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Chapter 189 Found you

Chapter 189 Found you
  Virtual universe, training ground.

  Chen Zong left the training ground, appeared in front of the highest temple on Thunder Island, and then strode into it.

"Senior brother." When he saw the Lord of Chaos City, Chen Zong smiled and saluted.

"Junior brother, are you not going to continue your adventure?" The Lord of Chaos City looked at Chen Zong curiously.

these fifty years.

He watched the process of his junior brother creating the peak secret technique.

The three secret techniques include those for killing the divine body and those for killing the soul. They are very complete.


Progress is visible to the naked eye!
  It has perfected the peak secret method to the extreme, and the next step is the ultimate secret method.

  The ultimate secret skill is very difficult to create, otherwise, the human race would not only have three top overlords.

It is normal for my junior brother to be extremely talented and to be able to create peak secret techniques during his time as a Realm Master.


This speed of creating the peak secret method is very abnormal and shocking!

after all.

Now, even if his disciple, Guiyi, has his own dedicated guidance just like his younger junior brother, Guiyi will not be able to create the same level of secret method in just 50 years.

"Have you obtained a treasure from before the Great Destruction, or have you entered a place where time flows faster, or have a treasure that speeds up the flow of time?" Looking at Chen Zong in front of him, the Lord of Chaos City secretly guessed.


No matter what it is, it is the fate of the younger junior brother. As long as it is beneficial to the human race, it is a good fate. He will not ask too much, nor will he care too much, and will let it go.

However, in his heart, he naturally hopes that his junior brother will obtain the treasures from before the Great Destruction Era.

in the hall.

"Brother, I feel that we have reached a bottleneck period. It is too difficult to make breakthroughs again!" Chen Zong shook his head, "The 2000th opponent will be saved for later."

But he knew his own situation. The insights accumulated from studying and comprehending other secret methods, as well as his own understanding of the law, could not support him in creating the ultimate secret method.


The time he spent was not 50 years, but a full 5000 years.

just now.

The confined space could no longer hold it any longer. Naturally, he could no longer stay in it. The benefits of the 100 times flow rate of time were about to disappear.

and so.

He no longer continues to spend a lot of time creating unique skills, but plans to complete the system tasks first, and of course, there is also the task given by Virtual Universe Company, which is 1000 trillion military merits.

"Yeah, that's okay." The Lord of Chaos City shook his head and smiled. He felt that his junior brother was too humble.

After Chen Zong asked the Lord of Chaos City some more questions, he exited the virtual universe.

Yanji Continent, confined space.

The entire space trembled one after another, like a dilapidated house with damaged foundations that might collapse at any time.

at this time.

"It's time to leave!" Chen Zong, who was sitting cross-legged on the stone pillar, opened his eyes. Two sword rays escaped from his eyes and struck the stone pillar. However, they did not leave any trace on the stone pillar.


He stood up, a bronze sword appearing in his hand.

"The One and Only Heavenly Sword!"

  A solid sword light stabbed into the void where the vortex was originally.

There was a pop.

A hole opened in the void, and Chen Zong's figure flashed through the space passage and appeared in Cangyue Lake.

He looked back and saw that the confined space that had lasted for several months suddenly collapsed.

"It's a pity that the square and those stone pillars are integrated with the sealed space and cannot be included in the world ring or the inner space." Chen Zong sighed.

"Huh? The dragon clone was ambushed!"

"He is a peak alien king."

Chen Zong's eyes lit up. He was at the peak of his title of king, and his military merit was exactly 1000 trillion, which was just enough to complete the mission.

Billions of kilometers away.

The millions of kilometers of time and space surrounding the demon dragon clone are blocked, making it impossible to teleport to escape or enter it.

"The powerful king who knows how to 'block'!" The demon dragon clone looked forward. Standing there was a foreigner with long purple hair on his body and a slender sword in his hand.

  In the vast sky, densely packed golden moth kings suddenly appeared, each exuding a fierce aura.

Any one of these golden moth realm lord kings is much stronger than ordinary realm lords.

