Chapter 191 1 to 18 (monthly ticket plus 34 updates)

Yan sacrifices to the mainland.

"Hey, what a pity, we let him use 'Teleport' to escape." Chen Zong shook his head as he looked at the disappeared man with four arms and scales.

With his current strength, if he wants to kill the Immortal King who can teleport, he must seal off the space.


Once the Immortal King discovers something is wrong, he will directly use teleportation to escape, and no one can catch up!

"Weiss, turn off synchronous transmission." Chen Zong ordered.

In this battle, he had turned on synchronous transmission.

That is
  After killing the peak immortal purple long-haired king, he received 1000 trillion military merits. The military merit quota arranged by the Virtual Universe Company has been completed.

"Master, synchronous transmission has been turned off." Weiss's voice sounded.

"Yeah." Chen Zong nodded slightly.

Just as he was about to leave.


The aliens appeared one after another, and in the blink of an eye, eighteen alien kings were standing in the sky.

"The Chiyong Clan, the Kawu Clan, the Starlight Clan, the Blood Flower Clan, the Wumengkan Clan, and the Chishu Clan." At a glance, Chen Zong recognized these foreign ethnic groups, and they all belonged to the Zerg camp.


None of them are immortal kings of the Zerg.


Chen Zong felt that the surrounding space was blocked.

In the sky.

The eighteen alien kings looked at each other.

"This human king is so strange. Who among you knows him?" asked a Chiyong king who was about 8 meters tall, had a head that resembled a crocodile head, and had a black turtle shell.

The most powerful people at the peak of human kingship are very famous and well known by many foreign races.

This king of the Chiyong clan knows many powerful human kings, but he doesn't know the one in front of him.

If you can figure out your identity and know the tricks to become famous, it will be much easier to deal with them.

"do not know."

"Maybe it's the hidden strength of human beings."

"No matter who he is, we have so many kings, can we still let him escape?"

"Yes, that's right. Even if the human king sends a message for help, which human king would dare to come to support him?"

Under normal circumstances, when asking for help, you will tell others the strength level of your opponent.

and so.

When other human camp kings learn that there are 18 powerful enemies who are at least as high as kings, they will never accept the invitation.

"By the way, didn't I say that the Master of the Secret Sword Realm is here? Where are the people?" The king of the Kawu clan, who is about 15 meters tall and whose torso looks like it is made of alloy at first glance, asked doubtfully.

"He must have been taken into the world ring by the human king. If you want to kill the master of the Secret Sword Realm, you must kill this human king first." said a foreigner whose whole body was covered by green vines.

"Then what are you waiting for?" The three-headed Mengqiu clan looked at Chen Zong and shouted, "Kill!"


The Immortal of the Mengqiu Clan was not reckless, but he knew that this human king had just killed a Purple Sword King at the peak of the title, and he and the Purple Sword King were at the same level of power.

The human king can kill the Purple Sword King, so naturally he can be killed.

and so.

He could only ask 17 other allies to take action together.

Although, the military merit obtained will be much less.

  This human king and the Master of the Crafty Sword Realm have treasures on their bodies, which are enough for them to share.

Six immortals from the Mengqiu, Chiyong, and Wumengkan tribes who were good at soul attacks instantly unleashed soul attacks with immortal divine power.

The soul attack instantly traveled through space and bombarded Chen Zong.

Fortunately, the bronze mask has extremely strong soul defense capabilities. It weakened 99% of the soul attack immediately. The remaining one entered Chen Zong's sea of ​​consciousness and was easily annihilated by the golden magical mountain.

"Huh? The soul attack is ineffective!" The eyes of the Mengqiu Clan King Feng lit up.

Able to block the soul attacks of six peak kings, this human king definitely has soul-type defensive treasures on his body. If he can obtain this treasure, he can go further on the road of soul.

The other five kings had the same thoughts as the Mengqiu kings, and they all regarded the possible soul defense treasure as a must-have.


"Crack, crack, crack~~" The sword was wrapped with thunder and lightning, like a thunder god descending from the sky, striking at Chen Zong.

"Phew!" A condensed starlight left a trail in mid-air and cut towards Chen Zong.

"Boom!" A giant flaming palm struck Chen Zong.

Countless blood-colored petals cut open the space and floated towards Chen Zong.

18 alien kings were granted immortality, each showing their abilities.

At this time.

  The blue water curtain is centered on Chen Zong and expands outward.


The weak water occupied the void, and the blue ocean blocked all the attacks of the alien king Immortal, and at the same time submerged all the alien kings.

"Is this the rare treasure owned by human kings?" The alien kings in the weak water were shocked.

Although they know that the human king has a rare treasure, they don't know what the rare treasure is.

just now.

They got it.

This ocean is that rare treasure that can block space.

The extremely powerful space binding force makes many high-ranking foreign races find it difficult to move.


I also felt that the flow of time was a bit chaotic, and there were even times when time stood still.

"This sea water is actually a valuable treasure!" An extremely powerful person from the Blood Flower Clan who was crowned king showed excitement in his eyes as he recognized the nature of the sea water.

"I didn't expect that just to complete the mission assigned by the Zerg, I would encounter such an opportunity. I am really lucky."

Among the 18 foreigners who have been crowned kings, he is the only one who is extremely powerful.

and so.

He has regarded this treasure of sea water as his trophy.

  The Blood Flower Tribe was crowned king, took out a blood-red treasure that resembled a lotus, and then stepped into the center of the lotus.


The impact of weak water on him is almost negligible.

"Trapped, strangled." Chen Zong controlled the weak water and began to attack these alien kings.

Countless time and space chains appeared out of thin air, with one end rooted in weak water and the other as sharp as a sword.

  These time and space chains turned into water dragons, sharp swords and dragon heads, circling around to form whirlpools, rushing towards the alien king.

"If you want to survive, don't keep it anymore!" the blood flower tribe's king said in a message, "especially you high-ranking kings."

Hearing the words of the Blood Flower Clan’s king.


All the alien kings erupted with a powerful aura, and 18 spaces vibrated at the same time, causing the flow of weak water to stagnate slightly. At this moment, the alien kings broke free from their restraints.

In the middle of the weak water, Chen Zong frowned.


It is simply not feasible to control so many alien kings at once.


There is actually another one, completely unrestricted.

"That bloody lotus must be a valuable treasure, too." Chen Zong guessed as he looked at the bloody lotus at the feet of the Blood Flower Tribe's King.

At this time.

The alien kings who broke free from the restraints carried swords, swords, controlled telekinetic weapons, split the chains and swords, and came towards Chen Zong.

(End of this chapter)

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