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Chapter 178 God’s Death

Chapter 178 God’s Death

In the void, countless thunderbolts like silver snakes merged to form a huge thunder and lightning network, surrounding Chen Zong and the others.


In the Thunder Network, there are more than a dozen mechanical puppet legions, each with more than 100,000 mechanical puppets.

These mechanical puppets are all silver robots about twelve meters tall. Each of them carries a heavy alloy sword on their back. At the same time, there are traces of electric snakes flowing on the surface of their alloy bodies. Countless electric snakes in the entire "Thunder and Lightning Prison" When the snake touches them, it has no effect at all.

Not only that.

The mechanical puppets in each legion are connected to each other with thunder and lightning as a link to form a formation, and their bodies emit thunder and lightning light that is more dazzling than the "Thunder and Lightning Prison".

  In front of the mechanical puppet army are all F8 level mechanical puppets, with tens of thousands in total.

All the lightning energy in the formation gathered towards these F8-level mechanical puppets. Each F8-level mechanical puppet was surrounded by streaks of thunder that contained the laws of thunder and lightning.

Far away.

In a cabin of a broken, broken spaceship.

The three mechanical immortals looked at the screen in front of them with satisfied smiles on their faces.

"Haha, Bu Liga and Mirko, it's our first time to cooperate and we can have the peak of the Immortal War Lord as a test subject. We are really lucky." A man wearing a dark red armor with six mechanical arms The immortal mechanical race looked at the virtual screen in front of him and laughed.

"It would be better if he were a junior immortal named Marquis." The immortal mechanical race known as Bu Liga has a round head and is very cute, but his eyes are filled with murderous intent.

"Yes." The other one, Mirko with a pair of scarlet eyes, nodded.

"The purpose of our cooperation is to kill foreign feudal lords and obtain more and better trophies."

"However, judging from the combat power displayed by this human immortal, it is comparable to that of a feudal lord."

"I hope that the treasures on his body can rival those of the feudal lords!"

"It doesn't matter, this is just a test. When we are almost in tune, we will go to Jinsha Island. The foreign princes there are our goals." The mechanical race in crimson armor said with an immortal smile.

"Yes!" Bu Liga and Mirko nodded. At the same time, their eyes looked into the distance, showing expectation.

They come to the battlefield outside the territory to be granted the title of marquis or king.

Being granted the title of marquis or king can enhance their status in the clan and allow them to have more authority.

If you want to become a lord or king, in addition to understanding the difficult original laws, there is also a shortcut, which is to earn enough money.

As long as they make enough money, they can buy more and better equipment and improve their strength.

As your strength increases, you can make more money.

In this way, a virtuous cycle can be formed.

"Ha, you still want to escape?" Bu Liga saw several humans on the screen attacking the same point, and sneered, his eyes filled with contempt.

"Start Plan A6!" Mirko said next to him.

In the lightning prison.

Chen Zong slashed out with his sword, and the sword light, captain Black, and the attacks of the fist and the pharmacist merged together, and a huge hole was opened in the lightning prison in front of him.


Many mechanical puppets exploded in this attack, or became fragments and shot into the distance.

"Quick, get out." Blake shouted loudly.


Everyone flew towards the gap. However, the formation of the surrounding mechanical puppets suddenly changed, and a powerful electric current burst out, filling the gap in an instant.


Tens of thousands of F8-level mechanical puppets flew from the front right and left, surrounding Black.

Chen Zong and the others were also blocked by many F8-level mechanical puppets.

"Daogu, my illusions are useless against these mechanical puppets. Everything depends on you." Beside Chen Zong, the illusionist Bai Feng said helplessly.

Mechanical puppets have no souls, and only intelligent programs control their actions. Illusions are useless to them.

and so.

Bai Feng followed Chen Zong under the arrangement of the captain.

after all.

Chen Zong has a military merit quota of 10 billion, but it is obvious that he has the strength to directly compete with ordinary immortal gods, stronger than fists and pharmacists. The task of protecting the team Bai Feng is naturally undertaken by Chen Zong.

"Yeah!" Chen Zong nodded slightly.


Chen Zong's attention was not on the rushing mechanical puppet, but on the distant place.

"Weiss, can you detect the location of the Immortal Machine Tribe?" Chen Zong used his consciousness to communicate with Weiss.

On the battlefield outside the territory, a good detector is very important. A good detector can detect the opponent and prevent the opponent from finding itself.

Detectors are generally divided into two types.

One is a large detector with an ultra-large range. The general detection radius is 1 million kilometers, 3 million kilometers, and 10 billion kilometers. It can detect spacecraft from long distances, detect opponents in advance, and is easier to deploy. However, the small-scale detection effect is very average. .

One is a small detector with an ultra-small range. The general detection radius is 10 kilometers, 20 kilometers, and 100 kilometers. It is easier to detect in a small range. Because the detection range is small, it can be detected at a higher level.

Even if a large detection instrument cannot detect a small detector, it will be known in advance

Before coming to the overseas battlefield, Chen Zong purchased one large and one small detector, which was very suitable for use in the overseas battlefield.