And in the center of countless golden moth Zerg kings is the ferocious Zerg mother nest. To accurately control millions of Zerg, Irina cannot stay in the inner world.

Facing the powerful King of the King at close range, the attack of the Tiger Beetle King's Legion took too long, enough time for the alien King to kill Irina dozens of times.

so. The King of the Golden Moth Zerg, who is good at soul attacks, has a fast spell casting speed and can pose a threat to the king of the alien race.

All of a sudden.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

Millions of golden beams flew out of the sky, just like countless bolides streaking across the sky. As they flew, they gradually began to converge. After flying tens of thousands of kilometers, they directly converged into a heart-stopping rainbow light.

The universe is extremely fragile in front of this rainbow light, constantly collapsing and shattering.

Arriving in a blink of an eye, they blasted towards the alien clan of purple-haired kings.


This purple-haired king alien had already dodged before the attack came, but it was still affected a little, causing him to lose 2% of his divine body.

"It is indeed an army of millions of Zerg kings. Even though we were prepared, we were still a step too late." The purple-haired king foreigner sighed.

After learning about the Zerg's bounty order, he rushed to the Yanji Continent and obtained information about the strength and methods of the Lord of the Sword Realm from the Zerg.

Corresponding strategies have also been prepared.

Followed by.

The sword in the hand of the purple-haired alien king glowed brightly. He took one step and slashed at the demon dragon clone among the insects.

The demon dragon clone immediately put away the million-gold moth Zerg king, and then used "The Only Heavenly Sword" to face the light of the sword.


The solid sword light blocked the sword light for a while, but it was still defeated and collapsed.

Then, the sword light struck directly on the demon dragon clone.

The majestic immortal power was weakened by 90% by the black armor worn by the demon dragon clone, and the remaining 10% was completely absorbed by a purple-red armor.

This black battle armor was the battle armor owned by the ancient lords of the Ancient Spirit Clan. The ancient god himself owned the ancient god armor, so this battle armor was used by the demon dragon clone.

The purple-red shirt was transformed from the nebula.

Immortal-level Nebula's strength is already at the peak of Kingship, and the changed shirt can weaken nearly 50% of the attacks at Kingpin Peak.

"Huh?" Seeing that the demon dragon clone was safe and sound, the purple-haired king foreigner looked shocked.

"The battle armor, it was definitely the battle armor that weakened my attack and saved the Master of the Crafty Sword Realm!"

"That's great. I didn't expect that the Master of the Secret Sword Realm would have such a treasure."

"Killing him will not only get 500 billion Hunyuan, but also a treasure armor."

The purple-haired foreign king's eyes lit up, his speed suddenly exploded, and he appeared directly in front of the demon dragon clone. The slender sword in his hand was several times stronger than before.

"Go to hell!" The purple-haired king alien race's eyes showed joy.

Cut off with the sword.


A figure appeared in front of the demon dragon clone, and immediately, the surrounding turned into an endless blue ocean. The blockade of the purple-haired king alien race was directly broken, but the space was still blocked.


The person in charge of the blockade became Chen Zong.


Between the purple-haired king alien tribe and Chen Zong, a blue water barrier appeared out of thin air, blocking the purple-haired king alien tribe's killing move.


Dense chains of time and space surrounded the alien race of the Purple-haired King.

"Impossible!" The purple-haired king foreigner said angrily, "I have sealed the space, how could you teleport in?"

Being able to suddenly appear in front of him, he couldn't think of anything else but "teleportation".


This is simply impossible!
  Once the space blockade is released, can you still "teleport"?
  In another place, over a lake only 8 million kilometers away from Chen Zong.

A biological spacecraft passed quickly.

Inside the spaceship.

A scaly man ten meters tall, with four arms and a thick tail, sat on the seat in the control room.


"Huh? The Sky Flame Token finally responded." The scaled man's face showed joy, and in his hand was a fiery red token covered with flame moiré patterns.

"And it's not far away!"

"After searching for so many years, I finally found you."


He flew out of the biological spaceship, put it away, and then disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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