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Chapter 187 A unique skill created every year!

Chapter 187 A unique skill created over a thousand years!
  Virtual universe, training ground.

It only took Chen Zong ten days to defeat the first 500 opponents.

Although it is very easy, after every battle, Chen Zong will reflect on, study, and improve the secret method.

Moreover, although only ten days have passed in the virtual universe, nearly three years have passed in the confined space.

In three years, Chen Zong clearly understood that although he had created three top secret techniques, his understanding of the top secret techniques was still slightly insufficient.


Chen Zong began to kill them one by one.

In the first year of the training ground, 1 years have passed in the confined space.

at this time.

In the starry sky where the training ground was transformed, Chen Zong slashed out with his sword. In an instant, a magnificent sword energy appeared out of thin air, then jumped into the void and stabbed directly into the forehead of the King-immortal-level Flame Star behemoth.


The sword energy was sharp, breaking through the defense of the Flame Star behemoth, and the thousandth opponent finally fell to Chen Zong's sword.

In other words, this sword is already at the peak secret level.

Thunder Island.

In the highest temple, chaotic air flow filled the air. The Chaos City Lord looked into the distance, as if he saw Chen Zong's performance on the training ground.

"Huh? Created a peak secret method so quickly?" Chaos City Lord was surprised.

"Before, from my junior brother's questions, I also judged that it would take about one or two hundred years for my junior brother to be able to create a peak-level secret technique."

"And now, it's only been a year!"

"Is my vision worse, or is my junior brother too unexpected?"

The time taken was so different from the predicted time that the Lord of Chaos City suddenly became unconfident.

Yanji Continent, a confined space.

"Ha, with the help of Senior Brother Chaos, it took me 100 years to finally create the 'One and Only Heavenly Sword' based on the 'Ten Thousand Shadows Tianshu Sword Returns to the Sect'." Chen Zong showed joy on his face.

Compared with the ‘Ten Thousand Shadows Tianshu Sword Returns to the Sect’, ‘The Only Heavenly Sword’ lacks the process of integrating ten thousand swords into one.

Once out, there are ten thousand swords!

The unique Heavenly Sword has a faster casting speed and the ability to shuttle through space at fixed points, making it difficult for opponents to guard against.

Unless one is able to perform "teleportation" based on the understanding of the original laws of space, otherwise, one can only resist "The Only One" of Heavenly Sword.

"Continue!" Chen Zong began to analyze sword moves again.

Next opponent.

Each one is more difficult to fight than the previous one. Even if Chen Zong uses "The Only Heavenly Sword", sometimes he cannot kill his opponent.

He continues to work hard and research!
  Ten years have passed in the virtual universe, and Chen Zong has also stayed in a closed space with a hundred times the speed of time for 10 years.

In the simulation scene of the training ground.

On a deserted planet, countless green lines flickered within tens of thousands of kilometers, almost surrounding the entire planet. At the same time, countless puppets controlled by the green lines were killing Chen Zong in the void.


With Chen Zong as the center, countless sword lights appeared out of thin air around them. In an instant, the desolate planet turned into dust directly under the sword light, and those green threads and puppets were all strangled by the sword light.

This is the 1600th opponent - the rare life form in the universe, the "Green Thread Devouring Insect".

The Green Thread Devouring Insect can have thousands of clones, can be rooted in the planet, and can control life puppets. In order to increase the difficulty, this Green Thread Devouring Insect has tens of thousands of various puppets.

And just now, the countless sword lights that killed the Green Line Devouring Insect were Chen Zong's second peak secret technique - "Sword World".

The sword world is a combination of the top secret method "Twisted Realm" and "One Sword Ten Thousand Lives", and the maximum range it can cover is the same as the diameter of Chen Zong's inner world, which is 9000 million kilometers. Possess powerful space binding ability.


Once the sword world is deployed, Chen Zong can make the sword world filled with sword energy with just one thought.

of course.

The larger the coverage area, the weaker the space binding ability and the lower the power of the sword energy.

If the coverage area of ​​the Sword Realm is within 10,000 kilometers, even if the Feng Wang who is able to "teleport" is trapped by the Sword Realm, it will take some time to break through the space constraints and then be able to perform "teleportation".

Yan sacrifices to the mainland.

The Demon Dragon galloped through the sky.

Inside the spaceship.

"Master, there is a foreign team 6 million kilometers ahead. The leader is a high-ranking feudal lord, and the remaining tens of thousands of foreigners are world lords, domain lords, and cosmic-level ones." Weiss's voice rang.

"The title of Marquis is high, that's great." The demon dragon clone's eyes lit up.