One is a large detector with a detection radius of 1 million kilometers, and the other is a small detector with a detection radius of 100 kilometers.

in fact.

Chen Zong also wanted to buy a better one, but he didn't have so many points.

just now.

Chen Zongzheng asked Weiss to use a large detector to detect the opponent's location.

"Haha, Master, when the mechanical puppet army changed formation just now, I detected a weak signal in the area 60 million kilometers away!" In the virtual space, Weiss was very happy, "The mechanical race is immortal, for sure Right there.”


"Only when I get closer can I accurately locate it."

"Weiss, good job!" Chen Zong praised.


"You come to my world ring first." Chen Zong looked at Bai Feng.

"Yeah!" Bai Feng nodded.

  Bai Feng was taken into the World Ring. At the same time, Chen Zong transmitted a message to the others, and then slashed out with his sword, splitting a passage, coming to the ice crystal, golden wheel, and boulder, and taking them into the World Ring.

The strength of these people is a bit weak and they cannot survive in this encirclement.

"Captain, Fist, Medicine Master, you hold back the mechanical puppet army, and I will deal with the mechanical immortals." Chen Zong said in a message.

"You discovered that the mechanical race is immortal?" Captain Black replied, "Wait a minute, you said you were going to solve the mechanical race's immortality?"

Blake looked surprised.

After so many years of fighting in the battlefield outside the territory, he knew very well that the mechanical tribe that could arrange such a formation was either a feudal lord or the cooperation of several immortal military leaders for a long time.

As for Daogu, even if a realm master and general is powerful, he can't compete with a feudal lord or several immortal military masters, right?
  "Yes, my detector has discovered them." After Chen Zong finished speaking, a sword light lit up, splitting a hole in the "Thunder Prison".

  Chen Zong turned into a stream of light and rushed out before the gap was closed again.

"So strong." Blake was shocked when he saw Chen Zong split open the "Thunder Prison" by himself, and the instantaneous explosion speed was so fast that people couldn't react.


A glimmer of hope arose in his heart!
  "Fist, Medicine Master, don't seek to kill the enemy, just hold them back, create opportunities for Daogu, and protect yourself at the same time." Black transmitted the message, "Moreover, there are already two teams coming here."

"Yes, Captain." The two nodded.

Far away.

In the broken spaceship, the three immortals of the mechanical race were a little surprised to see Chen Zong break through the blockade.

"How is it possible that a mere realm master has such strength?" Bu Liga said in shock, and then his eyes shone brightly, "A human genius, definitely a human genius."

"Hahaha, there are special rewards for killing alien geniuses."

"Quickly, find him and kill him."

Just now, Chen Zong broke through the blockade, and they lost track of Chen Zong.

"His detector is of a very high level, and my detector cannot detect him." Mirko rolled his eyes and looked at another mechanical race, "Farrell, your detector is higher than ours, but he can be found." ?”

"Well, I found it. He is flying towards us." Farrell, who has six robotic arms, smiled and said, "Haha, he came to the door automatically."

"It will save us the trouble of finding him!"

"Well, this human genius will be solved by me personally. The special reward will be mine. Of course, I will also give you enough benefits."

"Okay!" Bu Liga and Mirko looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

The strongest among them is Farrell, who is comparable to the immortal lord, and Farrell is also the head coach in the cooperation plan. Plus.

They also want to follow Farrell to deal with foreign feudal lords and gain benefits.

It is not unacceptable to give this special reward to Farrell, and Farrell also promised to provide certain compensation.

It’s even better!

"You are in control of the formation over there. I'll go out first." After Farrell finished speaking, he flew out of the broken spacecraft and flew towards Chen Zong.

In the void.

"Huh? No longer hiding?" Chen Zong noticed the movement in the distance and discovered the Immortal of the Mechanical Clan.

"Well done!"


Chen Zong, the ancient god himself, has 1103 times the life gene level, plus the 60 times physical amplitude of the "Ancient God Technique", which means he has more than 6 times the power of the world master.

To know.

After reaching its peak, the immortal divine body of the human king will have 10 times the power of the world lord.

Rounding things off, Chen Zong is already close to the peak of becoming a king.

At this time.

The field of lightning law erupted from Farrell, instantly covering the area where Chen Zong was.


On each of Farrell's six arms, a giant sword wrapped with the power of the law of lightning appeared, striking at Chen Zong.

"Human genius, in order to thank you for giving me a special reward, I will let you die a happy death." Farrell thanked you, but he showed no mercy in his hands.

The thunder light emitted by the six giant swords merged together to form a more powerful thunder snake, resembling a thunder snake.

The thunder snake opened its mouth and bit directly at Chen Zong.


Are you going to compete with me?

Chen Zong smiled slightly, and in an instant, the projection of the world with a range of tens of thousands of kilometers was condensed, crushing the field of thunder and lightning law, and at the same time, the sword rose.

"The Ten Thousand Shadows Tianshu Sword returns to the sect!"

If this mechanical immortal had not appeared, Chen Zong would have definitely used "One Sword for Ten Thousand Life" to sweep aside this area.


