entered the spacecraft.

Wow, the hatch is closed!


Chen Zong and the others arrived at the lounge of the spaceship. The lounge was a house about 20 meters in diameter and 10 meters high, with a total space of 400 square meters. The team of only eight members was not crowded here at all.

Moreover, Chen Zong also discovered that the walls of this lounge seemed different.

It is an F9 grade metal gold rock ore mother.

Chen Zong recognized it.

This is a lounge made entirely of F9 gold rock ore mother. Sure enough, in extraterrestrial battlefields, the immortal gods who cannot afford an F-class spaceship will buy a cabin made of F-class metal.

This is indeed safer!

Shortly after.

The spaceship started, entered the passage, left the barracks base, and entered the battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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