The peak secret technique "Sword World" that has just been created has not yet been tested, but a target is coming to your door right away.

Ten years ago.

The first move "Heavenly Sword Only" was created. With this move, the demon dragon clone killed the feudal lord Immortal and became famous on the Yanji Continent.

Because "The Only Heavenly Sword" is powerful and can travel through the universe, its attacks are extremely strange. Therefore, the demon dragon clone is called the "Master of the Strange Sword Realm".

just now.

Many alien immortals are looking for traces of the demon dragon's clone.

after all.

This is the genius of the human world master. With such strength, he is definitely a super genius of the five major human forces. If he can kill him, he will receive special rewards.

Just a year ago.

The demon dragon clone actually encountered the alien king Immortal. Fortunately, Mother Queen Irina had already cultivated the million-king Tiger Beetle Zerg and the million-king Golden Moth Zerg. When the foreign king saw the millions of Zerg warriors, he turned around and ran away. at this time.

"Go, stop them." The demon dragon clone ordered.

"Yes, Master."


The Demonic Dragon cut through the void.

Soon, traces of the demon dragon's clone were also discovered on the alien side.

  The demon dragon clone carried the pitch-black immortal-level sword on its back, exited the demon dragon, put it away smoothly, and appeared in front of the alien immortal team.

At the front of the team is the alien lord High Immortal.

This Fenghou alien is more than twenty meters tall. His upper body is similar to a human body, and his lower body is a reptile body. He has six thick hooves and claws, and a fiery red scale tail. His whole body, including his upper body, is covered with fiery red scales.

"Huh? Master of the Secret Sword Realm?" The scale-armored alien prince recognized the demon dragon clone.

"Hahaha, you can't find anything even if you wear iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it. I didn't go to you, but you actually delivered it to my door in person."

"Children, set up your formation!"

The scale-armored alien knew that the Master of the Sword Realm in front of him had killed the Immortal Lord, and his strength should not be underestimated, so he was not reckless.


Tens of thousands of foreign soldiers formed military formations in the blink of an eye.


The sky and the earth darkened, day turned into night, and the alien soldiers instantly fell into chaos.

"Why is it dark?"

"What's happening here?"

"Lexa, Anila, where are you people?"

The alien soldiers could neither hear nor see their teammates.

The scale-armored Marquis in front of the team looked shocked because he couldn't see or hear either.


The fiery red Law Domain unfolded, and the Scaled Marquis regained his vision and heard the voices of the sergeants within the coverage of the Law Domain.

"Where is the Master of the Crafty Sword Realm?" The scale-armored Marquis looked around, but did not see the figure of the demon dragon clone.


Countless sword energy appeared out of thin air.



"Bang bang bang~"

In less than a second, tens of thousands of alien soldiers were all stabbed into their bodies by sword energy, and then exploded to death.

The scale-armored prince is immortal, and there are tens of thousands of sword auras appearing around him.

"Fire Burning Sky!" Scale Armor Immortal shouted angrily, and blasted out his hands. Suddenly, his surroundings became a sea of ​​fire.

Raging flames burned in the void.


As soon as this sea of ​​fire appeared, it was cut by countless sword energies, turned into countless fragments, and completely collapsed.

Followed by.

These sword energies broke through the scale-armored prince's defense and poured into his body.


A solid sword light, majestic and powerful, fell from the sky and reflected in the immortal pupils of the scales.

"Is this a sneaky sword?" Scale Armor Immortal looked shocked.

How can this be?

A few years ago, he learned from his friends that the crafty sword of the realm master of the Crafty Sword could only kill the junior feudal lords at most, and did not pose much of a threat to the senior feudal lords.


Now this sword energy can obviously kill himself, a high-ranking immortal.

just a few years
  The Master of the Crafty Sword Realm actually has such an improvement?

Little did the scale-armored feudal lord know that the outside world had only passed ten years, but in the confined space, Chen Zong had been studying it for thousands of years, and the power of "The Only Heavenly Sword" was naturally stronger than before.

If calculated based on killing trial opponents, it would be from 1000 to 1600, exceeding 600.

In the blink of an eye.

Before the scale-armored lord Immortal could figure it out, "The One and Only Heavenly Sword" directly split open his divine body. The power of annihilation instantly eroded the divine body, causing the immortal divine power to turn into nothingness one by one.

The divine body was completely annihilated, and the dead could no longer die.

at this time.

The demon dragon clone put away the "Sword World", and the sky became bright again.

"Haha!" The demon dragon clone laughed. With his own strength, he was finally able to kill the high-level feudal lord.

(End of this chapter)

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