The opponent can even be seen with the naked eye, and since the captain and the others are still trapped, they naturally have to fight quickly.

"How can the human realm master's world projection be so powerful?" Farrell looked shocked, then laughed, "Haha, the stronger you are, the richer the special rewards will be."

"Although you can defeat the Law Domain, can you still block my 'Razer'?"


Before the smile on Farrell's face fully bloomed, his Razer was struck by a sword light directly along the snake's mouth, piercing the entire snake body, and collapsed suddenly.

What shocked him even more was that the sword light was still stabbing towards him.


Farrell felt that the surrounding cosmic space was pressing towards him, making it difficult to even swing the giant sword.

not good!

"Buliga, Mirko, come and save me!" Farrell was shocked and immediately shouted to his teammates hiding in the broken spacecraft.

In the broken spaceship.

While Bu Liga and Mirko controlled the mechanical puppet army, they also focused on Farrell.

Seeing Farrell perform his famous killing move "Razer" as soon as he arrived, I felt that it was "killing a chicken with a bull's-eye".


Followed by.

They heard Farrell calling for help.

"Damn, this human genius is so strong." Bu Liga cursed, "Is this a core member of the five major human forces?"

"Do you want to go to the rescue?" Mirko asked next to him.

"Help me, you and I are going up there to deliver food. Let's run away while the human genius is being held back by Farrell." After Bu Liga finished speaking, he immediately flew out of the spacecraft and ran towards the distance. "At the same time, the information of human genius is transmitted to the virtual network."

Aliens also have virtual networks, but their virtual networks are completely incomparable to the human virtual universe.

Mirko also ran away.

In the distance, when he saw two teammates escaping, Farrell was stunned and then yelled.


All this ended when the sword light penetrated Farrell's body.

"There are actually two mechanical immortals." Chen Zong was slightly surprised.


  A figure exuding endless evil energy appeared next to Chen Zong, it was the demon dragon clone.

The two mechanical immortals fled separately. Normally, Chen Zong could only chase and kill one of them, but he had a clone.

  The main body and the clones each chase one.

"Damn it, why didn't you go after Mirko and come after me?" Bu Liga's expression changed, and his heart was filled with despair. He was not even as good as Farrell, how could he be a match for human geniuses.


The only thing that comforted him was that he had informed his fellow tribesmen and allies about the appearance and location of the human realm master.

Not a moment.

Bu Li Ga was overtaken by Chen Zong and died by the sword.

the other side.

Mirko saw the 10,000-meter-long black dragon behind him, exuding a monstrous evil spirit that seemed to make the void go crazy. The program almost collapsed and the circuit almost short-circuited.

"What is this?" Mirko was shocked.

Special life forms are generally known very little by immortal experts, even if they are immortals who are among the six peak tribes.


Mirko did not recognize the identity of the dragon clone.

However, before Mirko could react, a huge fireball burning with black flames engulfed him, and the divine body was burned up in the blink of an eye!
  This is the end.

The three major mechanical clans were immortal and all perished.

Chen Zong and the Demonic Dragon Clone collected the loot. Then, the Demonic Dragon Clone returned to the Ancient God Space, while Chen Zong flew towards Captain Blake and the others.

far away.

Since all the owners of the "Thunder and Lightning Prison" were dead and no one was controlling them, they were immediately silenced and no longer attacked.

"This is." Blake blasted hundreds of F8-level mechanical puppets away, then noticed the changes and showed doubts. Then, he thought of something, "Did Daogu really kill the immortal of the mechanical race?"


Blake was shocked!
  "Captain, what's going on?" The bloody fist came to Blake and asked doubtfully.

"Daogu must have succeeded!" The handsome young pharmacist, who was in a state of embarrassment, also came to Blake.


They turned their heads at the same time and looked into the void in the distance. A figure flew towards them quickly, it was Chen Zong.

"Captain, Medicine Master, Fist, thank you for containing the puppet army, otherwise, it would be difficult for me to kill the mechanical immortal." Chen Zong said with a smile.

"Daogu, thank you!" Blake thanked him. "Without you, maybe we would all have to be here."

"Yes, thank you very much, Daogu!" Yao Shi and Fist also thanked him.

"We are teammates, there is nothing to thank you for." Chen Zong smiled slightly, then looked at the mechanical puppet army floating in the void, "These are good things, take them away quickly and leave here."

"Yes!" Blake nodded, and then sent the news that the battle was over to the allied troops who came over, and thanked them.


They collected the loot, and Blake took out a C9-class spaceship. Everyone flew in, and then left here, flying towards the original target "Broken Star Belt".

 Thanks to book friend Qi You for the 1500 starting coins.

  PS1: Hey, the data is not good, there must be something wrong with the plot, so I am analyzing and polishing the plot, so I am late today, I am really sorry.

  PS2: The cumulative reward is 10000 starting coins, and from last month to now, the number of monthly votes has accumulated to 389, and four chapters will be added (these four chapters, 2 chapters tomorrow, 2 chapters the day after tomorrow)
  (End of this chapter)

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